The online racing simulator
9397 BL4X Layouts
(13 posts, started )
#1 - lucaf
9397 BL4X Layouts
As a reminder, my layouts are running on Racon's server "PiranMoto BL Industrial" and there is also lapper system (use !top), would be nice to see more name in statistics Smile

Feel free to use the layouts in your server, events, whatever as long as you share them free Smile Download link here.

Currently there is running Boreas layout. (Unfortunately the statistics shown on that link are not anymore available (was another server) but just to have a look what kind of times have been done there half year ago...)
#2 - Racon
Sheesh, I give you a couple of laptimes to beat and you go and fill out the whole table! Wink
#4 - lucaf

If you think you master IndustrialEurus (next host of Ronys XL events), beware of Glaucus - the big brother of Eurus! Faster! Longer! More dangerous!

Will be christmas! Na-na

(ps. Heart the new layout editor!)
#5 - Racon
PS: The server name has had the spaces removed since the original post here, it's now PiranMotoBLIndustrial

I noticed Eurus hadn't had a run out, so it's up now Wink
#7 - lucaf
I'm finalizing my new layout and I would like to hear your thoughts on this (the layout part in this pic may look familiar to you from Eurus and some other lyts)

I think about not to use original pits, instead building simple pit lane in the backyard of the original one. What do you think? Currently pitting is very slow since the entry is long & slow and you have the speed limit also there. Custom pit would be shorter. What do you think? I could still use the original garages as pit starting points.

Do you find any drawbacks on this idea?

btw. anyone would like to beta test the layout? Maybe you guys find something to improve.
#8 - Racon
The pitlane itself is fine as it is IMHO, but a new one would be fine too Wink

The entrance could use a rework though, that braking area is difficult enough to get right as it is without cars headed for the pits to contend with. It should start from a position where the line for the cars staying on track has already moved out from the wall ideally, so probably closer to the right hander in the middle of the pic than the left hander on the right. A big, gentle S-shape from there to where you have the boxes in the image, or maybe just run the boxes along the track shape? Running it along the track gives you enough space to do the through-the-boxes trick, too.

PS: I'm close to adding custom pit areas with speed limits for all the PiranMOTO servers (testing work in progress on Debug), so you could still have your speed limit for the custom pits there. I'll be around late tonight if you want to test the track... I was blitzing Eurus last night, so I'm half-way up to speed already Smile
#9 - lucaf
Quote from Racon :It should start from a position where the line for the cars staying on track has already moved out from the wall ideally, so probably closer to the right hander in the middle of the pic than the left hander on the right. A big, gentle S-shape from there to where you have the boxes in the image

Yes true, im not sure if I want to put time on that. Though I like the idea the cars start from the car park side, instead of racetrack side.
Final versions so far. Any bug reports are welcome. Feel free reusing them as you want. Have fun!

Would be nice if someone records one hot lap on both layouts, I could include them as youtube-vids on the official layout page.

edit: GlaucusRev layout updated, just couple of cosmetic things, banners and signs which were not "reversed" from Glaucus layout on which I based the Rev layout.
Attached files
BL4X_Glaucus.lyt - 16.6 KB - 530 views
BL4X_GlaucusRev.lyt - 15.9 KB - 467 views
The foward route is up at PiranMOTOBLIndustrial.

I love it all, but that last corner especially is a thing of lumpy beauty Thumbs up
I uninstalled my wheel, so needed to wait someone drives a decent demonstration lap on these. Thanks jackson93 aka Maciek.
Download link two messages above ^


Quote from lucaf :As a reminder, my layouts are running on Racon's server "PiranMoto BL Industrial" and there is also lapper system (use !top), would be nice to see more name in statistics Smile

Feel free to use the layouts in your server, events, whatever as long as you share them free Smile Download link here

Ooops, outdated info that I neglected to update! I recently rejiggered my servers and have done away with PiranMOTOBLIndustrial. All tracks that were available there, including all of Luca's BL Industrial series, are now available on PiranMOTOStreetRacing instead Thumbs up

9397 BL4X Layouts
(13 posts, started )