The online racing simulator
LFS-Racing sim no more!
(61 posts, started )
Quote :LFS licence is banned for for x days/weeks etc.

lfs license is banned full stop. they would soon stop then. if we could only find a way of proving that they where cheating and not just a good driver.
I don't think that I've ever actually seen anyone cheating online, demo or S2.
#28 - CSU1
Quote from Tweaker :Normally on S2 servers everything is fine. The likelyhood of someone cheating to gain a few seconds off your times is just a fast driver with lots of experience and practice. Heck, probably been around LFS for 2 or 3 years to know what is going on.

The only place this "speed cheat" is being used is on demo servers by 1 or 2 unknown users. This has only been around for 2 weeks or so. It is obvious and not subtle... a player that goes twice your speed on the straights, and cannot control the car no matter how hard he tries with keyboard.

If you think a driver's time is too fast to be true, check LFSWorld and see what the world record is -- which are honest laps.

Has anybody noticed this guy's name! You also seem to know a lot bout this "speed cheat" too
***And imagine the proverbial shit hit the fan' and some "top racers" where exposed
omg its a conspiracy!

tweak did it! everyone point at tweak!

we all know about the hack (or atleast part of it) its not like something similar has never happened before; because it has back in S1, something extremely similar where if you hit a button, you can instantly go however many times faster than normal

only reason why we dont know to much, is because 1. like tweak said, it just appeared, and 2. well.. there isn't a 2
Quote from CSU1 :Has anybody noticed this guy's name! You also seem to know a lot bout this "speed cheat" too
***And imagine the proverbial shit hit the fan' and some "top racers" where exposed

Yup, I am a hacker, I have 30+ aura, 510 shells of youth, and 80/90 levels complete to regain my thunder strength and capture the forbidden troll of Larbadon. You better watch out, because I can cast my spells at any time, and will obliterate my opponents with my ugly stick of The Hespoo'd Onyoo Sea.

You accussing us of using it? Not very wise I'd say... because we see it happen, and we want it fixed. You have an awful perception of people racing online it seems, and that people are "cheating". We only know of the occurances of someone using a cheat, and it has been reported (was in replays people posted, and the driver's name was "cup" (there is a 2nd name too)). We expect the devs to fix it as soon as they can. Just because we know some info doesn't mean we are on the inside here... :rolleyes:

By looking at your stats, you aren't the fastest driver, so be careful what you think about people who are faster than you, it only makes you look worse. You spend more time off the track complaining about people being faster, and not on the track practicing and becoming faster yourself. I suggest you try.
The words of a guilty man I say ¬_¬

Just because someone is fast, doesn't mean they cheat. I am a very very slow racer, but I have fun on demo servers with my mates just because I am faster than they are.

Calling someone a cheat because they are better than you is something I haven't seen since the days when I played CS. Grow up and learn to play the game.
#32 - CSU1
Tweaker...."You spend more time off the track complaining about people being faster, and not on the track practicing and becoming faster yourself. I suggest you try"..."I suggest you stick this post where the sun don't shine! ... you don't even know me.
Quote from XCNuse :oh.. and by the way, tweak is one of the beta testers.. im pretty sure he wouldn't go around beating people in the demo

He haxored the forum so it says S2 Liscensed under his name!!!!111oneoneeleven!!11
Quote from wheel4hummer :He haxored the forum so it says S2 Liscensed under his name!!!!111oneoneeleven!!11

People find out my real name and stalk me way too much "zomg zomg, it's in the credits"
#36 - SamH
Attached example of someone using the go-faster cheat "Gas_4x4" on a Demo server (ours). I banned. Seriously thinking about closing the Demo server and just keeping S2 servers until the fix comes out, tbh.
Attached files
BL1_race_5L_5R_3F_2.mpr - 584.1 KB - 219 views
Quote from CSU1 :Tweaker...."You spend more time off the track complaining about people being faster, and not on the track practicing and becoming faster yourself. I suggest you try"..."I suggest you stick this post up your ass! ... you don't even know me.

If this is gonna be a rant thread, it's gonna be closed in no time. Totally had it with this pointless bickering.
If you want to contribute , then contribute - don't start whining / bashing / ranting / "put whatever non-constructive action here".

Calling people cheats because they have a certain name is just shallow - and in this case, his post count actually does mean something - such an obvious cheater posting 2500 posts? I don't think so.

You have a brain you know - use it!
Quote from Victor :You have a brain you know - use it!

sorry couldnt help myself but you are throwing up last weeks better and better quotes

Your last comment was a bit harsh.Dont you think.You are trying to find too much consipracy here.I know people who spend like 4-6hourse every day just practising their lovely LFS.Then guess from where their nice laps times come.

You are quite new so it seems you really dont know how the things are going here or in game dont know who are the "old" guys with good reputation but you will learn yourself.

Tweak is for example the guy who created the template of LFS website its really rubbish to call him potential cheater or even someone linked with those creators of that cheat.

Watch around and I bet you will enjoy the LFS more and more.Good practising really bring results.
Hmmm... I always thought there was something a bit off with Tweak....Hmmm.

I dunno about this go fast cheat nonsense. If I was gonna use a cheat,
I'd want to use one that automatically lets me win the race right after the green light. I mean if you're going to cheat then may as well do it right.

Oh and the faster drivers aren't cheating... nah they don't have to. See they're related to the devs so they get faster cars.
So if you see a guy get a really good lap time, he ain't cheating, he's probably
Victor's cousin or something..........please

Most games don't like cheaters, but this one in particular is pretty militant
when it comes to dealing with them.
Quote from SamH :Attached example of someone using the go-faster cheat "Gas_4x4" on a Demo server (ours). I banned. Seriously thinking about closing the Demo server and just keeping S2 servers until the fix comes out, tbh.

I have to give him credit, he doesn't make it overly obvious that his cheating. I mean, you can tell, but it isn't like his doing stupidly fast speeds that you can see a mile off.
Quote from Racer Y :Hmmm... I always thought there was something a bit off with Tweak....Hmmm.

I think the same of you Racer Y
Quote from SamH :Attached example of someone using the go-faster cheat "Gas_4x4" on a Demo server (ours). I banned. Seriously thinking about closing the Demo server and just keeping S2 servers until the fix comes out, tbh.

Wow, i've heard about people using it before (in other servers, not in yours), but it still makes me want to ask (i've said it to the users that talked about it other rooms), Why cant they just leave the cheat off and prove that they can drive without it? Also, why abuse such a great thing (LFS and the server in general)? I guess there is just somethings that we'll never get a straight answer for.
#43 - CSU1
Quote from Victor :If this is gonna be a rant thread, it's gonna be closed in no time. Totally had it with this pointless bickering.
If you want to contribute , then contribute - don't start whining / bashing / ranting / "put whatever non-constructive action here".

Calling people cheats because they have a certain name is just shallow - and in this case, his post count actually does mean something - such an obvious cheater posting 2500 posts? I don't think so.

You have a brain you know - use it!

OK, I'm sorry for the name calling just think it was a bit cheap of Tweaker attacking me and I didn't start this thread because Im jellous of other drivers I'm just concerned for the integrity of LFS.I didn't mean to start whining / bashing / ranting and thought something constructive might come out of this.
So why not start a thread were people can report driver names known to be cheating and start doing something about it rather everyone taking cracks at me
Quote from Tweaker :Normally on S2 servers everything is fine. The likelyhood of someone cheating to gain a few seconds off your times is just a fast driver with lots of experience and practice. Heck, probably been around LFS for 2 or 3 years to know what is going on.

The only place this "speed cheat" is being used is on demo servers by 1 or 2 unknown users. This has only been around for 2 weeks or so. It is obvious and not subtle... a player that goes twice your speed on the straights, and cannot control the car no matter how hard he tries with keyboard.

If you think a driver's time is too fast to be true, check LFSWorld and see what the world record is -- which are honest laps.

Quote from CSU1 :Has anybody noticed this guy's name! You also seem to know a lot bout this "speed cheat" too
***And imagine the proverbial shit hit the fan' and some "top racers" where exposed

Oh yea, Above is Tweaks 1st post and your reply to it and I can see clearly that he is "attacking" you. illepall

I think that you got a little mixed up here, you were the one calling the cheap shots especcially since your argument was based upon his name.

I think you need to stop worrying about others and play the game and gain as much as experience as you can.
#45 - CSU1
Quote from Tweaker :Yup, I am a hacker, I have 30+ aura, 510 shells of youth, and 80/90 levels complete to regain my thunder strength and capture the forbidden troll of Larbadon. You better watch out, because I can cast my spells at any time, and will obliterate my opponents with my ugly stick of The Hespoo'd Onyoo Sea.

You accussing us of using it? Not very wise I'd say... because we see it happen, and we want it fixed. You have an awful perception of people racing online it seems, and that people are "cheating". We only know of the occurances of someone using a cheat, and it has been reported (was in replays people posted, and the driver's name was "cup" (there is a 2nd name too)). We expect the devs to fix it as soon as they can. Just because we know some info doesn't mean we are on the inside here... :rolleyes:

By looking at your stats, you aren't the fastest driver, so be careful what you think about people who are faster than you, it only makes you look worse. You spend more time off the track complaining about people being faster, and not on the track practicing and becoming faster yourself. I suggest you try.

@Bawbag this was the post I was talkin about> Forget about it and get back to the point please
Quote from CSU1 :it was a bit cheap of Tweaker attacking me and I didn't start this thread because Im jellous of other drivers I'm just concerned for the integrity of LFS.

I am not "attacking" you, I am only trying to tell you that racing online in LFS is not all that bad, and you don't need to think of any negative aspects (if any) of the game and just enjoy what you have (most of all practice (is that an insult or something???)). Because there is like 1% of people cheating online, and only in demo at the moment, and normal S2 racing online is just fine, and has been the same for almost 3 years now. So I don't understand why LFS's integrity is at stake here, it is fine, and actually becoming better and better the way I see it. Players from all over are learning from one another, and the racing atmosphere is quite good. If you've had any bad moments online, every single one of us has had those moments, and there are times that some people want to post a thread about it, and they may seem dissapointed. If you feel this way, take the easy road and don't let it get to you!! Cheating is so uncommon and rare, and bugs/exploits like that always get fixed as soon as possible

Quote from CSU1 :@Bawbag this was the post I was talkin about> Forget about it and get back to the point please

By now, I don't even know what the point of this thread is :doh:

But what I typed above is the only point I can make about all this, and I can only give some suggestions to someone who possibly has the spirit to be in a good mood about all of this. No need to feel "attacked" or be an "accusser", you aren't going to get a positive reaction/reply in these forums if that happens.

#47 - CSU1
Quote from Tweaker :I am not "attacking" you, I am only trying to tell you that racing online in LFS is not all that bad, and you don't need to think of any negative aspects (if any) of the game and just enjoy what you have (most of all practice (is that an insult or something???)). Because there is like 1% of people cheating online, and only in demo at the moment, and normal S2 racing online is just fine, and has been the same for almost 3 years now. So I don't understand why LFS's integrity is at stake here, it is fine, and actually becoming better and better the way I see it. Players from all over are learning from one another, and the racing atmosphere is quite good. If you've had any bad moments online, every single one of us has had those moments, and there are times that some people want to post a thread about it, and they may seem dissapointed. If you feel this way, take the easy road and don't let it get to you!! Cheating is so uncommon and rare, and bugs/exploits like that always get fixed as soon as possible

That is the only point I can make about this, and I can only give some suggestions to someone who possibly has the spirit to be in a good mood about all of this. No need to feel "attacked" or be an "accusser", you aren't going to get a positive reaction/reply in these forums if that happens.


I agree, nice post, and thank you , as you see it does annoy people when others do cheat and 1% is too much, as I said a "name&shame" thread would be a good idea until next patch/fix?
If I say sorry again in this thread again ,
We as a racing cummunity deserv not to be cheated on, it's wrong, ill hearted and all we can do is try to help the LFS devs stamp it out! this was my ONLY point.....
"name&shame" known's a start
As already stated in case of wreckers, naming and shaming in this forum is a bad idea. S2 administrators may have all the expertise needed to deal with cheaters as they do with wreckers.
Well the community has learned in the past not to post names of people, as that can cause a lot of trouble in the forums, and online. Kind of like a manhunt, and if someone is innocent, then the user is just accussed and his/her name is plastered all over the internet. Not good.

People can report cheaters and bad conduct, but there are certain boundaries required to be reached before the devs actually have to intervene.

Trust me, people have tried the "name&shame" approach, and it isn't pretty. People joke around about it, people who are not cheating get accused, and people just are angry after it all. Any reports need to be kept private, or not told at all. But like I said, if it is sever stuff, report it to the devs via their website, they'd be more than welcome to know about it.
#50 - CSU1
Ok if the name&shame approach won't work, a different approach could be used like something to the effect of>If a wr on any split is broken the driver's name would be logged for the server admins to analyze? just a thought

LFS-Racing sim no more!
(61 posts, started )