Live for Speed S2 not unlocking? [solved]
Recently, I bought the Live for Speed S2 pass, and whenever I try to unlock it, it gives me, "Unlock Error 1."

I am not completely sure of what is causing this, but it might have to do with something about my installation. Why I say that is because my hard drive is tiny (29 GB) and I don't have much space (obviously), so my installation for Live for Speed actually isn't complete, but it still has all demo content. The installer had an error writing in the "C:\LFS\data\wld" folder on the file "RO.lgh".

If it is the issue, can someone link a zip download or something containing the files of the wld folder? And, if possible, all content that was supposed to be installed after the wld folder?

Not to mention that I have tried everything in "Master Server Connection Problems? (link: ) and nothing worked. Besides, I seem to have a good connection with the master server (as I have played demo multiplayer likely more than a hundred times without much error).

I'd highly appreciate if someone could give me a solution, because I didn't want to spend 32$/24 pounds on a game that doesn't work properly.

Note: I am currently using the latest version of Windows 10, if that helps.
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The game works properly, if you only install it partly due to space problems then the problem might be space, isn't it? Remove the installation, free up more space and install again.

LFS is portable so it can be on an external drive like a SD card or USB stick. But if you use the installation on another machine you need to unlock the installation again.
I am aware that it works properly, and that the problem is space. I can't free anymore space on my computer, I've tried system resets and it only freed up like 5 GB for a duration of a couple of hours, then being back to "221 MB available."

Now, to the actual game. For me it will not install on external drives, it has errors extracting for some reason.

I have tried running the actual setup on an external drive, but it had errors extracting, and not due to space.

A theory might be that it can't access the content that it's unlocking, because not all files in the WLD folder are installed? (the only wld file is Blackwood, if you noticed, and the unlockable content isn't there)
I'm asking for a straight Google Drive link or some way that someone can copy their WLD folder and link it to me so that I can test. This is because, for some reason, when I start the installation half a gigabyte of space instantly vanishes, and then it installs about 1.7 GB more files, resulting in, "Error extracting: RO.lgh" due to missing space.

And, when the installer "finishes," about a gigabyte frees back up. That is why I can't simply rerun the installer.

try using program like WinRAR or 7zip to extract .exe file on external drive. You can then use these files to play the game portable or copy needed ones to directory where your LFS is installed.
And make sure your .exe file is downloaded correctly.
** Best answer **
If you are low on diskspace I recommend to do this;

2) removing all cache of internet browser(s) .. You can do this in the settings menu of the browser
or 2) installing Glary Utilities (it's a free handy utility box) and doing that job for you, it also cleans various other temporarily files.
3) decrease pagefile.sys size ( )

And after you have all done this, do the installation. I do not think the unlocking fails because of missing wld files by the way.
Okay, I will try that.
Thanks! I freed up a lot of space (Garry's Mod hint hint) and now LFS is working... time to reinstall GMod xD. Jokes aside, I am now able to use S2. Big grin
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