The online racing simulator
MTDZX- Flat Out!
(153 posts, started )
...but is it faster to slow down for the entry/exit and drive straight down the middle, or to keep your speed up throughout and loop all the way down the tube? Big grin
Quote from Racon :...but is it faster to slow down for the entry/exit and drive straight down the middle, or to keep your speed up throughout and loop all the way down the tube? Big grin

I do not know, as I only build the stuff. Testing happens under this server or Test server, either by you folks or just me Tongue.
Then, ultimately we get this!

EDIT: Added replay from first test ever. ( Also purposely crashed on pipe section, to see aftermath )

EDIT: After the replay, I did remember how certain people complains about how dull is the look of driving on concrete path...

...I Agree! That's why I made physical scars on this certain layout! Excellent! ( Pic added )
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Attached files
MTDZX-UM21_AS7Y_FXR.spr - 54 KB - 384 views
that tunnel part is creative, nice Smile

That is btw very wise and nice way sharing layouts via SPR file, so user gets the layout + one sample lap how to drive it, excellent!
Quote from lucaf :that tunnel part is creative, nice Smile

That is btw very wise and nice way sharing layouts via SPR file, so user gets the layout + one sample lap how to drive it, excellent!

It's not ready, and it was not supposed to share, at least not yet Big grin. Though in other hand, I might leave it as it would be now.
Okay!!! Everything starts to be most likely ready. Stay tuned as Season 2 of Flat Out! will be announced at this week!

EDIT 31.01.2018 / 04:11: Heh, I should go sleep and I do so right away. In the meantime, someone select and post as a reply as any four, five or six digit number, which doesn't start as zero ( e.g. 0458 is incorrect. )
31118 Wink
Quote from jh89 :31118 Wink

Ye good, thanks, though obvious number but nonetheless!

I am working to push through Season 2. Estimated start time will not be revealed, but let's say, we can see a corner ahead and assuming it SHOULD be right behind of it!
Okay! I might see a problem!

Suggest any day/s and any starting time/s please. Not gonna do a poll, so let's just stick on reply posting.

( Yes, it is about Season 2 Flat Out! )
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Okay! I might see a problem!

Suggest any day/s and any starting time/s please. Not gonna do a poll, so let's just stick on reply posting.

( Yes, it is about Season 2 Flat Out! )

Thursdays and tuesdays are fine by me Smile and if it starts around 18.00 UTC it has my vote Smile
Hmm, difficult to say which day(s) will suit best to me... Every day there are some races (RTFR, RTFR XL, LFS Suomi Winter Cup, LFS Suomi MRT Cup, SRT races...). Maybe Tuesday and/or Thursday would be good again still Big grin ~18 UTC = 20.00 Finnish time Uhmm
If it's on Fridays I might give it a try. Thursday is atm a nogo. 2 races already there. Fridays there is only Fox Friday and it's quite late so there is room before that. Wednesday would be also fine for me. Not racing in Street Obsession races, at least for now. Then of course during weekend there is plenty of opportunities to organize races.
All days will be pretty busy for me this half-year Big grin. I guess Tuesday and Thursday will be OKish. Maybe consider Saturday evening?
I did check calendar, I was thinking Tuesday & Friday and 18.00 UTC... How's that? Definitely won't be every week at Tuesday but... should suffice.
Sounds good, will be on it at least on Fridays, sometimes Tuesday's too.
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :I did check calendar, I was thinking Tuesday & Friday and 18.00 UTC... How's that? Definitely won't be every week at Tuesday but... should suffice.

Sound good to me Smile Sometimes im busy on friday nights, sometimes im not.. Atleast i dont have an early wake on saturdays Smile (if the race starts late)... Tuesday, thursday and friday has my vote Smile
If no other discussions occurs, it will be set as mentioned above in my earlier post.

Also, I will in some point release rulebook as "early access", to see if there is anything to discuss about it.
Fridays should be OK for me, but maybe push it to 19 UTC on Friday?
Quote from Sobis :Fridays should be OK for me, but maybe push it to 19 UTC on Friday?

It will generally be pushed like so when summer time hits you know, otherwise it is nearly impossible.
More info: There is no chance to push it to 19 UTC, because plausible salary job might occur and requires me to go at early in bed. Tongue

EDIT: Sry, was meant to edit earlier post but I failed again lol, luckily this was no race report
Server is now officially opened
Omg omg omg Thumbs up
More information coming soon. All things should be ready, excluding few errors in my thought, have to re-do few things again, takes few hours. Then everything should be to be announced.
Fridays would only fit me if the race finishes before 19 UTC as I already do bangers on friday nights. But tuesdays will be cool Smile

MTDZX- Flat Out!
(153 posts, started )