The online racing simulator
LFSLazy - dashboards addons
(150 posts, started )
There is no diesel cars in LFS Tongue
There was a project with a golf 3 tdi dash,but i dont know if it had finished..and i usually tweak TDIs for myselfBig grin
Hello, what are you using goys to create the dashboards?
I want to create my own dash but in photoshop is hard with layers.
I use MSPaint and make the derpiest dashes ever. But, most of the time i add stuff using LFSLazy
Quote from LFS Marius LFS :Hello, what are you using *guys* to create the dashboards?
[...] photoshop is hard with layers.

Photoshop, Gimp or any editor(s) that can handles layers. Don't worry about messing with layers it's just a matter of practice.

It's also better to use 512x512 workspace in the first place. You just have resize after .png export using "Resample Image (Bicubic Sharper)" you'll get smoother end result.
(image size menu shortcut: ctrl+alt+i)

I'll provide a generic psd template for XFG dashboard asap (along with some other things).

You can practice with pre-made gauges (see links in #53).
can i have it looks amazing i need it!Thumbs up
any progress vortech?
Slowly going back to it. I had some hard times recently.


-XFG template is close to be done.
-Documentation for in-game editor isn't.
-Got a few requests to finish.
-Also, I need to carry on unfinished projects.

Now, something that should have been released a while earlier...

FZ5 - F430 Scuderia Stock version & small updates coming soon.

(as always, look post #2)
Quote from asyed :So, I modified R@fiXII's LX gauges. Nothing much but small tweaks, engine damage, clutch damage, and shift up no longer overlap, new "0" rpm range, time display, and tweaked positions of other things. May upload soon, if I can get his permission soon.
I now have his permission
Again, LX4 and LX6 are same.
I give huge credit to him, I'm too lazy to make gauges MYSELF with lfsLAZY <-- Big grin

*snipped for readability*

Good modification, but my only complaint is there is no MPH speedo.
Quote from blueshift1980 :Good modification, but my only complaint is there is no MPH speedo.

The original version had no MPH speedo. Anyways, I suggest u download the GT86 gauges now, as i use them instead. That was just a thing so i could have custom lx gauges without having them somewhat glitchy
(530d 218) DELETED by 530d 218 : gereksiz
Some people ask for "dieselisitic" rev range? whatever floats their boat...
Here is a quick "EK" edit for XFG (preview(s) and 240 kph/150 mph coming in a few):

finnally something i've been trying to find a lot of months.TNX DUDE YOU ROCK!
Quote from 100krat : 100krat quote

Demo racer cracked to get s2 content and using VOB mods, asking for a dashboard for FXR and FXO. Also probably a tweaker...Seems legit.

Oh, you forgot to add: "I have an s2 account" or "My brother has an s2 account".
No))) I'm sell the license. Game offline/
Uploading my gauges, since they are no longer the default's one on LFSLazy, and several people already asked me for it:


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Quote from nacim :Uploading my gauges, since they are no longer my default on LFSLazy, and several people already asked me for it:



Wahh so nice, I Love it!!!
thanks for the download!!
Hey vortech, u there (bump)
Well, I'm lurking.

Seriously, I'm barely out of what you would call a ****storm and hope to be able to make a real comeback "soon". (read: "as soon" as possible)

Can someone do this board? for fxo o rb4 thanks!
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(korusaf) DELETED by Scawen : demo racer with licensed content
(korusaf) DELETED by Scawen : demo racer with licensed content
(CozmicDragon) DELETED by Scawen : replies to deleted posts
(BeNoM) DELETED by Scawen : replies to deleted posts
#123 - SLV
Dashboard GTR
(1303s_vortech) DELETED by 1303s_vortech
For some reason I can't get the dashboards to work. All I get is a message that says "LFSLazy Dashboard - Scene not found."

Any idea what could be wrong?
Big request!
hello guys i think it is a little too late to ask something here but can someone please do a RAC,UFR,XRR,FXR,FBM,FOX,F08 and BF1 dashboards? those are the ones that i didn't find it on this topic and i know that it is a big request and will take a long time to be completed, it will make me very happy!! Big grin (sorry for my bad english still learning...)

LFSLazy - dashboards addons
(150 posts, started )