The online racing simulator
Why u calculating points system for 2018 insted of 2017 points system?

Iam ona trip and cant check now, i ll be back in 5 days, i will check
Ye just noticed i used new point system Smile
And ive Just noticed that ive erased 2017 info, i will post it in New year Smile
Aw man... missed out on a fiesty league once again due to timezone problems.. Frown

Can somebody move my country nearer to europe with a tugboat?

Anyway, congrats on a nice season, and hope to join the fun next year Smile
Quote from MicroSpecV :Aw man... missed out on a fiesty league once again due to timezone problems.. Frown

Can somebody move my country nearer to europe with a tugboat?

Anyway, congrats on a nice season, and hope to join the fun next year Smile

Hope you'll replace me well because I dont join next year x)
Still dont get it Mikke why u not participating, only change is handicap for winners to make this more challengeing - you are affraid? Smile and its only league for gti that runs whole year Smile

PS there Will be sponsors prizes and money prizes Tongue but this info will appear on february Smile

Would next year's calendar be able to slot in some of my custom layouts? Tongue
Would definitely spice things up and give a much needed change from time to time.

All well made, professional and race-specced. Equipped for large grids. ... ally-good-circuit-layouts
Well received (hopefully!) and held couple of RTFR races and a 9397 race as well. Smile

Just brought the 2017 series to a formal close with a final layout today. Hope the effort goes to good use!

And hope to be racing next yesr alongside you guys.

Mate, Iam sure that we can use layouts but only in special events like some anniversary etc and layouts need to bee damn good. We Will disqus this for sure, now we need to manage some features on site, prizes, and other stuff in 2018 season Smile ill hope we Will get equal amount of grid like in 2017 series Smile
I'm sure mine are more than up to par Wink Take a look at them mate!

Hopefully we can work something out for next season! And hopefully same amount of grid too Smile

Quote from Bila_KHS :Mate, Iam sure that we can use layouts but only in special events like some anniversary etc and layouts need to bee damn good. We Will disqus this for sure, now we need to manage some features on site, prizes, and other stuff in 2018 season Smile ill hope we Will get equal amount of grid like in 2017 series Smile

Clip of each sprint race, Aston Cadet, FE Club, SO Classic

Aston and FernBay cam attached, since didn't find them ready, so they are created today

#camfile AS1R, FE1

(does the hashtag work here?)
Attached files
AS1R.rar - 355 B - 389 views
FE1.rar - 291 B - 371 views
Quote from lucaf :Clip of each sprint race, Aston Cadet, FE Club, SO Classic

Aston and FernBay cam attached, since didn't find them ready, so they are created today


(does the hashtag work here?)

Hey, that's my car flying! Omg omg omg

Sorry for that, I braked too late.. Frown
Big grin I was laughing loud when I saw it while recording vid, had to watch it close again. That was really a Fly! Big grin Big grin, was fun how Mikke saw it (and posted smiles) clearly in his mirros when already heading to eau-rouge
I was like wtf
[FM] Fragmaster’s GTi Thursday 2018 Season is Starting !

After such a great first inaugration season 2017 we are pleased to annouce next FM’s GTi Thursdays Season which will be held in whole 2018 Season. Every Thursday we will ghater to race with most fastest and greatest drives lefted in LFS community. Please read the rules below to be familiar in this new formula of racing!

Season 2018 is brought to you by:

[SR] SonicrealmsRacing

(FM) Fragmaster

Teho GP

B2R Born 2 Race

Every Thursday:

Host: (FM) GTi Thursday

19:00 UTC Session start
19:30 UTC Qualification (approximate time)
20:00 UTC Race (1h, approximate time)

Points System:
1st – 20 pts
2nd – 18 pts
3d – 16 pts
4th – 14 pts
5th – 12 pts
6th – 10 pts
7th – 9 pts
8th – 8 pts
9th – 7 pts
10th – 6 pts
11th – 5 pts
12th – 4 pts
13th – 3 pts
14th – 2 pts
15th – 1 pts
Pole Position – 1 pts
Fastest Lap – 1 pts
Highest Climber – 1 pts


Our regulations are very simple and lets you enjoy what is the most important in our events: racing and meeting your friends! Only remember the following:

General Conditions:
  • In order to race you need to have Teamspeak and to join our channel at ( you don’t need mic, only listen )
  • No sign-up needed.
  • Race takes place at (FM) GTi Thursday host Live For Speed
  • The server will be password protected before the Qualifications, so come early enough to join us. You can also ask the password in Teamspeak.
  • Race clean, respect other drivers.
  • Misbehaving might end up with ban
Race Conditions:
  • Every Race lenght will be set to achieve aproximetly 1 hour race (laps depends on track)
  • One mandatory pitstop in each race
  • Qualifications: Race Director Calling every driver to do his 1 Hot Lap in Qualifing mode ( 1 outlap, 1 hot lap, spectate.)
  • Next track/car is picked by a winner of previous event ( conditions: Same track, but diffrent configurations can be picked only 2 times in a row – for example BL1 -> BL2 -> AS2. Track can’t be picked the same in 3 or higher times in a row
  • S3 License including Rockhingam track is allowed to pick in 2018 Season
  • Cars is picking by a winner of previous event ( Aviable picks separete XFG and XRG or you can chose both cars )
  • BC is disabled and forbidden
  • Every top 3 finishers in event reacives handicap with additional weight added to car in next race event
  • Weights added to cars by position :1st+30kg / 2nd+23kg / 3d+15kg
  • Handicap will be checked before the race – if drivers will not set handicap – will be penalized with 30 points penalty added to overall standings
  • Points are calculated in new form to get highest 15 places paid in earned points to overall Championship
  • Higher Climber, Pole Position sitter and Fastest Lap are the same in earned points – 1pts
  • Crossing Yellow line when entering or exiting pits will cause penalty points or warning added to overall standings, peanlty points depends on scale drivers crossed the yellow lane
  • Calims – Everyone who caused crash, missbehavior or anything disturbing in race – Please post in site, or forum and explain what happend – every claim will be resolved by admin’s with futher actions taken by a specific type of claim
Special Conditions:
  • In every 10th Race event there will be an special race day:
  • Two races : 30 mins each + 1 mandatory pitstop
  • Tracks picked by admins
  • Second Race: Reversed Grid
  • Amount in pot for 2018 GTi Thursday 2018 Season – 300$
  • Each Driver in TOP3 positions earning a ‘ GTi coins ‘ which after end of the season will be payed in cash via paypal ( paypal is the only method to be paid )
  • GTi coins points: 1st – 3 GTi coins / 2nd – 2 GTi coins / 3d – 1 GTi coins
  • Actual value for 1 GTi coin – 1$
  • In the end of the season there will be a special gifts for each place in overall standings
  • 1st in overall standings GTi 2018 Season Championship – 50$ bonus
  • 2nd in overall standings GTi 2018 Season Championship – 25$ bonus
  • 3d in overall standings GTi 2018 Season Championship – 10$ bonus
  • GTi coin status for each driver will be posted after each race with Race results and reviews.
  • Please be adviced that we are curenttly looking for another prizes from sponsors – fo example a vouchers for platforms like G2A, GOG, Steam etc – If we will be able to place some new prizes, we will inform you and put new prizes.
We are pleased to gather all of you in our host to race in our Season - Looks like this new year will be fun and with much of exiting actions. Have fun ! Cheers / [SR] Adebayor
Attached images
GTi Series 2018.jpg
Almost forgot to write something about endind 2017 Season.
It was awesome, specially when idea of this season was made in just one 5 min talk with Frass after one of the FOX Friday races. We doned good job, new site, new drivers - and most liked part of this you, drivers want to be a part in this league makes us soo happy and giving strenght to do this again, and again, and again after each Thursday and Friday Races.

  • First of all many thanks to our helpers - Frass, which is actualy the best Race Director of all time! Faaaaaantastic Frass Smile
  • Also special thanks to B2R Storm and FUKing that helped me a lot with site and airo on host. Without you propably we wont be able to grow that fast like we are growing now.
  • Thanks to our guy 9397 who's puting a short videos after each race Smile
  • Also Thanks to our Mr FinnnnnnnnUK who's sponsoring and giving many hug's to Fras to call Top 10's in every Race! Smile
  • And special thans to all of you drivers who participated in 2017 Season - wish to see you in all 2018 Season
Congratulations to our first 2017 GTi Champion AA Mikke!

Mikke born in Polnad which makes me more proud because iam from Poland too. We are all aware that he is one of the fasters guys participated in 2017 Season, trully belive he will participate also in 2018 Season. Contratulations once again for first GTi title Mikke from all LFSRacingLeague Admins Smile

Also Contratulations to the rest of the guys who battled every single race to earn as much points as they can. Overall Standigns table looks quite exiting! In Team Standings ofcourse B2R's are proudly stands on highest place!

Here you can see top of the overall GTi 2017 Season:

rest of the table, and much more you can see and check on our site:

Hope to see you in 2018 in every GTi Thursday and FOX Friday ! Smile
Attached images
2018 Standings.PNG
Top 15 overall GTi 2017 Season? why not the top 17? Wink

Thx to all involved for organising, it's been good fun to race in the XFG part of the series last year Thumbs up

Quote :Every Race lenght will be set to achieve aproximetly 1 hour race (laps depends on track)

dunno why you are manually calculating the race length in laps, the simple command is: /hours 1
Quote from Bila_KHS :
It was awesome, specially when idea of this season was made in just one 5 min talk with Frass after one of the FOX Friday races.

Hah, very well done, this series has been more than welcome in LFS

Quote from o000o :
p.s. dunno why you are manually calculating the race length in laps, the simple command is: /hours 1

I agree. We discussed this after one race but that time Ade did not get the point of the suggestion. There is at least two good points:
1) The neverending asking for laps would be over
2) More challenge to race strategy - you cannot know how many laps there will be - the race pace will define it, and the neurotic calculation of fuel would get new perspectives.

I think there was an issue that if you put /hour=1 the race will be one hour plus one full lap? If I remember correct, that was a problem for Ade Big grin Nevermind, for me its ok to race given laps, and to have additional chat and fun debates of the lap count
Don't think I will be able to participate in 2018 season... Darn my timezone (GMT +8)... Races at 4am + in my time, plus college in morning, don't think I can make it..

Race would have to be at at least 1700 or 1800 UTC Shrug

Pity, pumped for the season after no-practice 2nd place in SRT SO2 last week...
will even be getting wheel this month Frown
Quote from lucaf :I think there was an issue that if you put /hour=1 the race will be one hour plus one full lap? If I remember correct, that was a problem for Ade Big grin

There's no extra full lap. After one hour, the race finishes when the leader passes the finish line. I know this because I ran a one hour race every Thursday for ~seven years on the Dead men racing server. It would take me just a few seconds to setup the server for the event.
You are right guys - i've just don't like the formula of 1 hour race and then it's end when leader crosses line. This is only can be solved when we (admins) will manually edit race lengh when 1 hour pass to set +1 extra lap. That's why we are chosing laps Smile
Quote from Bila_KHS :You are right guys - i've just don't like the formula of 1 hour race and then it's end when leader crosses line. This is only can be solved when we (admins) will manually edit race lengh when 1 hour pass to set +1 extra lap. That's why we are chosing laps Smile

When race is set 2 1 hour it's automaticly 1 hour +1 lap, on some tracks it means 3 or 4% more fuel Smile
Quote from RC-Maus :When race is set 2 1 hour it's automaticly 1 hour +1 lap, on some tracks it means 3 or 4% more fuel Smile

I've set one time 1 hour race - and after 60 minutes pased when leader passed finish line - race ends. Then there was askings about ' it wasn't a 1 lap more ' ?

We will stay in specific laps for each race. Mayby some special events like every 10th anniversaries will be set to 30 mins each of 2 races Smile
Dcon understand only hours so 30 mins not possible

Is it possible to host a second split championship? At earlier time slot? So I can participate Tongue

Nah just pulling a leg, if it's not possible, don't haha

Fragmaster's GTi Thursday
(552 posts, started )