The 3rd season of V8 Racing League is now complete and now we can do a season recap. Let's start with some figures - a total of 42 racers signed up,36 of them actually joined at least one round,but only 4 of them all 4 rounds. The total of 36 participants is 10 more than last season and 2 more than in 1st season. Before this season the most attended were rounds 1 and 2 of the 2015 season with 18 cars standing on grid,this year this number was smashed as round 1 gathered up 26 cars on the grid. Attendance dropped as always during season,reaching the low of just 7 cars in round 9 (the pesky FIA never consults us about schedules of their silly races

),averaging 16 racers per round this season - 3 more than in both previous seasons. The season went rather clean without any big incidents,noone was penalized.
Both previous seasons had very dominating leaders and when you look at final standings,you could get impression that it was the case also this year. But the reality was different - the champion of 2017 pulled his advantage during second half of the season when 2 of his best rivals did not attend anymore. Despite the reduced competition Y.Laprevotte still had to reach deep into his skills inventory for the title - he finished in podium positions in all 4 races,last 2 of them winning when starting from 2nd position on the grid. The defending champion A.Wiśniewski was on course to repeat the achievement also this year as he won 1st round and finished 2nd in 2nd round while he started from pole position in both rounds,but he did not attend other 2 rounds,still ending in 2nd place in final standings. Altsu did not attended 1st round,was classified just 10th in 2nd round,but finished 2nd in remaining 2 rounds with 3 bonus points collected on the way - so the winner of last year's final round finished 3rd in final standings for the 2nd year in row. The winner of 1st season's final round finished 4th in final standings,finishing in top6 in all 3 rounds,but never making it to the podium - Rony upgraded last years final position by 4 positions. Botsi was 3rd highest rated candidate for championship title before final round,but also skipped it and ended 5th in final standings. He qualified 2nd in both rounds he took part and won one of them.
The decision of Teams Championship was tied together with decision of Drivers Championship - Tiger Express Motorsports ended leading the table by relatively high advantage over defending champions - Vires Racing was represented by only one driver,still finished 2nd. The team of series 3rd best racer Teho GP also finished 3rd in the standings.
For the 3rd year in row Finland wins the Nations Cup - again without domination but still without much doubts. Represented only by Drivers Champion,2nd best country is Greenland with Poland finishing 3rd in the nations based competition.
Race Green Events sends thanks to all racers joining V8 Racing League and we hope you found the racing fun you were searching for. Unless something major happens,the league should be back for it's 4th season in early autumn of next year,but until then RGE still offers various racing to all racing fans. RTFR and RTFR-XL will continue until bitter end,while also 7th season of the All-wheel-drive Winter Series is planned - more details on latter should be posted in december. While talking about 7th - there should be also 7th annual X-mas derby known as "This is Crashmaaas !!!" in it's usual date - the 26th of december,which this year falls in tuesday,making tuesday fun radically different from the one seen usually during rest of the year.
See you on track!