Hello, I am here to expose Skinzinho, Negan, SKC, [real name], BRLok Owner, LFSPro Owner or LFS Official Reseller, whatever.
First of all, I was on a Live for Speed discord. Then Skinzinho joined on it. So I messaged him...
Then he left from this discord server.
Months after I joined on LFSPro discord and I was about to message "Negan" and guess what... The message that I sent to Skinzinho was there saying that Negan is Skinzinho.
Few screenshots bellow:

Me: You know right?
from time to time some using fake accounts to try to be undercover but actually ends up giving it all wrong
Or asking about MCI error ahahaha
Him: now the chubby is the everybody hates chris
It was so wrong that Scawen still called me to be a reseller ...
cry more

As you can see on the screenshot, he is offering SCS to come to LFSPRO, also, it's the same discord mention...
And today, a LFSPro admin just left the LFSPro team, and guess what...

Well, as you know I retired from the LFSPro team, and with that I received several threats from them, so I came to publish and warn to be careful with this, because he threatened me with a credit card as you see the post below, negan asked what people wanted to use my credit card to want to **** me, sorry he could not, but there is the warning for all to be careful with LFSPro, however much they bring fun for those who have no original, they bring harm, Also, anyone who doubts that he was the SKC, now doubts are answered.

Link: https://lfspro.net/index.php?/topic/1164-master-off/
Alternative link if this one is unavailable: https://web.archive.org/web/20180423023142/https://lfspro.net/index.php?/topic/1164-master-off/

First of all, I was on a Live for Speed discord. Then Skinzinho joined on it. So I messaged him...
Then he left from this discord server.
Months after I joined on LFSPro discord and I was about to message "Negan" and guess what... The message that I sent to Skinzinho was there saying that Negan is Skinzinho.
Few screenshots bellow:

Me: You know right?
from time to time some using fake accounts to try to be undercover but actually ends up giving it all wrong
Or asking about MCI error ahahaha
Him: now the chubby is the everybody hates chris
It was so wrong that Scawen still called me to be a reseller ...
cry more

As you can see on the screenshot, he is offering SCS to come to LFSPRO, also, it's the same discord mention...
And today, a LFSPro admin just left the LFSPro team, and guess what...

Well, as you know I retired from the LFSPro team, and with that I received several threats from them, so I came to publish and warn to be careful with this, because he threatened me with a credit card as you see the post below, negan asked what people wanted to use my credit card to want to **** me, sorry he could not, but there is the warning for all to be careful with LFSPro, however much they bring fun for those who have no original, they bring harm, Also, anyone who doubts that he was the SKC, now doubts are answered.

Link: https://lfspro.net/index.php?/topic/1164-master-off/
Alternative link if this one is unavailable: https://web.archive.org/web/20180423023142/https://lfspro.net/index.php?/topic/1164-master-off/