The online racing simulator
stuck in selection page [ and can't leave empty server ]
When i join an empty server , i get stuck in the selection page (where you select track and car) and there is nothing i can do to get out of it.
When i click on "cars" or "track" button nothing happens .The only way to get out is ALT + F4.
Is this a question or a statement ?

Does it happen on every empty server ?

The track selection statement confuses me. The track should be already set, so you as a guest can't change it ??

What happens when you click the leave button ?

If you post a screenie we might be able to help you
Is this a question or a statement ? well it s a bug report

Does it happen on every empty server ? not really

The track selection statement confuses me. The track should be already set, so you as a guest can't change it ?? you can on some servers

What happens when you click the leave button ? nothing

If you post a screenie we might be able to help you i dont think it would help


Really ?? did'nt know that. (you learn something every day )


Probably right

When i first saw this post i went and checked at T7R Lippy World, and didn't have any problems, so, i have no idea why this should be happening to you ?, perhaps someone more cleverer than me will come along and explain it
I have had this problem of being stuck on an empty server on occasion. I couldn't leave, join the track, or anything. I don't know what happened, I just exited LFS the hard way (the close box in the window).
I have seen this once. The host I connected to was in a strange state.

If you can reproduce this, please let me know the name of the host. I can usually restart them remotely from the master server, and the problem goes away. I don't know how it happens - I think it's very rare but when it happens, that host stays like that until it is restarted, so you see this bug more often than you should.
This is happening to me right now on both of my teams servers #1 and #2

I was able to join some empty servers but also got stuck in the selection page on


The admin commands still seem to work on my team servers (I was able to change the car types with the /cars command)

EDIT: I used a /reinit command on #2 and although it didn't disconnect me (like it should with that command, right?), it seemed to fix the problem and the server is back to normal (although after issuing the command I once again had to use <CTL><ALT><DEL> and restart LFS).

I have left #1 in its messed up state incase you want to look at it yourself.
this also happened to me twice. Your lag marker gets a bit longer and then stops getting longer. You cannot leave the server because lfs thinks it has to tell the server that you leave and because your lag marker does not get longer you also are not thrown out because of ping-timeout... so you are stuck.

OT: Scawen, you can restart servers remotely via master-server? That sounds interesting. Could you drop me a screenie of the master-server control panel you have, just out of interest?
I had this a few times, when i start a qualifying on an empty server, Press Shift+S immediatly (to go to box) and then enter (to start from the finish-line) in quick order.

I think the server had to be restarted then, if i rember correct.
Perhaps their is some confusion, when I was referring to the 'selection screen' it's the one where you select the track, number of laps, qualifying period, weather and all those things. It's the first screen you go to when you join an empty server.

Anyway, I see things must have gotten pretty badly messed up because a lot of the servers seem to be reset this morning (the only reason I suspect they've been reset is that they're set to ALL cars on servers that wouldn't ordinarily do that, including my teams).

Our other team server is gone from the master list but was there last night.
I'm sure this was brought up a while ago, something to do with servers running through Wine on Linux boxes and the process hanging.

It happens to our server every now and again, mostly when the server has been unused for a few days. It just takes our server guy to restart the process to fix it.

IIRC someone suggested making a cron job to restart the process at a time of your choosing, eg 3am when the chances of anyone being on it are slim.

Any Linux-ites want to do a little guide for us ?
Quote from ldriver :When i join an empty server , i get stuck in the selection page (where you select track and car) and there is nothing i can do to get out of it.
When i click on "cars" or "track" button nothing happens .The only way to get out is ALT + F4.

I get that A LOT today. :gnasher:
If you get stuck on a host and can't leave it, if you type its exact name here, I can restart it remotely.
I've had the problem tonight at FR - Briscard Club
I reported this bug here

Happens evey week or so. If you want the oppertunity to investigate further, let me know what you require Scawen.
I'm seeing this again on the AUS- Area51 servers.

It's obvious when it happens, as you'll get a heap of "New guest timed out" messages.

I'm going to try the /reinit as Scawen suggested.
Bump..... Still having this issue
Scawen, if your about could you please restart OcUK.Racing.

We have a cup race tonight and our server guy is nowhere to be found.

Edit: Server guy found, doesn't need it anymore.
Scawen, What needs to happen to get this bug fixed?

If you can kindly provide details on what you need, like packet traces, memory dumps, I can provide these.

Bump..... Still an issue.... with 0.5U22
This happened to me yesterday on the Redline Aston Club FOX server.. It was empty, couldnt select anything, couldnt join, couldnt leave.
Had to close LFS to try another server.
Can't leave server (with U and U28)
Sorry for my bad english

Some days before, I've connected to the server 'Team Eire Server' (Version U20). But I can't join to the race, can't add AI driver, can't select a car and - my main problem - can't leave the server!

If I'm clicking on the "leave" button and confirm the question with "yes" I switch back to the same screen. No error message or something else.

With LFS Version U the same thing - but I can close the window with (X) (not fine, but possible). With U28 I can't close LFS. Alt + F4, (X) or try to close LFS via taskbar doesn't work (but after trying to close window only the car and the track are visible; see the last part of the movie)! I can only close (kill) LFS via task manager!

See also attached the short movie what I'm talking about. The server is also still online. You can try it.

I hope, this is not an already known bug. I can't find anything like that.
Attached files
Can't leave server (small).zip - 1.1 MB - 306 views
#23 - VoiD
Quote from Pasci :The server is also still online. You can try it.

Same here. I´m on U28.
Same here with U27 - I noticed that the network connection to the server is actually dropped when I click on "Leave" but LFS doesn't do anything else after that.
I've seen odd servers like that for ages. Are always empty. Never really thought much of it before though.