The online racing simulator
practicing doesn't work
(67 posts, started )
What controller you have? Mouse and wheel is fastest. But with mouse is harder to drive gtrs and open wheelers and thats why it had its limits. With wheel you can drive everything fast if you just practice practice. Keyboard is the slowest but with more practice than with controls above you can be competitive but it has even more limits than mouse.
Quote from Tomislav531 :What controller you have? Mouse and wheel is fastest. But with mouse is harder to drive gtrs and open wheelers and thats why it had its limits. With wheel you can drive everything fast if you just practice practice. Keyboard is the slowest but with more practice than with controls above you can be competitive but it has even more limits than mouse.

i use a wheel
Your negativity towards making progress and feedback makes me feel that you simply don't have the talent to be a racing driver - that is, if you keep saying "this and that don't work at all".

Practice makes perfect. You set a goal, like a certain time. If you constantly fail to make the time, watch a replay, and analyse it to see where you lose time (apex speed? braking? lines?)
Then go back with your knowledge and try again.

Setups work. I sometimes take time to get used to them too. They handle differently - but the difference is what it takes to go faster. Some setups are unstable on purpose, and you have to adjust your driving to get the best out of the set. It's the reason why default setup is shit, and something like, I don't know, a WR set, isn't?

You use a wheel. That's brilliant. You should be able to control the throttle and brake application more than keyboard or mouse users can. Use it to your advantage by balancing the car on corners.
I was primilarly a mouse user (and still am), but recently got a wheel. I was doing 1:11s in mouse on BL Historic FBM on mouse, and when I first used the wheel (even with past experience), I was barely scraping 1:14s. After a few days, I could there or there about, manage competitive 1:12s. It's not your actions that shows. It's the results that speak for themselves, speak for what you've done for yourself, and speak for those very actions that made those results you wanted.

If you still refuse to sweat it out and learn the hard way, then I have to refer to my earlier point, that honestly, you simply lack the skill and 6th sense of a racing driver; similar to how musicians work - "Some people just can't do it".
But I refuse to conclude at that. I believe you can do better.

Go back, watch races, onboards of racing cars (stock, open wheel, depending on what you want to race in). See how pros take lines, apply the throttle, etc. Then, watch LFS races. Learn from those too.
Then go to practice.

I don't know how to put it. It's just something you yearn for; that drive, thirst, that you get after watching a race, or get a fast time in.

Come back when you've made progress. Or need help, and tips. If not...

Don't come back if you just want to spread negativity and fck about with everyone saying nothing works for you. There are many other people going through trials and tribulations you go through too, to become a fast driver. You are not an exception.
It may be harder for you, but it just means the rewards will be much more relieving.

Peace out.
(Not being dissy, just being straightforward, as I always am lol)
Good debate on an interesting and important topic. I have also been thinking about what to do in order to learn drive and become better in this great sim. Thanks for comments!
Quote from TSOracing :Good debate on an interesting and important topic. I have also been thinking about what to do in order to learn drive and become better in this great sim. Thanks for comments!

I'd just like to add:

I attempted to get better in sim racing many years ago, I tried to become of of the best racers out there. But after a while I discovered cruise servers, and well... it all went downhill from there.
Never give up this is a game which means it can be perfected most of the racers you see are excperienced if you go look at the stats they have over 5000races finished since this is very old sim. If you see many racers pass you and thats whats frustrating you, DONT because they have probably 10x times the laps than you do. I started racing on s2 immidately with full grids on cargame. Nl which is why I didnt really progressed then which was a big mistake. Demo is here for a reason its best to learn to drive on blackwood with gti or fbm because you can really learn how to race against other opponents without bumping them or causing collision frequently. Im still far from good but progressed majorly over the years and was also frustrated like you probably when I started that everybody kept passing me and thought I will never be good but today I can actually make respectable time and finish at respectable positions. DONT RUSH THINGS on tracks because you will ruin excperience for others. BE PATIENT IT TAKES TIME and when you become competitive you will be proud of yourself.!
You, my friend, need a lot of practice before you are competitive.
There are no shortcuts. Good luck!
Quote from Aw3som3G4m3rzYT :here you go, plus a picture of my pov

OK then, here we go...

1. For your level of (in)experience, you've chosen two of the most difficult tracks.
FE has high curbs and some really tight corners. I suggest you start with AS3 (where only the last chicane is kinda difficult) or KY2(r) until your skills become better.

2. In FOX spr, I can see you are missing racing lines a lot and braking points too, that needs to be addressed, we'll come to that later.

3. FOX setup you were using was really bad for you, too much rear side sliding. Also, R1 on such a long track leads to overheating, you don't need that for the start.

4. Don't do hotlaps, they will only make you more nervous trying to beat the time. Use stints of about 10 laps with a stable setup, you will get into rhythm much better and you will get the feeling for it much faster.
I've attached a good, not too hard R2 set for FOX@KY2, try that and post spr/mpr when you can.

5. From FOX spr I've seen that you are not pushing too hard, which is good. The most important thing is to be comfortable with the car.

Remember, you CAN NOT advance with big steps, only small ones will get you where you want.

To other participants: guys, he's still just a kid, 12 years old, so overcomplicated driving philosophies will not help. He just needs some basic guidance for now.

EDIT: Do not use the racing line (button 4) because it's not always giving the best solution. Instead, try fallowing tire marks through the corners.
Also, always have tire status on your screen (pres F9), the current handling depends a lot of it.
Attached files
FOX_KY2 Lit.set - 132 B - 1287 views

Ah. Just also realised he uses a Microsoft Sidewinder... one of the most horrible wheels you can gey that is still branded somehow.. might explain a quarter of the driving..
With a little patience from all, he'll get there, even with the wheel he has Wink
Keep in mind that at your age you will need a lot more practice than everyone else. I played this game a lot as a kid and was always running in the back despite hundreds of laps of practice. There was only 2-3 combos i could pull a decent time on and that was because of about THOUSANDS of laps of practice. So things will get easier as you get older, meanwhile you need to practice a TON more.
I love how the community unite as one to help a sole person. Really warms my heart to know there are people who care
Oh how sweet
Quote from MicroSpecV :@sermilan

Ah. Just also realised he uses a Microsoft Sidewinder... one of the most horrible wheels you can gey that is still branded somehow.. might explain a quarter of the driving..


It lacks certain aspects for sure, but it isn't that bad.
Its okay for a wheel, until you note that even the Momo wheel is better :/

Im not saying its bad, just that it pales in comparision too, and is kinda horrible when you look at what wheels are currently. Tongue
@Aw3som3G4m3rzYT: Single player races against a single car are good for training. But don't try to 'race' them. Challenge yourself to stay as close behind them as you can at all times. This will start to give you an idea of where you can improve things like braking points, corner entry, momentum preservation and acceleration points. As you improve, you will start to find places where you will be able to out-drive your opponent and gain advantages.
OP Have you spent some time calibrating your wheel properly, also I found many yrs ago adjusting you POV and things like vertical movement etc give you great visual feedback and improve the experience have a look at the LFS manual (wiki) for how to to set the things I speak about
Quote from ShannonN :OP Have you spent some time calibrating your wheel properly, also I found many yrs ago adjusting you POV and things like vertical movement etc give you great visual feedback and improve the experience have a look at the LFS manual (wiki) for how to to set the things I speak about

my wheel is more than 20 years old... the software doesnt work on windows 10
There lies the other problem then - have you ever thought of getting a new wheel? Older wheels may lag and have compatability issues that make driving on them not as a fun experience than today's wheels.
IMMO practicing alone doesn't make much change if you can't learn from somebody something new, because when you practice you just keep repeating things only you know, what can probably won't make any further changes in your self improvement. Sometimes asking, watching others can make a bigger impact than repeating your own learned things. Probably you do it wrong all the time , what not gonna make any progress. Every people who leave can learn 'till they die every day. We are human , and nobody can say, I know everything ! Sharing experiences, discussing things can make us further more.
Quote from MicroSpecV :There lies the other problem then - have you ever thought of getting a new wheel? Older wheels may lag and have compatability issues that make driving on them not as a fun experience than today's wheels.

i do not have the money to buy a new wheel, i cant just simply ask my parents, i have to earn the money and save it to buy my own wheel
Get a used DFGT, it might be a step up, unless you are using a old DFGT already (wait, 20 years? idk).

They go for something like 60 pound in used market if you have negotiation skills. Got mine for something like 68 i think after conversion. Save up a little bro.
Quote from MicroSpecV :Get a used DFGT, it might be a step up, unless you are using a old DFGT already (wait, 20 years? idk).

They go for something like 60 pound in used market if you have negotiation skills. Got mine for something like 68 i think after conversion. Save up a little bro.

i looked on and it only got a 2.5 star review
Which is probably like 2.3 stars better than your current wheel...

practicing doesn't work
(67 posts, started )