Pic 1: I think the wall is there on purpose to avoid going OOB, hence even in this Blackwood, beyond that point there isn't too much to drive onto. Also one of those "emergency services" openings;
Pic 2: Misplaced collision;
Pic 3: Non-collision mistake;
Pic 4: That is suppossed to follow the railing, to avoid ppl from getting inbetween so easily (altho that can be done with a wheelie setup);
Pic 5: Supossed to be those "emergency services" openings, except this one doesn't have any barrier nor col wall;
Pic 6: That is an old bug, was doable in old Blackwood too. And that also happens with other spots too, like f.e. Blackwood Estate rocks in building's yards;
Pic 7: Non-col mistake;
Pic 8: Same as Pic 5;
Pic 9: Not that much of a "bug" imo, nor something to be worried about/need to get fixed.
Gyazo 1: Just LFS physics
Gyazo 2: Again LFS physics