LFSLAPPER gui_help close button problem
Hello guys!
(First,ı'm english very bad,ı'm sorry)
I have a question.
I have a server and ı'm upload gui_help.lpr but ı'm write a !help,click close button but ı can't.
Not closing.
İf you,give me a help lapper,ı'm give you a server for free.
I guess you downloaded that script from this thread:

You have to download the other scripts aswell to make the Closebutton to work.
Also, what i think is that those scripts are really outdated.
Those scripts are updated, renamed and are enabled by default in Lapper.

See in addonsused.LPR in the 'includes' folder.

# CIF includes
# You can reorder these lines to change the tab order on the sub-menus
include ("./cif/cif.lpr"); # This MUST be first to define all of the CIF globals

# CIF Info Modules #################
include ("./cif/info_tops.lpr"); # Top output with interactive buttons, replaces tops.lpr, !top, !near, !qual, !nearqual
include ("./cif/info_who.lpr"); # Who, replaces the who,lpr module and !who command

# CIF Config Modules #################
include ("./cif/config_membership.lpr"); # Membership administration
include ("./cif/config_handicaps.lpr"); # Player Handicap Info

# CIF Help Modules #################
include ("./cif/help_general.lpr"); # General Help and !help command
include ("./cif/help_admin.lpr"); # Admin Help
include ("./cif/help_stats.lpr"); # Stats Help
include ("./cif/help_custom.lpr"); # Custom server Help

And i dont want a free server.
S2/S3 is really nice, try it out yourself by buying this game. You will support the developers with it.
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