Well first I was wondering if oneday we will be able to move/adjust the position of our mirrors because you can't see everything were they are now. Well I can't anyways.
And also I was thinking like, if you crash your car very badly that it gose up in flames and you cant drive it until you pit and there could be like a 10 second timer to pit then after that 10 secs it auto pits you.
Like driving the oval and you crash into the side fast that your car gose into flames and runs up the wall and crashes down in the middle grass part. That would be cool.

EDIT: Also like if u have a minor crash your mirrors could get like smashed.
So is there anyone at all who likes these?
And also I was thinking like, if you crash your car very badly that it gose up in flames and you cant drive it until you pit and there could be like a 10 second timer to pit then after that 10 secs it auto pits you.
Like driving the oval and you crash into the side fast that your car gose into flames and runs up the wall and crashes down in the middle grass part. That would be cool.

EDIT: Also like if u have a minor crash your mirrors could get like smashed.
So is there anyone at all who likes these?