After getting many scriptrequests on PM and ingame. i think creating this thread is a nice idea for new Lapperusers.
In This thread you will find some examplecode that might be usefull for your lapper project.
#Start loop CASE "!loopon": $Loop_On = 1; globalmsg("execute sub Set_Loop()"); Set_Loop(); #Goto Set_Loop Sub-routine BREAK;
Sub Set_Loop() IF ($Loop_On == 1) THEN #Get list of players sorted by Username $Racers = GetListOfPlayers("U"); FOREACH( $Var IN $Racers ) #For each player in the server #$Var["value"] = Username openButton( $Var["value"], "speed",175,124,25,5,5,2,96,"^7" . GetPlayerVar( $Var["value"], "InstantSpeed") . " " . GetPlayerVar( $Var["value"], "UnitSpeed")."^8 (".GetPlayerVar( $Var["value"], "Car").")"); DelayedCommand( 1, Set_Loop); #1 second delay ENDFOREACH ENDIF EndSub ?>