The online racing simulator
XRT the "private" drift setup
(22 posts, started )
XRT the "private" drift setup
Ok, because so much elitism in lfs drift community by old players, I'd like to share their "secret" to any new player wishing to improve.Basically they all use the same setup, if you ever saw someone drift good and asked him to SS and he said "sorry its private", theres like 90% chance he's using this set.The only specific part is the suspension and the LSD, its made so you can do slow transition.If you are not on wheel use 6.5 button force and always tap the gas/brake so you dont get outside of your path.

And remember, its always pathetic to say "its private" )))
Attached files
XRT_pro.set - 132 B - 8602 views
The drifting community is 90% composed of elitists, so I'm not surprised.

Thank you for sharing this anyway, even though I'm not that into drifting.
This so called "elite" has already shared a ton of setups (obviously all similar), except for skins, there's no real privacy going around. You can find quite a lot of setups all around the internet.. Just to show only a few and make you look a little dumb, check youtube: (decription)
The links you posted are all bad locked diff setups, I dont see how similar they are with a set made specifically for smooth transitions(LSD+suspension) and to shoot your car forward(if you are giving throttle) during transition so you can catch as chase(and opposite when leading),
not to mention used by the best "drifters" in live for speed

Yea I usually like to also call others dumb if they dont wanna waste their time with crap setups downloaded from youtube.
Too bad for you then, because these are as a "pro setup" as you define it can be.
#6 - BeNoM
Quote from TwinySkyline :--------------

Video with VOB mods.

Quote from taipalsaari :Yea I usually like to also call others dumb if they dont wanna waste their time with crap setups downloaded from youtube.

> Grijkee

> Crap setup

Pick one.
"Video with VOB mods."

Its best video on youtube showing how to set up car for drifting,so you will completly ignore content and scream VOB? chill
#8 - BeNoM
Quote from neonmateo :"Video with VOB mods."

Its best video on youtube showing how to set up car for drifting,so you will completly ignore content and scream VOB? chill

1. You're the only screaming, calm down my child.

2. Media of VOB mods are strictly against forum rules, good video or not.
There's no need to wave around a war flag between "childs" and some internet officiers, the post has been edited, my bad.
Hi, and thx a lot !
I'm so surprise with lfs "news", i just come back to LFS after around 10 years, and i just see the infernoteam setup base is... desactivated :'(:'(:'(:'( thank you !
Quote from mickey669 :Hi, and thx a lot !
I'm so surprise with lfs "news", i just come back to LFS after around 10 years, and i just see the infernoteam setup base is... desactivated :'(:'(:'(:'( thank you !
thanks Smile
illuminati confirmed lol. No but seriously if this setup like you say, give you an advantage in serious competitions, why would you hand it out left and right? It's the same deal as WR setups in the hotlaps..

Anyway, good on ya sharing the setup, but there is nothing wrong with a bit of integrity with your setup collection. Giving someone a setup is doing them a favour, and many noobs who come on don't even greet you before they start asking for setups. That might be a reason they don't get any good setups lol.

Sorry for bump
Being a lot more experienced in sets for drift now, I might aswell upload good sets I got for mouse and wheel. I just need to separate them in 1 zip and explain what all are for. This setup isnt that good actually.Also the whole competition thing in lfs is just drift elitism.Anyone can drift on videogames.(almost the same thing applies in real life as its something learn-able)
Quote from taipalsaari :This setup isnt that good actually.

I thought you said this was the gr8 secret setup that all the pros use lmfao

Quote from taipalsaari :Also the whole competition thing in lfs is just drift elitism.

Ok pal, who cares. Just throw down and ignore the "elitists".. Drifting is just as much a source of having fun as it is a competitive thing.

Quote from taipalsaari :Anyone can drift on videogames.(almost the same thing applies in real life as its something learn-able)

No, not everyone can drift nicely in videogames. Just because anyone can learn to do it doesn't mean anyone can do it. By that logic anyone can do anything. Does that mean I can fly a space-ship? Cus that's also learn-able. I don't understand your logic, nor your point here. You sound pretty salty to me.

But by all means, hand out setups for days. Just stop whinging about the drift elitism pls
Quote from pärtan :noobs who come on don't even greet you before they start asking for setups.

I have to agree with this. Haven't been playing much lately but just highlighting name and saying ss doesn't really make you want to send your setup since most likely he'll just shrug it off and not even say thanks for it. I do have a "private" drift set I want to keep private just because other people would start running max rear ride height and failing around as it needs a slightly different driving style to handle it.

LFS setup sharing is unique in a way, and I like how it works, though. The ability to send setups to others with ease is something other sims should take note from, and I've yet to see a setup sharing system that would even come close.
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :if good or no good. i have no idea. find the pack. it has around 6-7000 setups in it. cheers minibump

What the!? 6-7000 setups jesus christ lol. That's probably enough setups to cover every possible setup you can make with the setup editor.
For the drift community, this is the best setup out of there, just learn to not use full lock and you have fast drift setup, not like the other ones that just slide slowly around, use cold tires for fast speed drift, i have t300rs and this is the only setup that feels realistic.
Quote from pärtan : Does that mean I can fly a space-ship? Cus that's also learn-able.

Guess you mean space shuttle Smile even astronauts need to go through a checklist from a manual/book similar to airline pilots do for take off. He is partly correct that anyone may be able to learn to drift but the same with singing it is not just the "being able" to do it that makes people successful or as successful as pro's, that is when you have that little something that makes you more special
Thanks Smile)

XRT the "private" drift setup
(22 posts, started )