The online racing simulator
Here is the next BETA for the 'Schedule' module.

Changelog for Schedule V2.00.12 BETA:

-Fixed a bug regarding data storage which failed when no race was found during daily/hourly schedule check
-Added join_track block to daily/hourly schedule check

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add it to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
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schedule.txt - 53.3 KB - 317 views
Here is the next BETA for the 'Schedule' module.

Changelog for Schedule V2.00.13 BETA:

-Added extra delay in Sub 'end_of_event' to be able to change track (if needed) at end of event

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add it to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
Attached files
schedule.txt - 54 KB - 286 views
Here is the next (and as far as I am concerned, last one) BETA for the 'Schedule' module.

Changelog for Schedule V2.00.14 BETA:

-Only go from Sub 'OnNewPlayerJoin_Schedule' to Sub 'Update_password' if $join_track_allowd is 'true'

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add it to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
Attached files
schedule.txt - 54.1 KB - 306 views
After a lot of testing and with Lapper version having been released last night, it's about time to put the 'Schedule' and 'Set Schedule' modules out of the BETA stage.

Changelog for Schedule V2.01 and V2.02:

-Moved the version out of BETA (V2.01)
-Fixed a bug in Sub 'Set_server_settings' which didn't check if Canreset needed changing when compared to General settings (V2.02)

Changelog for Set Schedule V2.01:

-Fixed a bug where the CFG-button was shown at an inappropriate moment
-Added a message about having deleted a server name when no text is put in, to Sub 'config_server_name'
-Clarified the text about having loaded the schedule of another server in Sub 'activate_server_name'
-Moved the version out of BETA

Change the extension of the files to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use them.

I am currently writing up a manual about how to use the 'Set Schedule' module, which can be found here:
Attached files
schedule_set.txt - 134.4 KB - 307 views
schedule.txt - 54.6 KB - 297 views
Tonight a bug was reported to me, which is about the UTC time being calculated wrongly from the local time.
I've fixed this bug and while testing, found another one and fixed that as well.

Changelog for Schedule V2.03:

-Fixed a bug in Sub 'Schedule' where UTC was calculated by adding(+) hours to local time, instead of substracting(-) hours from local time
-Fixed a bug in Sub 'Schedule' where Hours were displayed as 24 instead of 00
-Fixed a bug in Sub 'Schedule_trackcheck' where Hours were displayed as 24 instead of 00

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add it to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
Attached files
schedule.txt - 55.7 KB - 302 views
I've been trying to set it up for 2 hours. I do not know why but when i press !ss or !set_schedule, I get just "You are not allowed to do that" From the !help menu I have set myself to admin and in Admin.txt, superusers.txt. I use last Lapper V7.0.4.10.
I can confirm same error message for both !ss and !set_schedule, but !schedule seems to be working.

!schedule allows me to click 'more', 'less' or 'close'.

No error messages in log files, but there is error message on the cmd window that opens when you start lapper.

This message appears on cmd window once the schedule checker message ('time left before...') times out and LFS shows "Lapper start - No scheduled race found" message.
Attached images
Schedule error message.jpg
I will look into the issue with being an admin or not.

The message on the console is selfexplaining Smile
Lapper checks if the value 'SCHDL_CHECK_RSA' is found in the database.
If that isn't the case, it will throw this warning and explains why it is happening.
Typing !ss , then filling in the form for 'General settings' and reloading the Lapper config, will clear the warning.
Of course, I still need to solve the issue with the admin-check, otherwise typing !ss won't get you anywhere Smile
Will get back to you guys about this.
Actually it should work, but no. May I mess up somewhere, I do not know why the system does not allow me to do that. I will enjoy any advice .... I love BL Rally I want to open a host with good events, this system looks good to me because Rally's discipline is currently dormant.
Right, I've fixed the bug with the UserGroupFromFile problem.
Apparently, I am loading that group in one of my other scripts and therefor never ran into this problem.
Now it's loaded in this script (as well), so the list of admins is there.

Changelog for Set Schedule V2.02:

-Added UserGroupFromFile to Sub 'OnMSO'

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add it to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
Attached files
schedule_set.txt - 134.5 KB - 307 views
Yes, it works very well now. One big thank you from me, a really great job.
I've created a small but useful feature for the Set Schedule and Schedule module.
You can now add the name of a layout, so that the correct layout will be loaded when Schedule changes the track.
When the trackcode ends on X or Y, an extra button is shown using a red X (to indicate no name has been entered yet).
When the name of a layout has been entered for that race, a green V is shown.
Clicking the green V, will show you the currently entered name of the layout.

Changelog for Set Schedule V2.03:

-Added option to add the name of a layout, incase an open config is used as track

Changelog for Schedule V2.04:

-Added code to be able to change layout if needed

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add it to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
Attached images
Attached files
schedule_set.txt - 140.1 KB - 321 views
schedule.txt - 56.8 KB - 278 views
More work has been done on the Schedule and Set Schedule modules.
You can now set the name of the layout, as well as the numbers of splits that layout has.
The number of splits is used when calculating the size of the Pitboard (which is another module I wrote in the past).

When a trackcode is used ending on X or Y, a red + will be displayed, indicating that not all values of the layout to be used, are entered into the system.
Clicking the red +, will bring up the fields to enter the name of the layout, as well as one to enter the number of splits.
When entering the number of splits, you will need to take the finishline into account as well.
So if you have 3 sectors, the number of splits is 4.
If all information is entered and the 'Close Layouts & Splits' button is clicked, the + sign has turned green, indicating all needed information is there.

The second change is the option of adding a racelength in hours, instead of lapnumbers.
To do so, enter H1 as code, to indicate the race will have a 1 hour length.

Changelog for Set Schedule V2.05:

-Added option to add the numbers of splits that a layout has (number of splits is used to display correct size of PB)
-Added option to add race length in hours (1-48)

Changelog for Schedule V2.06:

-Added code to be able to set the amount of splits of a layout (max = 4 , finishline has to be counted as split)
-Added code to be able to set race length in hours (1-48)

Change the extension of the files to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use them.
Attached images
Attached files
schedule_set.txt - 146.8 KB - 297 views
schedule.txt - 57.6 KB - 271 views
Changelog for Set Schedule V2.06:

-Added option to add a default password for a server (will be used when no scheduled race is found)

Changelog for Schedule V2.07:

-Added code to set default server password when no scheduled race has been found

Change the extension of the files to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use them.
Attached files
schedule_set.txt - 148.5 KB - 272 views
schedule.txt - 57.9 KB - 271 views
thank you for keeping these scripts updated.
Changelog for Schedule V2.08:

-Added code to set default server password when no scheduled race has been found on Daily/hourly check

Change the extension of the files to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use them.
Attached files
schedule..txt - 58.4 KB - 259 views
How hard do you think it would be to implement a way to have recurring events? Like do "event X" every hour and do "event Y" every other hour.
Quote from TechEdison :How hard do you think it would be to implement a way to have recurring events? Like do "event X" every hour and do "event Y" every other hour.

I have some ideas how to make that possible, but need to go and test them before I can say something useful about it.
Changelog for Set Schedule V2.07:

-Added a confirmation window when deleting a single race
-Added a confirmation window when deleting the whole schedule of a server
-Renamed $car_names to $car_names_set_schedule
-Renamed $car_groups to $car_groups_set_schedule

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
Attached files
schedule_set.txt - 152.1 KB - 234 views
Hello guys, i recently discovered this awesome plugin but i have a big problem with it, i know its been a long time since the last message here but i hope someone will answer me, i tried to set it since 2 days, i did EVERYTHING correctly, followed manual etc, it did have access to database, i can access to the menu, i set all my event correctly etc, but EVERYTIME it check for a schedule it say that there is nothing planned, do you guys maybe know why ? i hope somebody will see this, thanks alot for your time and efforts
First thing that comes to mind is that it's not saving the information to the database. You could check the Lapper error file and see if anything is logged there. This can be found in: bin\default\logs
The filename should end with ERR.log
Please check that logfile and report any errors you see.
Also report the version of Lapper you are running.
You can see this by typing this in the LFS chat: !ver
it did save in the database, when i add more event in the schedule, i see that the database get bigger ( even if its unknown character for a normal notepad ) also checked the log and i have literally zero error ( except some " cannot receive packet " but its when i close the server )

as for the version of Lapper, i currently use the v7.0.7.2 but i also tried with many other different and same result, plugin work but once all set it say that nothing is planned and dont change the server map etc

could it be due to the fact that i run a dedicated on my PC and not hosted from a website ?
thanks for the reply btw Smile
Have you seen the actual data in the dabase?
The file size growing could be an indication as well, but is not a guarantee by any means.
Use DB Browser to access the database file (storedvalue.dbs) and check table "fi_stored" to see if the data you entered has been stored into the database.
It should look similar as this:

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