The online racing simulator
Drift+Scorer (by Pereulok)
(34 posts, started )
Drift+Scorer (by Pereulok)
Sorry for any errors, the text is translated by means of google-translator with minor edits, I did not know English very well.

I know, the Pereulok has a bad reputation in this community, despite the fact that he has never advocated to crack/unlock and cheating. But now Pereulok closed, and some of popular servers running here by popular demand. One of them I present to you. I am sure many of you are already familiar with it - yes, I've seen a lot of licensed players in a Pereulok servers Wink

All the systems were calibrated and licked from the years of existence of the server. Unlike most servers with point counters in that server administrators monitor cheaters, fake records are deleted and dishonest players are banned.

We are accustomed to the fact that the server have a lot of people of different nationalities, so do not call and do not tolerate racist prejudices and requirements to use only one specific language of communication. In any case, remember that the native language of the server - russian and If you can not stand Russian - please Humble.

InSim-mod translated into 8 languages ​​thanks to our players. If your language is absent on the server, you can take part in the development of server and create a translation for him.

The essence of the server - drifting on autocross tracks-layouts, with the calculation of points for drifting and (optional) twin. All available commands you can see by typing !help. Rules are available on the !rules. For convenience, most of the teams duplicated shortened version (like !rules = !r, !vote = !v), and the main menu with a records table and statistics displayed by Shift + I.

One of the main features of the server - the opportunity to vote for a change of track-layouts players on request, even if there is no administrator on the server. Command !vote (!next, !v) will start voting for change of the current track on random (currently stored on the server one hundred the choicest tracks that have been adapted as much as possible for the server). If you already have some favorite track, you can start voting for a particular track "!vote %track_name%". List of all tracks with the teams ready to insert the server can be found here:

Try your skills against the best drifters of Pereulok! And do not forget to try out the system of twin, for it is a separate table of records.

Original text in Russian:
Spoiler - click to revealЯ знаю, Переулок имеет дурную славу в данном сообществе, несмотря на то, что он никогда не пропагандировал взлом и нечестные виды игры. Но теперь Переулок закрыт, и несколько его самых популярных серверов по многочисленным просьбам запущены здесь. Один из них я и представляю вам. Уверен, многие из вас с ним уже знакомы - да, я видел многих игроков, имеющих лицензию, на серверах Переулка Wink

Так же я видел несколько попыток спародировать и скопировать InSim-мод сервера. Я достаточно нескромен чтобы назвать наш мод отличным, пусть и не идеальным. За долгие годы существования сервера все системы были вылизаны и откалиброваны. В отличие от большинства серверов с подсчетом очков за дрифт на этом сервере администраторы следят за накрутчиками и читерами, фальшивые рекорды удаляются а нечестные игроки банятся.

Мы привыкли к тому, что на сервере много людей самых разных национальностей, потому не призываем и не потерпим расистских предубеждений и требований использовать только один определенный язык общения. На всякий случай помните, что родной язык сервера - русский, и если Русские вам неприятны - пожалуйста, смиритесь.

InSim-мод переведен на 8 языков благодаря нашим игрокам. Если вашего языка на сервере нет, вы можете принять участие в развитии сервера и создать для него свой перевод.

Суть сервера - дрифт на автокроссе по трассам-лейаутам, с подсчетом очков за дрифт и (опционально) твин. Все доступные команды Вы можете увидеть введя !help. Правила поведения на сервере доступны по команде !rules. Для удобства, большая часть команд дублируется укороченными вариантами, а основное меню с таблицей рекордов и статистикой выводится нажатием Shift + I.

Одна из главных особенностей сервера - возможность проголосовать за смену трассы-лейаута по желанию игроков, даже если на сервере нет ни одного администратора. Команда !vote (!next, !v) начнет голосование за смену текущей трассы на случайную (на данный момент на сервере хранится ни много ни мало - сотня отборных трасс, которые были максимально адаптированы для сервера). Если у вас уже есть какая-то любимая трасса, вы можете начать голосование за конкретную трассу командой "!vote %track_name%". Список всех трасс с готовыми командами для вставки на сервер вы найдете здесь:

Попробуйте свои силы против лучших дрифтеров переулка! И не забудьте опробовать систему парных заездов, для неё ведется отдельная таблица рекордов.

Hello! I'm new to LFS and I tried joining your server multiple times last night and kept getting disconnected. The error was J00s-Car or Initial Sync Failed. IS there anything I need to download to play on your server? Thank you!
Quote from dezzs13 :Hello! I'm new to LFS and I tried joining your server multiple times last night and kept getting disconnected. The error was J00s-Car or Initial Sync Failed. IS there anything I need to download to play on your server? Thank you!

You'll need to go here to purchase a license. S1 will get you the TBO cars and a few new circuits, but the biggest feature for a lot of people is the ability to drive on custom layouts and utilise the layout tools, which is how all of these custom drift tracks are made.

For the best value, S2 gives you 11 more vehicles including open-wheelers and the powerful GTR cars and more circuits, including the now legendary Westhill Motorsports Park.
Pls link all layout names, because site no longer works!
edit: it works nvm
You can freely сhange any language and add a new if it is not on the server. You do not have to strictly follow a literal translation. You can come up own phrases if they are better suited in a particular situation. All files is TXT file.

// updated 26.11.2019

Prefix for encoding:
^L = Latin 1 (CP1252)
^G = Greek (ISO-8859- 7)
^C = Cyrillic (CP1251)
^J = Japanese (Shift-JIS)
^E = Central Europe (ISO-8859- 2)
^T = Turkish (ISO-8859- 9)
^B = Baltic (ISO-8859- 13)
^H = Traditional Chinese (CP936)
^S = Simpified Chinese (CP949)
^K = Korean (CP950)

^0 = black
^1 = red
^2 = green
I would probably check the website.
It has come under the category: "Malicious Websites".
Please can you make NLO [R] version on server? Thanks
Added Estonian and fixed Turkish languages, thanks guys.

Sorry for the long answer to PM, I am on a long working trip and do not have the opportunity to react quickly. If you have something to say, please write here in this thread. So the probability is that I will see your message.
Quote from Lexanom :Added Estonian and fixed Turkish languages, thanks guys.

Sorry for the long answer to PM, I am on a long working trip and do not have the opportunity to react quickly. If you have something to say, please write here in this thread. So the probability is that I will see your message.

Hello friend I updated a few (very few) lines and fixed some words - language Bulgarian.
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bg lang - 75.3 KB - 1462 views
thanx! Archive updated
Quote from Lexanom :thanx! Archive updated

Hey im sorry I had deleted a character and error appeared, I fixed it and added some additional translation.Im sorry again!
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bg lang fix v2.rar - 94.3 KB - 1183 views
If you have a favorite lays, or you like to create new tracks, send them to me, and if they satisfy the conditions of our server, I will gladly add them to the server.

1. The track must be a closed ring.
2. Intersections and cuts are inadmissible, the paths must be separated from each other by fences or forbidden zones so that drivers from one strip can not get into the oncoming lane, accidentally or intentionally, in order to exclude accidents and cheating records.
3. On the track can be only one entry, cars can get on the track only at one point, and it should be safe, the driver must have a good overview to avoid accidents when entry to track. It is advisable to make the entry sufficiently long to install a speed control zone there. This is necessary that drivers do not drove to the track at high speed, and to zeroing points before track (so that drivers can not cheat points outside and then cross the finish on the track).
4. The track must be original and interesting Smile

If desired, think up your lay name, that not to be another faceless "drift 72".
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Here you go Smile

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AU1_AdeNextLevel.lyt - 16 KB - 1256 views
hey ! its Sindre164 here pls unban me .. just got so pissed at that Luckas crasher dude
@Lexanom - request ban user "tom2000" - rammer, crasher, griefer, track-afk etc.

proof - replay

Another crasher this time with crash hack("suprahacker2001"), pls ban
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tom2000 rammer crasher lagger.mpr - 1.1 MB - 1238 views
ebisu north layout bug
that area encircled will reset your score after you passed the lap area and insim thinks that you've been there but its not
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Hello, why i'm banned from server, it says so i cant connect to server, but my friend checked under the bans and my name wasnt there.

Quote from erko987 :Hello, why i'm banned from server, it says so i cant connect to server, but my friend checked under the bans and my name wasnt there.


Hello. Check banlist:
You were banned after deleting the cheaters records
27.01.2018 18:09:50 - Erko987™ (erko987) : 50902 pts [AU1X_ebisu v2]

obtaining records dishonest means is prohibited and punished with ban for 7 days from the moment of detection
Please do not allow use/steal team tags
some stealers that i saw are listed here:
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Unfortunately, we do not have reliable lists that list players who are allowed to wear tags
Hi, can you please make sure you ban people with reason? i got banned for cheating scores even though i never cheat. Just because it's a high score doesn't mean people cheat to get it. there's plenty of people who can vouch for my scores, so I don't see how you can just ban someone without any proof.
Hi Add my Layaut "demisspeed"
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requesting a permanent ban for LFS usertag CX883. I've lost count how many times this kid has come and crashed everyone off, replay provided with proof.
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pls ban.mpr - 4.9 MB - 1166 views
Quote from Hooniganz99 :requesting a permanent ban for LFS usertag CX883. I've lost count how many times this kid has come and crashed everyone off, replay provided with proof.

+1 he needs a perma or ip ban

Drift+Scorer (by Pereulok)
(34 posts, started )