Before i write this sorry for my bad english.
First suggestions then problems.
( im not expecting if any of these ideas will be added.. )
1. Can they atleast remake for the most cars new interior ? like textured updated etc that includes steering wheel , Gears , Chairs etc.. because current ones aren't even textured they are just .. 1 color ? it's ugly as ****..
LIST: UF1 , LX4 , LX6 , RB4 , FXO , RAC , FZ5 , UFR , FXR , FZR ,
Some Cars have nice detailed interior i want see on all cars have that.
Like XFR , XRR , XRT , XRG , XFG ,
2. Can we get new player models + Hands ? like more detailed.. it's not that i don't like them they are more creepy ..
3. Idk if this important or not but could possibly add animations whenever you like , like press W it acttualy in your car interior in legs it shows that you preesed Pedals like if Brake then your leg press brake or (Idk this word lets just call Forward.. )
Also possibly show animation whenever you change gears ? like in many racing games you drive and with one hand you switch gears. ?
(If you want it could be disabled.. like not show animations..)
4. Can we get Night ? system ? or like weather system ? like real-time ? Example it's day then evening then night or like rain system ? i never understood why there are screen wipers if there is no rain ? imagine how cool it would be.. like you race water floods in dirt etc XD (Possibly new psyhics with rain system) even tho it was already suggested and good ideas it never made to the light.. and it's wayyy back to 2009..
5. Idk but we will ever get new cars , motos , Other ?? ? (i know why there aren't more cars but still..)
6. Possibly update car sounds ? even up to this date sounds are quite nice but i don't like them. Some sound like washing machine XD.. ? (ik it supposted to sound like that but it sounds more like washing machine then actual Engine..)
7. I love that you can acttualy put custom blocks platforms to the game , but could possibly and textures on them ? or even add some psyhics like Dirt ? Sand etc.
8. Possibly Update Grass , Sand Textures ? (Tracks already getting retextures and updates which is very nice.)
Just read this and see which ideas were considered good , Bad , And just maybe
Most my ideas are writted here. (already people suggested it)
I think LFS is great racing game. but it lacks manyyy things.. btw it's overpriced even tho price definetly dropped it still costs too much.. not gonna pay 18$ for S3 or S2..
S3.. 1 New track XD
Like there supposted be stuff be added way back in 2005-2010.. but it was never added
This game has great potential .. with making good updates , etc players will comeback. and possibly could wipe out other racing games.. but for now this game continues to die. with updates it slows down but.. yeah
My point is add new stuff , update things , that we never seen before. make this game exciting again. reason i play this game (I'm playing cracked) because of cruise servers XD..
If Rly im expecting response from devs. and i respect their hard work because they still are updating this game. so i don't give up seeing stuff in the future.
First suggestions then problems.
( im not expecting if any of these ideas will be added.. )
1. Can they atleast remake for the most cars new interior ? like textured updated etc that includes steering wheel , Gears , Chairs etc.. because current ones aren't even textured they are just .. 1 color ? it's ugly as ****..
LIST: UF1 , LX4 , LX6 , RB4 , FXO , RAC , FZ5 , UFR , FXR , FZR ,
Some Cars have nice detailed interior i want see on all cars have that.
Like XFR , XRR , XRT , XRG , XFG ,
2. Can we get new player models + Hands ? like more detailed.. it's not that i don't like them they are more creepy ..

3. Idk if this important or not but could possibly add animations whenever you like , like press W it acttualy in your car interior in legs it shows that you preesed Pedals like if Brake then your leg press brake or (Idk this word lets just call Forward.. )
Also possibly show animation whenever you change gears ? like in many racing games you drive and with one hand you switch gears. ?
(If you want it could be disabled.. like not show animations..)
4. Can we get Night ? system ? or like weather system ? like real-time ? Example it's day then evening then night or like rain system ? i never understood why there are screen wipers if there is no rain ? imagine how cool it would be.. like you race water floods in dirt etc XD (Possibly new psyhics with rain system) even tho it was already suggested and good ideas it never made to the light.. and it's wayyy back to 2009..
5. Idk but we will ever get new cars , motos , Other ?? ? (i know why there aren't more cars but still..)
6. Possibly update car sounds ? even up to this date sounds are quite nice but i don't like them. Some sound like washing machine XD.. ? (ik it supposted to sound like that but it sounds more like washing machine then actual Engine..)
7. I love that you can acttualy put custom blocks platforms to the game , but could possibly and textures on them ? or even add some psyhics like Dirt ? Sand etc.
8. Possibly Update Grass , Sand Textures ? (Tracks already getting retextures and updates which is very nice.)
Just read this and see which ideas were considered good , Bad , And just maybe
Most my ideas are writted here. (already people suggested it)
I think LFS is great racing game. but it lacks manyyy things.. btw it's overpriced even tho price definetly dropped it still costs too much.. not gonna pay 18$ for S3 or S2..
S3.. 1 New track XD
Like there supposted be stuff be added way back in 2005-2010.. but it was never added
This game has great potential .. with making good updates , etc players will comeback. and possibly could wipe out other racing games.. but for now this game continues to die. with updates it slows down but.. yeah
My point is add new stuff , update things , that we never seen before. make this game exciting again. reason i play this game (I'm playing cracked) because of cruise servers XD..
If Rly im expecting response from devs. and i respect their hard work because they still are updating this game. so i don't give up seeing stuff in the future.