#1 - lucaf
Year 2018, give me more discussion on BC
I published my wish in the subject. Does this need more explanations? Smile

edit: thread title changed, was : "Year 2018, give me more league races on Rockingham"
and allow button clutch
And bigger ding dong please
There are 3 leagues where you can select the track for next race when you win - that's your chance! Big grin
Quote from Mikus1212 :and allow button clutch

because many want to use it... if u want to make racing equal u should force auto gearbox instead Wink
I'm strongly against any assists, Autoclutch included, but more of "Auto gears". @Mikke one should get to know manual clutch, or at least try. The leagues should not dumb down the competitiveness by increasing the assists for just some people.

There is absolutely 0 excuse for someone to need auto gearing in any racing simulator.
A league or race should set its ground rules before, and never change after. One can not change the regulations to adapt to a handful of drivers. The drivers are those with the ability to learn and adapt, and they should do so. Having assists is a no-no.

Just my two cents.

Oh gee I get Mikke now, Lucaf Rofl
Actually autoclutch is an assist, not manual clutch.
#8 - lucaf
Quote from Mikus1212 :Actually autoclutch is an assist, not manual clutch.

Yes, autoclutch is an assist. And it should be banished (at least, in terms of leagues).
Manual clutch should be everyone's go-to, be it keyboard, mouse, controller or wheel (d'oh).
[quote="lucaf;1932406"]Nova, I can't believe you thought Mikke is serious with that.

Anyway there is a looooong conversation about button clutch here.


Oh gee i get mikke now Tongue
(lucaf) DELETED by lucaf : For fun
#11 - expr
Quote from MicroSpecV :Yes, autoclutch is an assist. And it should be banished (at least, in terms of leagues).
Manual clutch should be everyone's go-to, be it keyboard, mouse, controller or wheel (d'oh).

With all your talk about clutch assist in shifting, you're missing forest for the trees. The actual, huge assist LFS allows for cars with supposedly manual gearboxes is driving them in “sequential mode”. The assist of allowing you to press only one key on keyboard versus jamming your finger on two (side-by-side keys) pales in comparison so much so it's not even worth discussing.

In any case the subject is shaky considering that LFS does little to simulate gearbox damage caused by misshifts of any kind – and it really even couldn't do that because available gear shifters don't give any input for it to do so (the available input is akin to digital keys from 1 to N, of of which is pressed at a time, which is a very far cry from an actual shifter/gearbox operation).

With this in mind, in most senses pretty much everybody drives the cars as if they had computer-controlled gearboxes with manual gear selection. The option to prevent speed advantage from button-operated “clutch” is then pretty much the only sane one, considering that no actual cars awards you from the fastest pull of a gear shift paddle (or any comparable driver input).
...or even driving a car with keyboard at all.

Case closed. I want more races at RO, with or without button clutch, keyboard, mouse, pads, auto gears, handbrakes, free view, but...no speed hacks Big grin
Its funny how this thread turned into button clutch discussion Ya right

Ohhh you little troll!
If you want buttonclutch allowed, i suggest you to create your own league, make bc mandatory and see what happens. Bet no one joins expect you xD
great bait from me
Quote from MicroSpecV :Yes, autoclutch is an assist. And it should be banished (at least, in terms of leagues).
Manual clutch should be everyone's go-to, be it keyboard, mouse, controller or wheel (d'oh).

Autoclutch is a widely used assist because not many have the 3rd pedal on their wheelset! And how do you imagine clutch simulation with a button? Can you press clutch of the car as fast as you can press a button? This is why button clutch gives an advantage over those who use either automatic clutch (because of lack of the 3rd pedal) or even over those who use an axis clutch with their 3rd pedal! Even better - with use of macros you can shift gear with manual clutch with single tap of a button - where's your hardcore simulation is now?
Autoclutch is deffinitelly more realistic (in terms of engagement speed) than manual button clutch.
yes, but bc topic is not about simulation
I would say buy a wheel

Edit: Lol me saying after 10 years mouse Omg omg omg
i want to stay with mouse and keep clutch manual
BTW I think auto clutch should be slower in LFS then it is now...

Just to give H Shifters a change
Use button clutch -> change button control rate to 2.00 = slower than ac.
More races on RO sounds great! And for anyone who missed Nilex's post...

Quote :Inherently, long time ago, there was nothing wrong with it. More so when the button speed was limited to max 6.00 (10.00 today). AC and BC were more or less balanced back then (ease of use & consistency vs. difficulty & inconsistency).

Today all talks about wanting to use BC as a replacement for overpriced axis gear fall apart because the balance is long gone. As a former long time BC user I can testify that using it today makes winning effortless compared to AC or H-shifter. Absolutely everyone who says they are using it because of realistic feeling or whatever are lying. But it gets worse.

There are two ways to manipulate BC behavior is such a way you can't detect it easily. First is creating a macro that presses gear shift button and clutch simultaneously, negating all of the little difficulty it had over AC to somewhat balance it. The other one is increasing the button rate far beyond maximum 10 (without game going OOS). The more competitive the environment the worse it gets.

Situations with axis clutch used without H-shifter with clutch speeds exceeding that of a button are also present. These are very easy to detect at least.

Simplest and best way to handle this and maintain healthy competition environment is to force AC and allow axis clutch only in conjunction with H-shifter. Ban everything else. Forget the poll. Voting results are worthless when the subject matter is unknown to most.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that AC is currently un-exploitable because of the way it's implemented. Even if you tried to, you'd still be limited to hard-coded limit of AC. To my knowledge it's free of exploits. I believe it's the same for axis & H-shifter combo because I haven't yet spotted any shenanigans with that particular combination. Not 100% sure though, my sample base are only four people all of which are clean. This EDIT amendment is to give more context to the subject

Those who are advocating for button clutch are either ignorant of the advantage/exploit, or want to use the exploit. Why should everyone who wants to be among the fastest be forced to play the simulator in such an unrealistic way (using BC)? I'm sure the issue will be resolved in future releases but in the meantime i think banning BC is the best way to keep the game fun and competitive.

So when's the next Rockingham race? Dead banana
Laugh out loud
Meh. U will never understand my simple words

Thanx for quoting nilex post.