Who has the nearest answer, will receive a LFS voucher from me.
If two or more have nearest answer, they will divide the voucher
Voucher value will be the month of the next release: Example: if the release month will be May, the voucher will be 5£, if december, it will be 12£. (If the release will happen after year 2018 in any month, the value will be still 12£)
Post your guess until 20.2.2018 (note you should not edit your post after this date)
LFS test patches will be ignored, the official release will be the date!
Anybody outside dev team can join the game, including me. I can try to save my money by putting the best guess

submitted dates:
25.02.2018 Flawn
28.02.2018 Taavi(est)
03.03.2018 Litro
10.03.2018 drifterfinland22
12.03.2018 killapilla
14.03.2018 Xenix
15.03.2018 mmaa623
17.03.2018 texxxas
25.03.2018 russianattack
31.03.2018 ImudilaSkyline
01.04.2018 bass-driver
01.04.2018 fgysg
01.04.2018 becko1
04.04.2018 R0ut66
09.04.2018 kristof11
09.04.2018 Cyanonur
12.04.2018 nikopdr
22.04.2018 crazyboy232
04.05.2018 evolution_R
05.05.2018 ventspils_619
10.05.2018 stölzel
12.05.2018 rc maus
22.05.2018 pusicdrift
27.05.2018 lucaf
01.06.2018 Daniel564
01.06.2018 iraqiboy
02.06.2018 Lucas McFly
04.06.2018 markorester
07.06.2018 Ibtasim6781
13.06.2018 csmarcell15
13.06.2018 joaopaulopt
15.06.2018 rik97
15.06.2018 flotch
23.06.2018 RPdrifting
27.06.2018 mikus1212
28.06.2018 rolando senna
30.06.2018 tomislav531
07.07.2018 Silverracer
13.07.2018 jackson93
13.07.2018 Moonster
19.07.2018 teppari
26.07.2018 sobis
31.07.2018 bishtop
05.08.2018 lfsrm
08.08.2018 kristoferandersen
11.08.2018 michal 1279
31.08.2018 racon
09.09.2018 irk-racer
15.09.2018 delis
10.10.2018 Gutholtz
11.10.2018 bobloblaw
11.11.2018 jkat
23.11.2018 Noupdates
14.12.2018 sinbad
21.12.2018 KlausAdam
22.12.2018 super_gt
27.03.2019 k_badam
14.07.2019 unknownmaster21
20.11.2019 Bmxtwins
02.02.2020 bila_khs
05.03.2020 ped7g
01.01.2050 badlvboy
03.08.2150 legendlfs
invalid dates by: Oliver Feistkorn, Freescirocco, jmeade