The online racing simulator
LFS Dcon problem
(12 posts, started )
LFS Dcon problem
Uh... ye. I just portfowarded everything in my router that is needed:
- 29999 TCP/UDP
- 63392 TCP/UDP

Now i began to set up host name and track. (Track = AU1X)
Starting the DCON and... Unavaliable track..

Help me ;-;
Have you set the correct mode?

Using: /mode=s2

Mode can be value: demo, s1, s2 or s3
Now it throws InSIM: TCP bind failed
when i portforwarded everything
Have you opened an Insim port in your Dcon config?

Using: /insim=29999

Value can be anything between 1 and 65535

You might want to take a look at the file Commands_Dcon to see what else is possible to set in the config file.
I think you have already wrote /insim 29999 in your DCon or LFS. Turn off everything and try again! Smile
U might want to give your pc a static ip adress so u sure your server always has the same ip.

Maybe give us some pictures off settings.
Yep, the server is running no problems. but i cant join it
Insim: 29999
Track loaded (AU1X)
You will not see the server on the main list.
You should connect it by local server
But i want it to be public
You should open ports on your router then. Google how to port forward. Smile
** Best answer **
Okay, i fixed it by turning off firewall on pc and router. Thanks for help guys!
You need your firewalls running though! One or other is blocking the ports you need, it'd be better if you turn the firewalls back on and make sure the ports are open on both. I imagine it'll be the pc firewall that's doing it, as your router knows about the ports already courtesy of the forwarding.

LFS Dcon problem
(12 posts, started )