Brought S3 but game only welcomes me to S2
hey guys any help appreciated. i brought a S3 licence and logged in the game to upgrade from demo, after i logged in it said welcome to LFS S2 (pic attached. little bit upset at paying the extra now.
anyone have any ideas at whats happened?
Attached images
lfs S2.jpg
2 questions:

Did you go from S2 -> S3 or just Demo -> S3?
(If above is Demo -> S3 ignore this next one)
How long after purchasing S3 from S2 did you attempt to unlock?
hi thanks for reply.
i went from demo to S3 and i logged in about 4 mins after getting confirmation on the lfs page
#4 - lucaf
Do you have probably a very old LFS installation? If your installation is fresh, maybe you need just to send email to developers and explain your situation:

btw Welcome to the great world of LFS Smile
Lucaf -- you may be right i checked and saw i was playing a LFS S2 version so i have deleted it and am downloading the newest download. will update it a couple of minutes. thanks all
Thanks guys now it says all my unlocks this week have been used :/ so i suppose i have to wait now dont i Frown
Contact the developers by sending them an email stating you've run out of unlocks. They will normally grant you a few if your reasoning is ok. Tell them the S2 glitch with the old LFS version and they will accept.

Same thing, email the developers. May be a country thing, I've no idea. Let the devs sort it out Smile
#8 - BeNoM
Why did you even get LFS 0.5z in the first place? lol
^ That's the reason - S3 is available only in 0.6K and later.
Quote from Eclipsed :^ That's the reason - S3 is available only in 0.6K and later.

Mark this as best answer.
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :(modders (illegal) use 0.5z for their mods) .

No, neither modders or crackers use 0.5z. Literally no one does, both modders and crackers use 0.6b+.
If the old versions is not too old (still recognized by master server, and having upgrade path defined), all you need is to try to connect to MP game, the LFS will offer patch-upgrade download and upgrade itself. Although if you did some experiments with your old LFS installation with textures/other mods, clean install is strongly recommended.