The online racing simulator
I am too lazy to go through replays... not even sure I have it setup to save them. None are really worth much, other then when the kids where wrecking, and one car stuck about 10 stories up in the area into an invisible wall for a while.

That BIG pedal is exactly what I want. I tried to buy some of those larger pedals, but they cost like 40-60 each, and playseat wouldn't do a discount on them for a bulk order They claimed shipping was too high to do a discount for 10-12 of them. They only had 3 or 4 in stock.

I am thinking about just 3d Printing my own to go over the metal plates that are on it now. (I have a Form2 3D Printer)

There are people that try to press the middle pedal to GO..........
I now noticed on another picture that it is simply a metal plate (with a little curve in it). Ye, you can make that easily yourself.
why not start a new post and post here?
I had expected to post photos from the first 2018 events, however the weather had other plans. Usually it is a warm spring here, but winter's ice and snow remain. So the trailer is STILL in winter storage...

I have not been able to set it all up indoors over winter either, so I still have no log files from black screens. If winter keeps holding on I may have try indoors anyway, if I can make room for all the monitors and wheels.

I am currently working on setting up the Simulator Trailer at the Detroit Grand Prix, however they will not allow me to charge people money to race and the vendor fee is usually about $6000. So... it will not happen unless I find a company to sponsor the vendor fee, in trade for a temporary trailer wrap or something...

If I can pull it off, LFS may get some public exposure in the USA, maybe even 1 minute on TV. (My slot car track was on TV for 1 minutes on the news, back in 2012).

I am working on some upgrades for the trailer to make it more comfortable inside, and give me some storage space. This means Air Conditioner, Rear Strip Door, and a false floor under the simulators to raise them up, and create some space for storage drawers.

I have also been doing some more 3D sketches of some wishful thinking for the future. I had a quote of $100,000 to $150,000 USD, to build it, so unless I get rich doing this, it will never get built, but it is fun to dream. (see video)

It is basically a mobile Man-Cave/Tiny House that incorporates all my hobbies, and minimized versions of all the spaces I use at home.
Phwoar. I have massive respect for your project and it's unfortunate that it would be so expensive to build that new trailer.

Have you considered setting up a crowd-funding campaign to try and raise the money for this? It's such a brilliant idea and that design is inspired.

I'm confused as to why you aren't allowed to charge people to race at certain events when surely there are other stands/stalls and attractions that charge for their services, what's the reason behind them not allowing you to charge?
Thank You, I really Tetris'ed the heck out of everything to get it to fit. I have more fun doing that then playing most video games...

I have actually done 2 IndieGoGo projects. A few years ago, it was too difficult to get interest, and there wasn't much of a tangible product being created to give back to the backers, they had to either come to me, or me to them to get a reward, of using the trailer. Which also means only people in the USA would back it... thus knocking out most potential backers.

The grand Prix, has a Family Fun Zone, all rides, bounce houses, and games are free. The only thing vendors can charge for are products, like T Shirts, and food. And I think the one year I setup my slot-track there, 1 Slice of Pizza was like 12$ or something... it was silly expensive.

The good news is I have had a few company owners show interest in being a sponsor. So maybe....?!

The purpose of doing the Grand Prix would be for ADVERTISMENT to people attending, for doing future birthdays graduation and bachelor parties.

I am finding it difficult to do events with the trailer. Way more than anticipated...

I either need $3000 or more for vendor fees, they do not allow me to charge money, they have rules against games, they are full, they only want high-end-corporate sponsors, etc...

The M1 Concourse place I mentioned previously said they will no longer let me setup, because they prefer high end sponsors only, that pay high vendor fees. I suspect they are already in a deal with someone else to setup a race sim facility there.
I remember you mentioning your previous IndieGoGo campaigns now and I understand why it might not be a viable option.

I think it's crazy that even though you're offering a quality product, they're not willing to let you charge simply because you're not 'high-end' enough and can't stump up more cash.

Might be worth pursuing the companies that have shown interest, but only if you could make some sort of profit out of the actual events you're attending. Attending these events based on exposure alone must be kinda hard. Perhaps these companies/sponsors might be open to recurring events, some of which might let you charge.
After waiting for parts to be delivered, weather etc...

I finally got the trailer in the driveway last night, and started taking the cockpits apart to swap out the tiny broken caster wheels with something bigger. The little ones were just not meant to take the load of people constantly getting in and out of the seat. My hands are raw and cut up from tuning so many threaded caster wheels and screws...

Will hopefully have it up and running tonight or tomorrow to get photos and once again start testing for the black screen log. I need to get it going because I have 3 events planned this weekend, and would like to do at least ONE of them...
Attached images
Great, let us know how it goes!

I recommend test patch R19 as it's really stable.
I will first run it as it was end of last year, to make sure it still works that way. Windows and graphics updated, so who knows what may have changed. Then I will test latest patch versions. I already have like 15 LFS folders of different versions, and back up setups... Smile

I am both eagerly awaiting and dreading the new graphics changes. It will look nicer, but.... will 4 to 6 players still run on one of my machines? Wink

I got all the upgrades to the cockpit frames done, tomorrow will be wires and hopefully a test run. But I need to build one more piece out of wood to keep the sim seats snug in place in the trailer...
Quote from :
I am both eagerly awaiting and dreading the new graphics changes. It will look nicer, but.... will 4 to 6 players still run on one of my machines? Wink

Depends on the CPU power you can give it on a single instance. Since the new mirror routines my mobile CPU is maxxing out on a single thread on various spots. Especially with multiple cars around. If you can get a passmark beyond Intel Core i7-3630QM @ 2.40GHz 1,685 (<= single thread) you probably will be OK.

LFS is currently CPU limited it seems, GPU is not that important. This CPU limitation makes LFS a bit undriveable at this point (I am sorry to say).
Quote from FreeScirocco :LFS is currently CPU limited it seems, GPU is not that important. This CPU limitation makes LFS a bit undriveable at this point (I am sorry to say).

I can't help but disagree - Core i5-8250U of my $600 laptop handles LFS without no issues whatsoever, it's the Intel IGP that's bottlenecking it a little bit. I get around 60-90 fps, but that's with no antialiasing. CPU usage on a single core never goes above 50%, though, so if I had a dedicated GPU, I reckon it could go well above 120, and that's with a full grid of cars on a laptop.
Quote from Cutie pie :I can't help but disagree

OK, I will repeat myself then;
Quote :If you can get a passmark beyond Intel Core i7-3630QM @ 2.40GHz 1,685 (<= single thread) you probably will be OK.

Intel Core i5-8250U @ 1.60GHz 1,943

1685 < 1943 This is at the default clock, turbo frequency is even much higher.. Besides; single core != single thread. Any IGP is incomparable with a dedicated GPU. You are talking about a Graphics 620 IGP, it has 24 pipelines to begin with, it's nothing. I do not know if you have read about this project as a whole but this is based on VM's and splitting/assigning CPU&GPU power to individual threads so thats why I refer on (basic) benchmark numbers.

edit; but I now realized that the mirror update was long(er) ago. In this video it's already visible, so never mind. I think not much has changed on the performance of LFS in the meantime. Taped Shut
FreeScirocco: maybe you forgot there's big graphics update in the pipeline, which may eventually arrive (maybe even within year, two or three), and which will change the current LFS performance characteristics considerably, as it will use much more pixel shaders, will have dynamic shadow system, etc..

Everything measured with current LFS may change considerably after that update.

I believe the OP is worried about this one, as upgrading his setup considerably, let's say within next 12 months, will put some dent into the original calculation, and he's doing business, not playing games.

Although the OP is free to stay on older LFS version of course, there's no need for OP to update to latest LFS, as he's doing only LAN games, so he can update when he's ready.

Maybe wouldn't be a bad idea to render tracks in HD ànd SD and make this a selectable option. But I have no idea how much work this is. Seems more work then just using Photoshops resize option.
Quote from FreeScirocco :True.

Maybe wouldn't be a bad idea to render tracks in HD ànd SD and make this a selectable option. But I have no idea how much work this is. Seems more work then just using Photoshops resize option.

As the source data (track definition + textures) will be modified to suit the next generation of rendering code (including shaders), the old renderer would look "wrong" after that, so it's not feasible to maintain two versions of source data for a small team like LFS devs.

Also on most of the PCs today the LFS is barely using the available HW power, that's what even makes projects like OP has possible, but it's also something the majority of players rant a bit about, as they think the LFS would look+work considerably better when it would use more HW resources. I bet Scawen is trying to make LFS as optimized as possible, but not exactly targetting "make running 8 instances at single PC possible" goal.
I may be way off, but it is looking like I am only using about 20-25% of my Ryzen 1700 processors. 5% each Instance. So plenty of CPU room, however I think my GPU is pushing the limit. LFS does need GPU, as my i3 machine cannot run LFS above 20fps since it has built in gpu.

I spent all my prep time trying to get one of the monitors to work, need to figure out why it turns off... something to do with windows, and the MST adapter I am using. It did this before, but I forgot how I fixed it. Smile

Might spend the day tomorrow messing with the sims in the trailer, if weather is decent enough to warrant it.
Quote from :The forum shows me as being the last to reply here, and I did reply to this, but my reply is not showing up.

Yeah there seems to be a bug in this thread, never noticed this happening elsewhere. It did say that you were the last to post but there was no post in the thread. But if you search your post history (link), it's actually there. Weird.

It's sad to see this going downhill Frown
Quote from :And I keep putting it off, because I feel like I will be selling this thing in a few months. THERE are 100's of game trailers for sale, so it is a sign that no one needs or wants them, when everyone has their own play station etc...

Pretty sad story wish u good luck.
Quote from Sobis :Yeah there seems to be a bug in this thread, never noticed this happening elsewhere. It did say that you were the last to post but there was no post in the thread. But if you search your post history (link), it's actually there. Weird.

Happens when post are deleted, causing the last page posts to go into the previous one. But the post count still makes the paging to create a new one.
Man... what now?
This sucks...

Hrrmmhhh.... How much it has cost from the beginning as total?
I am still trying.

It has only been 1.5 warm months, and I have next to no advertisement... so too soon to call it. I am just bummed out that I've only done 1 event so far this year.

I will dump about $2K more in for the ad/graphics/flags etc, which is all I have remaining. If that does not improve things, then how much money I have at the end of the year will determine if I put it up for sale.

Spent the day testing things out, and solving misc issues.

PC 2, would turn on all 4 monitors, then one would go off like it was unplugged, never figured out why. Spent a lot of time trying to fix it, reboots, different cables etc... I wound up just swapping the monitor with one from PC 1... and it worked. ...

Left it running while doing other things in trailer, and had the first BLACK SCREEN since scawen made a patch for it to recover. And it recovered from the black screens in about 30 seconds. Drivers would have crashed, but at least it would have been back up and running in the same race. The radeon watt program also crashed at the same time, but that did not recover Wink.

It was a hot day, so heat likely was an issue, watt man temp readings were 70 and 80.

Have a couple events lined up, but they are not for a few months.
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Getting ready to do another car show type event in a few hours at Pep Boys in Eastpointe Michigan, USA. It is a street cruise so plenty of businesses along an umpteen mile strip will have vendors and cars parked along the road while other cars cruise up and down the highway. Suppose to be a few 1000 people at the pep boys area, because they have a car-dyno setup.

I will only be charging $1.00 at this event for a 10 minute race, so if MORE people do not race this time, then people just do not want too, and I will have to focus entirely on for-hire events.

They are also paying me a little to setup, so this event is sort of a half hired and half pay-to-play event. So... at least I have already made money on this one, and made up for the $100 lost so far on the other events.

I also have a few other big events lined up, but they are not until August/September.