The online racing simulator
S3 Season 2018
(25 posts, started )
#1 - lucaf
S3 Season 2018
my "almost live in-car" of last race (XFR@South City Town Course) xD (explanation in video's description)

and traditional TV broadcast here

#camfile SO5
Attached files
SO5.rar - 320 B - 536 views
#2 - lucaf
incar "live recording" and tv broadcast vid

#camfile RO2
Attached files
RO2.rar - 295 B - 514 views
great result lucaf, congratz!
#4 - lucaf
thanks mate Smile
#5 - lucaf
#6 - lucaf
Yesterday's LX6 race, incar

TV cam version (will be uploaded soon)
LX6... this is real race. And not these yours ABS's. ABS die.
This is what you call "close racing" in t1. To bad it didn't end well.

I couldn't keep my car on the road once the race started, so I gave up.
It was a nice race to spectate. It was unfortunate there where so many crashes.

Also, sorry Bingo Wings for the contact in lap 1.

Herman /2
Attached images
#9 - lucaf
My incar yesterday at SO3R

Look what happened at 20:14, I drove over a traffic light semaphore that was probably flown on the track by Temporato hitting the inside corner. Things get interesting when I go to watch the MPR. In my incar view of the mpr (20:14), I dont hit the semaphor but it is on the track (lying on different position). In free view mode it doesnt even show on the track Big grin.

edit: and first half of the race

#camfile SO3R
Attached files
SO3R.rar - 243 B - 538 views
I think that happens because in multiplayer replays the car's movement is not stored as precise as in singleplayer.
However the movement of objects is not stored in the replay, instead objects physics are calculated anew every time the replay runs. So when a car's movement is just slightly different than in actual race it will hit the object at different position/speed and the object will then move different, too.
Sometimes if you rewind the replay you get different outcomes for the objects. (also sometimes one is the original behaviour)

By the way thanks for the videos, my LFS computer is still broken, via videos I can at least follow races a bit Smile
yea I have also noticed if you hit tyre wall in a race, the tires bounc in the replay every time different way
13.5. event


#camfile RO4
Attached files
RO4.rar - 299 B - 494 views
@lucaf: nice driving! you really are UF1 pro Big grin
Videos of the 20.5.18 event at BL2

my incar:

TV Director (updated cam positions)

#camfile BL2
Attached files
BL2.rar - 318 B - 514 views
My race yesterday at South City
first laps video

had to modify cam file because custom pit disturbed one cam
#camfile so2
Attached files
SO2.rar - 284 B - 507 views
my drive at westhill couple of hours ago
Hello All , I Love This League And I Wanted To Race With You Guys , But I Have Small Problem Here , I Can't Sign-Up In Your Web-Site , Issue With "Capatcha"
Attached images
TV Director @Westhill

Quote from Ayoub2016 :Hello All , I Love This League And I Wanted To Race With You Guys , But I Have Small Problem Here , I Can't Sign-Up In Your Web-Site , Issue With "Capatcha"

M@ciek reported your problem to admins Smile
Hi guys! I, as old moderator of the site, have switched ecaptcha off for the moment. You can now register again at the site. Sorry for the hassle!
Will look another time to get V2 implemented at the site.
Quote from lucaf :TV Director @Westhill

M@ciek reported your problem to admins Smile

ThankYou Mr.Lucaf And Mr.M@aciek For Help , To Much <3 <3
Quote from Starbert :Hi guys! I, as old moderator of the site, have switched ecaptcha off for the moment. You can now register again at the site. Sorry for the hassle!
Will look another time to get V2 implemented at the site.

Hi Moderator , ThankYou For Help , I Can Registe And Log-in Now Smile <3
(lucaf) DELETED by lucaf : less is more
Again nice and fun event by AB, here is both TV stream and onboard cam from my car.

Somewhat fully reordered cams for FE3R
#camfile FE3R
Attached files
FE3R.rar - 374 B - 483 views
One of yesterday's races in TV form:

Hope you'll like it.
Last race of the current S3L season. You can find onboard video in the description as well.

S3 Season 2018
(25 posts, started )