Hello Lapperusers,
I'm proud to release a new version of LFSLapper with some interesting features.
See the changelog below:
I'm proud to release a new version of LFSLapper with some interesting features.
See the changelog below:
|Changes from to|
-Editable DriftTop script !drf
-Editable UserTop script !usertop
-Delete Driftscore from database
-Delete Laptimes from database
-Create streets and get info of current street ID
-Updated Errormessages (ERR Files)
-Location Databases changed
-Deleted some old hardcoded functions
-Retrieve list of layouts from server
-RealTime DriftScore
-Several Fixes: LFSlapper Crashes,Typos,Old Bugs
01: Driftscore table is now editable. // drifttop.lpr
$list = getlisttopdrift( $argv,$flagQual,$flagNear ); #Get List from database
!drf command in LFSLapper.lpr
02: Usertop table is now editable. // usertop.lpr
$list = getlisttopuser( $value,$flagdesc,$flagNear,$filter ); #Get List from stored database
!usertop command in LFSLapper.lpr
03: New functions. Delete records from database (single one or all)
deletedriftrecords(); #Delete driftscores from current track
deletelaptimerecords(); #Delete laptime records from current track
-Delete a single record from current track: deletelaptimerecords(Username,Car)
-Delete a specific car from current track: deletelaptimerecords(-,Car)
-Delete a specific username from current track: deletelaptimerecords(username,-)
Commands can be found in: utils.lpr Bin/default/includes/utils.lpr
!dellr = Delete laptime record.
!deldr = Delete driftscore record.
04: New Function: Register Street Action
RegisterStreetAction( name of street,trackname,width of street,coordinates of street(separated by commas), callbackfunctionOnEnter,callbackfunctionOnLeave );
Callback command is executed when a street is entered or left by a player
RegisterStreetAction( Pitlane boulevard,WE1X,7,-201,233,-201,266,-202,316,-202,353,-202,389,-202,439,-202,487,-202,536,-201,561, EnterStreet, LeaveStreet );
On track WE1X, When Coordinate -201,233 is Reached the Sub EnterStreet is executed.
On track WE1X, When Coordinate -201,561 is Reached the Sub LeaveStreet is executed.
Patch for this function is created by Nick Axworthy.
05: New Playervars: according to the the new function above
06: Load Layout system
###How to get list of layouts###
-LFSLapper MUST be on the same machine as your LFSServer
-Set Path of layoutfolder in LFSLapper.LPR (Line 207) Example: $LayoutFolder = "C:\LFS_0.6R\data\layout";
-Type !LayoutList (in Utils.LPR) to open the list.
-List with layouts that are currently available on the server.
-No need to be a serveradmin anymore to load a layout(admin management)
-Number of layouts for current track
-Modification Date
-Creation Date
-Editable script like Usertop/DriftTop
###Script idea's##
-Possible to create a Layout rotator system.
-Create a favo layout window.
-Layout Vote system
07: Realtime Driftscore option
$RealTimeDriftScore = -1; Set 1 to enable this feature.
-This may have effect on Lapper performance with many player in the server.
-Do not use this with the buildin DriftMeter Scripts.
01: ErrorMessages updated.
Some examples:
OLD: "Incorrect args number in function: Functionname".
NEW: "Incorrect number of parameters in function: Functionname".
OLD: "Need int in 2nd parameter of: Functionname".
NEW: "2nd parameter of function: Functionname. is not a valid Integer value".
02: Location Databases changed.
-Created a map for the Grip & Drift & StoredValue Databases. You can find them in the 'Databases' folder (Bin/default/Databases)
03: Changed hardcoded visible records in Toplist/UserTop/Drifttop from 18 to 24
01: Lappercrash when LeaveZone/LeaveNode sub-routine is enabled.
02: Lappercrash when adminpass is wrong.
03: Typo in Playervars: GetPlayerVar();
OLD: IPAdress
NEW: IPAddress
OLD: DecimalIPAdress
NEW: DecimalIPAddress
04: Added few non-documented PlayerVars to the PlayerVar list
05: Undocumented Lapperfunction
-IsNum(); Check if a Playervar or other variable is a numeric value. (Returns 0 or 1)
#Function Fixes:
06: Round(Var,2) : Weird Errormessage when using it with stored Playervars from the database.
07: RemovePrivDelayedcommand() : Weird errormessage when using this function in the OnDisconnect Event.
01: Several Old hardcoded functions for DriftScoreTable and Usertop