(included a few fails to make it look harder
I saw this video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEYS7Xy53YQ ) and found it very impressive.
So I tried to recreate the track of heat 1&2 from that competition.
That was not so easy because the map they show on TV is obviously not to scale and the video uses lots of zoomed perspectives that make it hard to judge distances.
At 50 seconds into the above video the announcer explains the track on a map, so you can look where to go.
It only matters that you pass on the correct sides of obstacles and through the gates in right direction, what you do inbetween is up to you. For example after the first gate you can continue backwards and only turn around at next gate or you can instantly continue in forward direction. Watch the video if that made no sense.
Some notes on the LFS version:
-For practice it found it less annoying to just drive back to start and go again, instead of always reaching for SHIFT+R and wait for countdown. For a timed run must start new race, of course.
-It is not possible to have checkpoints that check driving directions.
So there is only one checkpoint, at halfway. (so you know when you have cleared that gate correctly)
You have to keep track yourself!
-Other reason for not having checkpoints is so that one can better practice without getting spectated for "wrong route" all the time.
-Autotesting ends with stopping in a "garage" area, mimiced by the white pylons that you should not hit, even if they are behind the finish line.