After many years of good service,all good things reaches it's end - due MHS servers closing down,Race Green Events now is in need for a new host. RGE organizes semi-weekly funrace RTFR and it's spin-off event,the monthly RTFR-XL. Also in plans the 3rd season of V8 Racing League,starting late summer and the 7th season of AWD Winter Series. Worth to mention of course - the X-mas derby event "This is Crashmaaas !!!" held in traditional date 26th december.
Many years all these events were held in MHS hosted servers for a "price of a sandwich",now it's time to search for new home. This is where all interested hosters can offer their services,sponsored or paid - it's up to the offer. What we need currently is 1 server starting early june:
* 24/7 uptime (actual load practically only during events)
* full remote control of host ([re]starting/editing cfg files/uploading layouts/storing and downloading mpr)
* aditional insim software (preferably Airio)
* long term service
If everything works fine,2nd server will also be rented later in summer (for leagues like VERL/AWS).
Race Green Events hopes there are still good service providers out there,hopefully we can find a good deal soon - feel free to make your offers,suggestions,tips - any help appreciated!
Race Green Events