The online racing simulator
W.I.P: ZoneBuilder

NOTE: If you dont know how to create zones or doesnt know what a zone is, please read the topic below.
Shoutout to Sinanju for making this tutorial

This script is build within version And havent used any new features that arent compatible with the older versions of lapper.
There are still a few things left todo. Please report bugs.

Since Publishing Lapper, someone asked me, if it is possible to set zones/area's more easily.
I have build a script that will store the Zones you saved within a menu.
Since the team doesnt exist anymore and the servers are off. I have decided to make this script public.


-Create multiple files and multiple Zones within the file.
-It stores the X / Y / Z axis and the carheading , the carheading will only be used for testing.
-Test single Zone's (Button will displayed with the text: 'Entered Zone' / 'Leaving Zone')
-Test Entire files
-Delete Zones
-Delete files.(Under development

Couple of ideas that makes this script usefull.

-CruiseServers: Set/store your locations like : The Cardealer / The Store etc.
-Creating checkpoints. Respawn to your last checkpoint.
-Off/OnTrack Detection

How to start:
-Download the files and place them in the 'include' directory of the latest version of Lapper.
-Open Addonsused.LPR and add the line: include( "./ZoneBuilder/Global.LPR");
-Start or reload lapper and type the command !zb or !zonebuilder.

How to Create a zone:
-Drive to the location you want to create your zone.
-Enter a filename (existing or a new one)
-Enter the width of the zone.
-Enter ZoneID. Give it a propername so that you know for which zone it is. NO SPACES!!
-Enter the name of the Sub Callback when someone ENTERED the zone. NO SPACES!!
-Enter the name of the Sub Callback when someone LEAVES the zone. (You can keep this empty is necessary) NO SPACES!!
-Keep the X/Y/Z empty if you are already in the The Zone. Otherwise you can enter this manually, if you know the location.
-The ZoneBuilder will save your carheading at your current spot. You also can enter this manually.
-Click on SAVE ZONE.

How to load the entire file into my script:

-The zoneline inside the file will look like this:

#X-Axis | Y-Axis | Z-Axis | WidthOfArea | ZoneID | EnterZone | LeaveZone | CarHeading
#$Line[0] | $Line[1] | $Line[2] | $Line[3] | $Line[4] | $Line[5] | $Line[6] | $Line[7]

If you have saved zones into the file and you want to load it into your (Cruise)(Checkpoint) script. you could use the code below.

CatchEvent OnLapperStart
GlobalVar $GetFileDir;
GlobalVar $GetFileName;      
$GetFileDir "includes/ZoneBuilder/Files/"#Folder of where the file of zones is saved
$GetFileName "Name Of The File Here";               #Name of the file that need to be loaded
    #Get zones from the files
UserGroupFromFile(""$GetFileName"" $GetFileDir"" $GetFileName".txt" );
#Convert them to a array
$GetListFromFile GetListOfUsersGroup(""$GetFileName );
#Calculate the amount of zones in the file.
$GetMaxLinesFromFile arrayCount$GetListFromFile );
#Get List from File
    #X-Axis | Y-Axis | Z-Axis | WidthOfArea | ZoneID |  EnterArea  | LeaveArea | CarHeading
    #$Line[0] | $Line[1] | $Line[2] | $Line[3] | $Line[4] | $Line[5] | $Line[6] | $Line[7]
FOR ($NrOfRows=0;$NrOfRows<$GetMaxLinesFromFile;$NrOfRows=$NrOfRows+1)
$Line SplitToArray($GetListFromFile[$NrOfRows], "|");
#Check if the Arrays aren't empty
IF (($Line[0] != "")||($Line[1] != "")||($Line[4] != "")) THEN
("".$Line[4].""getLapperVar("ShortTrackName") , $Line[0] , $Line[1] , $Line[3], $Line[5], $Line[6]);

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First version of the ZoneBuilder is available.
Quote from Bass-Driver :First version of the ZoneBuilder is available.

is something available like this for executable insim? C#
No there isnt. But whats wrong with this Addon for Lapper?
Load the script into lapper and start Lapper. Because Lapper is also a executable?