Ok, time for me to put some bags of words in this topic.
First of all, thanx Dev team for taking still a job in this game, because to be honest - with other games like rf,ac,pc revelated in couple of years back, there are sure times to give up. Apriciate any work here.
Since ive managed to start a league, and after few events it went big and hitting full host - i was exited and happy that we are still good drivers that are want to race in this game, truly belive that our (guys making events) job is making you happy, that we are still trying to dig this game up.
Personally i dont care about graphics more that a feeling when iam sitting in a car aside others and racing, pushing to the limits. There is not better feeling.
Since almost everyone known there is lack of tracks, i would be happy to see mods that can be taken by community - it will be crucial to hit this game BIG like old days.
My version of future:
1. Update with new track, graphix, physix, cars
2. Mods aviable to create your own tracks, cars, custom layouts etc
3. Game is back to the top of the best simracing game.
4. Everyone heading back to LFS from ac,rf,pc,gt
5. We hitting biggest communnity of drivers in simracing game
6. Devs can trully go for a well deseved vacations
Yeah, iam freamin i know, but still i trully belive that LFS will be back on TOP someday.
I really want to put an effort to changes in stuff in game, more easy options to take care and event/championship, there is still lack of options/commands that we could use.
Iam trying to imagine a 'propaerly race start formations' - heading out of the pits, one outerlap, heading to formation in grid ( can be automatically ) then light and go full throttle. I would really love to see a safety car option to drive on and event, info to every driver that safety car is on track, and you cant overtake, etc etc there is soo much stuff that would make this game more lovely. ( ofc, those options on event shouldn't be allowed for everyone, imho this can make some event to be more popular )
Ok, there is soo many topic i want to put in, but i wont

W8ting for any updates in lfs, would really love to check every single new realese.
p.s. Can i pay for visit you @scaven and do some laps on devrelease ?
