The online racing simulator
Login System
(6 posts, closed, started )
Login System
Hello I need the introduction about the entry system.
The code I have created to see the information of the users who are registered to Servere is not working. Please correct or please help me

This Startup Code
CASE "!editrecord":
IF( UserInGroup( "admin", $userName ) == 1 )
Manage_registions ( $KeyFlags,$id );
PrivMsg( "^1Bu komut icin yetkiniz bulunmamaktadir!");

End Code

Sub Manage_registion ( $KeyFlags,$id )
IF ( $register_store_method == "number" )
FOR ($i=0;$i<$register_counter;$i=$i+1)
$username_array[1,$i] = GetStoredValue( "logon_username_" . $i );
$logon_code_array[1,$i] = GetStoredValue( "logon_code_" . $i );
$logon_password_array[1,$i] = GetStoredValue( "logon_password_" . $i );

IF ( $rows_displayed == 0 )
### Set left/right and top/bottom coordinates ###
### End ###

openPrivButton( "manage_regs_bg",$left_right_conf_reg,$top_bottom_conf_reg,97,67,5,-1,16,"" );
openPrivButton( "manage_regs_title",$left_right_conf_reg+1,$top_bottom_conf_reg+1,95,5,5,-1,32,"^7Kayitli kullanicilar paneli Emirhan Pala " );

openPrivButton( "manage_regs_subtitle_1",$left_right_conf_reg+1,$top_bottom_conf_reg+11,28,5,5,-1,96,"^2LFS User Name" );
openPrivButton( "manage_regs_subtitle_2",$left_right_conf_reg+29,$top_bottom_conf_reg+11,28,5,5,-1,96,"^2Account name:" );
openPrivButton( "manage_regs_subtitle_3",$left_right_conf_reg+57,$top_bottom_conf_reg+11,28,5,5,-1,96,"^2Account Password:" );
openPrivButton( "manage_regs_subtitle_4",$left_right_conf_reg+85,$top_bottom_conf_reg+11,11,5,5,-1,96,"^2Edit:" );


FOR ($i=$total_rows_displayed;$i<$register_counter;$i=$i+1)
IF ( $rows_displayed < 9 )
openPrivButton( "manage_regs_account_".$i,$left_right_conf_reg+1,$top_bottom_conf_reg,28,5,5,-1,96,"^7" . $username_array[1,$i] );
openPrivButton( "manage_regs_logon_code_".$i,$left_right_conf_reg+29,$top_bottom_conf_reg,28,5,5,-1,96,"^7" . $logon_code_array[1,$i] );
openPrivButton( "manage_regs_logon_password_".$i,$left_right_conf_reg+57,$top_bottom_conf_reg,28,5,5,-1,96,"^7" . $logon_password_array[1,$i] );
openPrivButton( "manage_regs_edit_".$i,$left_right_conf_reg+85,$top_bottom_conf_reg,11,5,5,-1,96,"^3Edit", Man_reg_edit );
openPrivButton( "manage_regs_next",$left_right_conf_reg+1,141,95,5,5,-1,32,"^3Next", Man_reg_next );

IF ( $total_rows_displayed == $register_counter )
openPrivButton( "manage_regs_close",$left_right_conf_reg+1,141,95,5,5,-1,32,"^3Close", Man_reg_close );

Sub Man_reg_edit ( $KeyFlags,$id )
IF ( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "account_edit" ) != "progress" )
$lfs_username=GetStoredValue( "logon_username_" . subStr( $id, 17, 6 ) );
$login_name=GetStoredValue( "logon_code_" . subStr( $id, 17, 6 ) );
$password=GetStoredValue( "logon_password_" . subStr( $id, 17, 6 ) );
$account_id=subStr( $id, 17, 6 );

Man_reg_close( $KeyFlags,$id );

### Set left/right and top/bottom coordinates ###
### End ###
Dear unofficial player,

We wont help you, because looks like you are a unofficial player. A register system isn't necessary for servers, as each player has his own login on LFS. A system like what you request is most used on cracked servers, where there's no way to control the access by "usernames".

Please consider buying a licence. I will be glad to provide the link of my store:

I'm an official reseller and can provide you a brand new S2/S3 for a cheap price.

We, LFS official community, will be happy to assist you when you get a real demo account or a license.

Quote from burogok :Hello I need the introduction about the entry system.
The code I have created to see the information of the users who are registered to Servere is not working. Please correct or please help me

The code you have created? Taped Shut
Are you 100% sure of that? Confused

As it very much looks like the code I have written for the Registration system:

The only thing you seem to have written, are some translations for messages and buttons and the !editrecord case, which shouldn't be needed if you are using the Registration system as that function is already build into the code.

I like to hear what isn't working (please show errors in logfile or some screenshots, as much information as you have) and I will try to help, but please, don't say it's your code anymore.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :The code you have created? Taped Shut
Are you 100% sure of that? Confused

As it very much looks like the code I have written for the Registration system:

The only thing you seem to have written, are some translations for messages and buttons and the !editrecord case, which shouldn't be needed if you are using the Registration system as that function is already build into the code.

I like to hear what isn't working (please show errors in logfile or some screenshots, as much information as you have) and I will try to help, but please, don't say it's your code anymore.

I am sorry :/
Quote from Yisc[NL] :The code you have created? Taped Shut
Are you 100% sure of that? Confused

As it very much looks like the code I have written for the Registration system:

The only thing you seem to have written, are some translations for messages and buttons and the !editrecord case, which shouldn't be needed if you are using the Registration system as that function is already build into the code.

I like to hear what isn't working (please show errors in logfile or some screenshots, as much information as you have) and I will try to help, but please, don't say it's your code anymore.

Funny thing... People like you still helping cracker's. Oh god, why Face -> palm
Quote from Skinzinho :Funny thing... People like you still helping cracker's. Oh god, why Face -> palm

Please see the private message I send you and let us keep the conversation about this matter in private as it won't help this section in any way to debate about it in public. Thank you.
Since the OP hasn't asked for any more help, I will close this thread now.
This thread is closed

Login System
(6 posts, closed, started )