Iv'e been trying real hard to get the LFS community to be warmer and behave like civilized human beings but clearly most of them want nothing of the sort which is a damn same but you know theres no point when mods and devs take sides so if the LFS community wants to "kill" the game they claim to be fond of (which is a load of B.S i know now is lies as proof by my attempts) then i say let it die, theres only so much one can do before realizing that due to over inflated ego's and ignorance it's like trying stay warm in the north poll, you can build a fire but the cold never ends, so i'll leave it be.
If just one person showed even the fainest interest it would of givin me hope and restored my faith in the growth of LFS but sadly they are ether to scared to stand up against or there is no such thing, so i have lost all faith in this simulation game that could of been great or the best, which is heart breaking because i see no discipline (which is a key factor in racing) so this is me saying do what you want "you can take a horse to the water but you can't make it drink"
when i first found LFS i wondered why i had never heard of it before but all my questions have been answered so i shall ask no more.
the reason this post is here is to make sure all the baby's have no reason to cry about anything though i bet they'll find something like they always do.
PS: you can see how they all tried defending there primitive behaviour by looking at some of my posts in general discussion one of which struck so deep it was deleted, thats when you know that some people can't handle the truth because the other one was reported then locked "ikr" if someone feels the need to report a post that is in no way wrong then you know it's true, i mean one of them called me a troll
a TROLL!, i found that highly amusing (you have no idea) but words can only say so much, to see what this is about you can check out "general discussion" it's kinda funny the words they choose to try make me look like the bad guy, But everyone is entitled to their own opinion (you don't want to hear mine
) so have fun wile you still can i'll see you online in the servers 
Edit: forgot to thank all the negative nelly's because you know what they say "Haters make us famous"
If just one person showed even the fainest interest it would of givin me hope and restored my faith in the growth of LFS but sadly they are ether to scared to stand up against or there is no such thing, so i have lost all faith in this simulation game that could of been great or the best, which is heart breaking because i see no discipline (which is a key factor in racing) so this is me saying do what you want "you can take a horse to the water but you can't make it drink"
when i first found LFS i wondered why i had never heard of it before but all my questions have been answered so i shall ask no more.
the reason this post is here is to make sure all the baby's have no reason to cry about anything though i bet they'll find something like they always do.
PS: you can see how they all tried defending there primitive behaviour by looking at some of my posts in general discussion one of which struck so deep it was deleted, thats when you know that some people can't handle the truth because the other one was reported then locked "ikr" if someone feels the need to report a post that is in no way wrong then you know it's true, i mean one of them called me a troll

Edit: forgot to thank all the negative nelly's because you know what they say "Haters make us famous"