Layout name is now shown when race starts.
Wind and weather effects are fixed for specific layout.
Timeboards functions properly
New, high detailed layout added: Sabutnik!
Will the server be S3 permanently after that or just in some cases? Also, will we have S3 rounds? I'm not sure everyone has S3 in this league so some people might not be able to attend all rounds.
Yes and yes. Actually, it was in some point about 60% of all people who have joined, has S3, and after update, I know for sure at least 2 people will update their account to one.
I assume now the amount of S3-licensed are much, much smaller, compared to S2 counterparts. However, major people has S3, counted from people who occassionally/sometimes appears to come back, spending time for race or two, or even just being curious about what kind of layout is this.
It was supposed to be S3-server since the start, but due the InSim and coder's request, we did select S2 first. ( It also had another reason for it, but no one does remember it anymore, HAH! )
And top of all this, Rockingham offers quite interesting layout ideas. Only downside is that it is ridiculously small area. So making full throttle layouts will be hard time to accomplish one!
According to Rockingham, it's size area is changed, so that means there will be big change to Rockingham version of Edgelands...
I think that same thing happened to Rockingham as well as Westhill in past @ test patch ( which did converrted back on next test patch ).
However, Rockingham did not converted back, so that means it's size area is even smaller. That did also kill instantly 7 new layouts which would be added to server. Now it won't happen, so new amount of layouts to be added in MTDZX Flat Out! will be 7. ( 14 was planned ) Sorry.
EDIT: Positive thing however is, that I never did publish them or never been used online, so it is NOT THAT big deal, nothing is really lost, only time is wasted. Have to check if I can see I will convert them to
use other environment, but will take time and inspiration again.
EDIT2: On blue dots, you see original area, two additional cyan dots shows where the new area is stricted. That means two blue dots on right side will be vanished, including 7 other layouts.
EDIT3: Now you would think that "Isn't that change pretty small?". Yes, it is very small and as I said, it is indeed not that big deal, but according the space how small area Rockingham is already, now even smaller, it does not help much really changing small area even smaller. Sure, I have started to predict and expect changes will happen and all I have to do is accept and start doing over again something new.
There has been rumors and some talk about changes according to Rockingham will come again. Honestly I am fine with that as long as map area won't get even smaller. That will definitely prevent having some full throttle racing in this area drastically, only oval/ovals could be available.
I will wait and see, but now, there will be less than planned. Pity, Rockingham is in my opinion one of the coolest environments to make layouts, being it from border to border, or just small rally-like, or anything between that.
EDIT4: Oh by the way, server is now S3-side! More info coming soon in both to the series and here as well.
By the way, due the several things happened in other servers, this server is getting people nearly all the time, so now, if you are looking some racing with full throttle with people on, here is now your chance.