This is a question about robotic system. I hope someone can help me
In a robotic system I am designing, the computer, motor controller and motor amplifier circuits all run on the same 24VDC power bus, which is provided by a switching power supply. Like below:

In the case of power supply failure, a capacitor/supercapacitor needs to provide backup power to the computer for 100 milliseconds, long enough for it to shut down properly. However, putting the capacitor in parallel with the computer also puts it in parallel with everything else on the bus, which means it would have to provide power to everything else for 100ms as well. This would require the cap/supercap to be prohibitively large.
What is the simplest change to the system such that the capacitor only provides power for the computer? I would really prefer to not need a separate power supply for the computer.

In a robotic system I am designing, the computer, motor controller and motor amplifier circuits all run on the same 24VDC power bus, which is provided by a switching power supply. Like below:

In the case of power supply failure, a capacitor/supercapacitor needs to provide backup power to the computer for 100 milliseconds, long enough for it to shut down properly. However, putting the capacitor in parallel with the computer also puts it in parallel with everything else on the bus, which means it would have to provide power to everything else for 100ms as well. This would require the cap/supercap to be prohibitively large.
What is the simplest change to the system such that the capacitor only provides power for the computer? I would really prefer to not need a separate power supply for the computer.