Anyone use DFP with 900 degrees?
Afternoon Lads and Lasses

Just wondered how many people use the DFP in the non GT or SS cars (since they'd have short steering racks) and use the full 900 degrees to match the in-cockpit wheel motion?

I've tried it and find it much MUCH harder to catch tail slides and general corrections, although I'm sure I could get used to it.

Does it offer you more control do you find? or simply a greater sense of realism?

I use about 350, but am trying to slowly increase as I think that'd be a better way than just slapping it up to 900 degrees and fighting with it
funny, im doing the same
I use whatever the steering wheel lock is of the car I'm driving. 720 for all STD, TBO, FWD, LRF cars. 270 for MRT, 540 for GTR, 450 for FO8 and FOX, 400 for the BF1.
Quote from wheel4hummer :I use whatever the steering wheel lock is of the car I'm driving. 720 for all STD, TBO, FWD, LRF cars. 270 for MRT, 540 for GTR, 450 for FO8 and FOX, 400 for the BF1.

Does that involve popping into the options and changing the setting each time or is there a simple setting to match the car that i've not seen.
Quote from Robster230 :...or is there a simple setting to match the car that i've not seen.

Yes. In the garage.
I use 500 for everthing - suits my driving style.
Quote from Robster230 :Does that involve popping into the options and changing the setting each time or is there a simple setting to match the car that i've not seen.

LFS, clever old thing, does it automatically. Just set your wheel rotation to 900° and wheel turn compensation to 1.0. Personally I use 720° because that is the maximum ingame. I used to have 900° because I thought it was manly. It's not!
Quote from Doorman :LFS, clever old thing, does it automatically. Just set your wheel rotation to 900° and wheel turn compensation to 1.0. Personally I use 720° because that is the maximum ingame. I used to have 900° because I thought it was manly. It's not!

Ahh thanks, I was just searching through the 'LFS Manual' for an explanation of the Turn Compensation as I had a feeling it could be what I'm after
I use 720 for all the cars on LFS, other games, tend to turn it down a little. Depends upon how much I wanna shake the desk really, but 720 gives me the best results for me in LFS.
I've got mine set to use the full 900 deg rotation so that it matches the ingame wheel.

Its difficult to start with, especially if you like RallyX, but over time, you are much smoother with the wheel that you dont create as many tail slides. The major difficulty is if someone tags you and puts you into a spin.
I use 900 degrees in all the cars, havent bothered to change.... Works fine for me.
Does the standard DF have 900 deg or is it worth spending the xtra cash to get the DFP???
DFP are sooo cheap now, its worth getting it!!
I've set my DFP to 820 degrees, I don't know how I got that value, probably a mistake a long time ago

I think it's great that LFS adjusts the lock-to-lock value's when you get a real-racecar but for the road cars i love the 820 degrees. It gives me great control. It also makes sure you are a smooth racer, because it's not as easy to get away with all the tail-throwing-throttle jamming style that is quite fun but not really fast.

In racer, which I use for touring mostly I use the full 900 degrees while in RBR 500 does the trick for me.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I've got my DFP set to 900 degrees and wheel compensation set to 1 so my DFP turns as much as the wheel ingame regardless of vehicle. It might be easier using a smaller lock but I wanted as much realism as possible. It's all about the experience for me (can't wait for the G25 ), not how competitive I am . I started racing this way from the outset so I wouldn't have to change later.

It really feels like a huge achievement when you catch a slide in a car with 720 lock :P.
i use half the cars rotation, so for std cars i use 360, gtr - 270.
In SS i used 200 usually. Both with 9 wheel turn compensation.
I use 900 on the road cars, 540 on the GTRs and 200 on the Formulas. I think having to wrestle with the road cars a bit is more characteristic of how they'd be in reality. There's a certain amount of showmanship in there as well.

I just wish I could drive faster.
Quote from blonde11 :Does the standard DF have 900 deg or is it worth spending the xtra cash to get the DFP???

Not it doesn't have and that "standard" Driving Force wheel is completely different wheel than DFP, steering range definately isn't the only difference...
#19 - Mc21
I use 540 for all cars, but I change it for the single seaters.
The turn compensation should stop the wheel when you reach maximum lock.
Quote from deggis :Not it doesn't have and that "standard" Driving Force wheel is completely different wheel than DFP, steering range definately isn't the only difference...

IC Looks like its the DFP for me
I use 720° as it is the maximum in LFS, so I have 540° in the GTRs. Isn't really difficult to cathch a slide once you're used to it
Quote from wheel4hummer :I use whatever the steering wheel lock is of the car I'm driving. 720 for all STD, TBO, FWD, LRF cars. 270 for MRT, 540 for GTR, 450 for FO8 and FOX, 400 for the BF1.

Me too. Because I am such a realism freak
I use 271° allways.
Quote from wheel4hummer :I use whatever the steering wheel lock is of the car I'm driving. 720 for all STD, TBO, FWD, LRF cars. 270 for MRT, 540 for GTR, 450 for FO8 and FOX, 400 for the BF1.

Me too, and i have a lob catching tail slides but its a simulator not a game so your controller should be that same a the car