Yes, Devs definitely do what *they* want, and they have the right to do so. There is no need to defend that kind of thinking, because we simply cannot but accept that another person do what he wants to do.
Of course they don't aim to bring back the old playerbase, because with two developers its nothing else than impossible. Deloping a high quality racing sim 15 years ago was much more simple than it is nowadays. If you have any experience on software development, you don't need explanation on this.
Maybe this is useless to say, since some people seems to be bit stubborn to understand that in life there are some things (usually outside us) that we cannot change.
So what is the reason to be still happy? Think for example an other wonderful simulator GT Legends. The sim was introduced in 2005, and they already closed master server years ago.
We can still play this online for fkin free, and even the Devs are doing something on this. Its brilliant. What can we wish more? Okay, somebody says now "what about 8 years ago when they promised...." please...let go of the past! It was what it was and its useless to cry for that forever.
For me it sounds, more Devs are working on something, more they hear crying. Maybe better they don't tell us they are working on it.
In my opinion the november progress report was honest. They could have chosen not to say anything. Instead, they tell us honestly at what speed things are progressing. And yes, the progress is not what most of us wish, so what? Go and buy that Project Cars 2 and stop crying please
It has been said:
“Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
Please, understand the difference. Because as long as we don't understand, we can only S L O W D O W N the progress, by crying and spreading bad atmosphere.