Hello everyone!
Let's start off with saying i'm a heavy LFSLapper user, I push this software to the absolute maximum limits. Why? Simply because my project [SC] City Driving (Cruise) is reliant on LFSLapper programming environment.
During the 2 or more years I've been working with LFSLapper, my one and only goal was when i started using LFSLapper, whatever scripts or features I create, if it has a bug; it should be eliminated as soon as possible. My priority is to fix a bug, then move on to a new feature.
Over the years after getting fluent at LFSLapper language and learnt more about efficient and logical coding, I started to come across so many bugs from LFSLapper that the experience is no fun anymore. I had to turn down or postpone (for quite a long time) some projects and features hoping that the bug would be resolved. In some cases they weren't solved.
But knowing that the only current developer of LFSLapper is (DanTaco190) Bass-Driver, fixing things by himself will be no easy job, so fixing bugs can take some little time to an eternity depending on how hard-coded the source is.
I know how hard and stressful sometimes it can get for (DanTaco190) Bass-Driver and I applaud him for trying and making LFSLapper a much more usable and up-to-dated software as possible, let's not forget how dedicated this guy is.

I've made a list about the current LFSLapper bugs.
- Array issue where LFSLapper can not distinguish the difference between the value 1. (11, 12, 21,31, etc..)
- Array issue where the array will be reset (applies to integer values) if there's no ."" at the end of the set value.
- Idle and Afk timers are still not solved till this day.
- The function GlobalMsg(); is unoptimized and would not show the full list of messages that need to be displayed depending on the player count.
- Private and Host delayed commands can be started multiple times using the same id. This shouldn't happen and in some cases the delayed commands can be started hundreds, if not thousands of times per second depending on how configured the function is.
- Both functions SetUserStoredValue(); and GetUserStoredValue(); are obsolete in my opinion due to how awfully these both functions work in terms of performance, It is honestly awfully slow.
- There's really no way to display to the user if the command he wrote does not exist. I assume this is a string issue as me and (DanTaco190) Bass-Driver tried to tackle down this problem.
- Found a bug in LFSLapper? comment down below and I will update this list.
- We must contribute to the LFSLapper project and try help the best we can with troubled source codes.
- We must list every single bug discovered from LFSLapper immediately to this very forum category.
- We must make LFSLapper as the first option for beginner programmers due to the simplicity of this software. This will surely help us to track down bugs that will or might occur in LFSLapper by the user.
- We must create video tutorials for LFSLapper users to learn, therefore some scripts will be equal to other scripts and this will help us tackle down the bug if it exists by the same source multiple times. This will also encourage users to use LFSLapper environment due to tutorials availability.
- The LFSLapper contributors should FOCUS on bugs first to eliminate them as soon as possible, then move on to creating new features for this software.
And by no means I am attacking the software or the developer, but trying to make it gain attention due to the potential it got. LFSLapper is really used by very few people, and most of the bug reports come from me, TechEdison and Yisc[NL].
I didn't plan to write this at all. and I'm sure I executed this thread poorly, but this is all written from the frustration that I've experienced during the period of using LFSLapper.
I hope I made a clear point here and that It is understood. And if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
(ps danny, don't kill me about make LFSlapper great again XD)