Very rare red tires. Seen? ( Very rare glitches.)
This happened on single player. Ai racing. Random setups.

I had LFS on background and when I opened LFS window. I found this.

I saved replay, I watched replay, but no red tires is found out anymore. Wanted to share, in case if you have found out something similar.

EDIT: The picture is not edited. Raw Shift+S shot!

EDIT2: I have custom tyrewalls and modificated textures. But that won't explain red tires at all.
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Did you ue some mod?

It may be a memory malfunction (but to do this it must change at least 24 addresses)

Attachment show modded red tires Wink
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Only .dds custom textures, but no single mods at all.

I guess it might be a memory malfunctioning as I had LFS on background having a single player race on.
i recreated this thing twice

the first time i did not have time to make a screenshot, red tires only blinked for me

the second time i taked a screenshot, but the tires were white (see attachment)

make a race you and 1 AI. Spectate AI (or your car), minimize the game / alt + tab, do something else, preferably'll play another game. after some time back to LFS
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Nice one. I am however, failed to reproduce this. But seems it is more like a glitch than actual bug. Interested tho if can make it further. ( Blue tires lol)

Edit: I try next like 2hr random ai race.
What OS?
I alt-tab a lot between LFS and other stuff when watching replays or so, and never happend.
Quote from Gutholz :What OS?
I alt-tab a lot between LFS and other stuff when watching replays or so, and never happend.

Windows 7 SP1 x64
Quote from Gutholz :What OS?
I alt-tab a lot between LFS and other stuff when watching replays or so, and never happend.

Seems it happens more like having an actual live local single player race than from replays, though why not it would not happen in replays as well?
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#10 - Eric
Photoshopped! Smile
It happened to me too, when LFS was idling Rofl

No way Vic! Big grin
I have not managed to make similar happening on multiplayer though or any kind of replays. Just single player, let the ai do their stuff while LFS is in background, when they are finished in some point, look LFS again and... tadaa!

I will in somepoint make even more further tests. After all, this came up by accident, so let's see how far it can be abused, if possible.

EDIT: And yes, it is NOT photoshopped. I am pretty sure there is plausible explanation of this.
It happens when a car is sat idle for a while (easy on a cruise server Smile). When it moves it will be updated after a short distance. I suspect it's something related to shadows as this only appeared in the last release (+ test patches)
oh, it happens on multiplayer too? I have never got that in there even though I have been idle and occurred like you mentioned.