Poll : is organizing such a tournament a good idea?

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GD team server organizes 12 tournaments. Win s3 licenses

Championships are organized on the server Demo GD team win s3

I have great pleasure - invite all interested for 12 tournaments in which every driver can win s3 licenses.

The start of the first tournament on November 30, 2018 at 0:00:00

each of the twelve tournaments starts on the 1st day of the month , and it will be a full month.

the winner is the person who scores the largest number of points (! champ)

1- Each month, the racer with the most points (first in the list !champ or !ptc) win a S3 license.

2- The minimum number of points you must earn is (1300 ptc) Not enough to collect a dozen points and win the
tournament, you should play on the server regularly.

3- Point 2 it is created for this (it could happen that a person would score only a dozen points - and he
would win licenses)for this the minimum limit is created

4- The winner of the month will receive the license code s3 as soon as the tournament.

5- If the winner. already has a license S3 ,he may give it to whomever he wants but he can not sell it.

6- What happens when the winner does not collect the minimum number of points (1300)

7- The tournament ends in accordance with the schedule the s3 license is transferred to the next month

What conditions you must meet

1- The winner can not use multiple IP.

2- He will have only a single IP address all throughout the championship to win the S3 license.

3- If a racer uses several IP, he will be disqualified and it will be the next racer who win this license S3.

4- Each driver can only win 1 tournament (1 license s3) The goal is to "enjoy" the most racers.

5- Using another nickname by the driver to win another license is forbidden (Using another nickname by the
driver to win another license is forbidden)

6- Driver GD bad (dido bmw)- does not take part in the tournament his points will not be taken into account,
He is the sponsor of 12 s3 licenses

7- Any attempts to cheat or unsportsmanlike behavior will be banished

Another new idea - is to draw all the winners of the tournaments
The great prize (LOGITECH G29 STEERING WHEEL) depends on the course of all tournaments and drivers' turnouts.

I hope everything will happen with the spirit of fair play

This idea was made - To create a desire for sports competition by drivers

I'm with this game for almost 12 years Smile
I really want this game to go back to its former glory

If everything goes smoothly, it may be a good idea to have tournaments where you can win every month (steering wheels)

All this depends, however, on the success of this tournament

If anyone has any problem, he can write to me here or on Fanpage GD Drivers

Thank you very much, I wish you all the best Dido bmw GD bad Smile
Why not? Maybe this will make more players active Smile
It really is very generous from you.
I like the concept, good luck!
New guys don't read forum (atleast almost none) so it don't gives more racers Shrug

I also think ip changes for some every so much time (most maybe all have dynamic ip).

Maybe better to invite some guys make the good guys admin and suprice once in a while some dude.

Talk will get arround

Edit: My experience is u need active slow drivers (but good guys that want to learn)

Hardest thing to find Wink

Edit2: Or make event s2/3 on different tracks
In China the network provider use PPPoE method so there is always dynamic IP... Such a bad situation...
Nice! Sweet initiative, reminding me on how @krisofferanderson started his giveaway Smile
dynamic address itself - it is not a problem if the driver is honest and does not cause problems Smile
RC-Maus - he wrote very well.
there is a large number of new drivers who do not know how to leave the box properly Smile
When I started this game 12 years ago - 7 months I played the offline, today is different, every beginner wants to race with the best Smile
Good luck to the organizers and all participants.
Fantastic idea, greetings from Poland
As you are giving an S3, it should be on demo, right? Still a good idea, and a chance to the good demo racers, who cant afford a license. Hope this gets more popular
It's a FAKE. I had 260 points and he blocked me.
we do not need drivers who have no respect for other drivers.
I do not need drivers like you who are notoriously blocked on every server.
MRC example
you get a ban every day on both accounts
Then change the rules on your server, before sb take a points ok?
from raising children - there are parents.
You would have to write special rules for you.
You have no respect for anyone, you are a threat to others, and you use speed chack
Yes. Rules are Rules. I didn't break any of them. And never crashed anybody on GD Team server because only I driving there. MRC? I dont crashing anybody intentionally, and i HAVE respect to all player even to you. And stop lying about speed hack ok?

You should add one more rule

"Dido can ban you from GD Team Server if you crash with him on any other server"

Your S3 codes your problem.
Well speed hack is a serious accusation. Would be helpful if you could back up your claim and if you're right then that would be it, Freshboy couldn't really say anything against you anymore. A simple .mpr would solve this.
Best is save replays Wink
I never wrote: you are using speed hack on (my server)
However, you do not abide by any rules!
You have no respect for other people.
And the worst thing is that you do not have it for me - and I buy licenses and I pay for it.

PS. your pb is really impressive

Attached images
Bez tytułu.jpg
I made it on TWEAK server not on race server. If about respect, You wanted to meet my mother... Respect? you banning everybody who touch you everywhere on the track, how players with 1:16 can be good if they dont driving with 1:12 drivers? Slower players carashing me sth and i dont banning them, because i have RESPECT for them and i know they need a time to have better times. And after my crash i said "sory" and you said "I have your sory in my dick" and you went to ban me on your GD Team server.
Man !!!
The last time I gave away a dozen or so s2 licenses, there were no problems with anyone.
There are always problems with you.
I know you from the very beginning when you started this game.
Firstly, you foul foully, in a moment you write "sry" or disconnect from the server.
if you do it once or twice - it's ok
if you do it 10 x for 11 races - it's annoying.

I wrote: f..k your sry. - not as you wrote, you are a liar and a crook.

when it comes to your mame. - you cite words cut out of context.
it was about respect and I wrote: (you are 13 years old so I am probably in your mother's age)

recently you had a ban on my servers.
I removed him, I hoped that you changed.
You do not need drivers like you on my servers, I do not want you - is it so hard to understand?
this is my last entry I will not make a trash here.

Neither today nor tomorrow will ever want you on my servers

you are notoriously getting "ban" on each server. I do not want such people
you wrote" W chuju mam twoje sory"

And i don't gettingh ban on all server only on MRC last time.

By the way, you are right, your money, your codes, your server.
Quote from Freshboy :Yes. Rules are Rules. I didn't break any of them. And never crashed anybody on GD Team server because only I driving there. MRC? I dont crashing anybody intentionally, and i HAVE respect to all player even to you. And stop lying about speed hack ok?

You should add one more rule

"Dido can ban you from GD Team Server if you crash with him on any other server"

Your S3 codes your problem.

Freshboy you have multiple accounts that is not something a clean and respectful driver needs. Yet again I have recently banned you again on MRc.
Yes, tournament is a good idea... Gives a chance for a S3 license to those who can't buy it for some reason.

And Freshboy, you won't ever stop complaining won't you? I thought something would've changed during the 6 months I was away..
Freshboy was on ban-on-sight (or something similar) one or two years back on our servers too. Had multiple accoumts then, as well.

Looks like nothing changed, although saw him racing decently, without speedhack, quite recently.