While these days new LFS usernames (not in-game names) are restricted to a subset of the traditional 7-bit ASCII, a look at the existing names quickly reveals this hasn't always been the case.
Are all existing usernames at least canonically in the same encoding (which my guess would be Windows-1252)? What other now-disallowed characters you remember seeing besides the usual “!{}[]@äö=”? edit: Or can someone perhaps even remember what the old username restrictions were, if they were documented? And especially, are there any usernames with carets in them?
Are all existing usernames at least canonically in the same encoding (which my guess would be Windows-1252)? What other now-disallowed characters you remember seeing besides the usual “!{}[]@äö=”? edit: Or can someone perhaps even remember what the old username restrictions were, if they were documented? And especially, are there any usernames with carets in them?