Some users are able to modify Gearshift Debounce value to 0 (parameter in Options/Misc, officially lowest value is 20ms). Could anyone tell how that is done?
If it's possible but not through the interface, maybe it is possible to edit the file where the setting is saved (and that value is not checked for bounds when loaded). Other than that, I'd guess a memory-editor like Tweak or Lazy diddles the value live.
Edit: How'd you even downshift twice in 1/50th of a second? Lightning fingers
...and if Scawen happens across this, here's a little request to up the upper bound on that too. My downshift doesn't click, it machineguns staticy clicks the whole time my finger is in contact with the button. 1/4 second is still too long for my lazy, finger-dragging shifts apparently, and I'm regularly killing engines with accidental double-downshifts.
Its possible to edit the file, but it will not work, I tried. What I am interested of, is this a bug/leak that should be fixed by devs, or is it smthing else. The actual problem is, that debounce value of 0ms will make your clutch "unbreakable" - it will not slip anymore. So as long as we have this issue, I think its better than everyone is aware of this, instead of being a secret of chosen ones.
And since we have new release coming...would be nice if this clutch trick would be prevented there.