Currently, I have a dell 4600. My motherboard has AGP 8x/4x/2x, socket 478, supports HT and 800mhz FSB. I currently have a 9600XT, and 2.8ghz P4 prescott, 533FSB. I was considering getting a new video card and cpu, before I just build a new computer altogether eventually. For a video card, I was thinking either a X800GTO 256MB, or a X1600PRO512MB. I am leaning more towards the X1600PRO. For a CPU, which I may not upgrade, I was thinking an HT, 3.0GHz 800FSB presscott. ... .asp?Item=N82E16814161005 ... .asp?Item=N82E16819116175
Of course, the other option is to get a new motherboard, and a new case, and then overclock the cpu. ... .asp?Item=N82E16814161005 ... .asp?Item=N82E16819116175
Of course, the other option is to get a new motherboard, and a new case, and then overclock the cpu.