The online racing simulator
Round 1 unofficial results


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Deadline for protests - monday,20:00 UTC
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AWS2019-1r.mpr - 7.2 MB - 280 views
AWS2019-1q.mpr - 3.7 MB - 242 views
Sorry Mishu for the contacts, I should've been more cautious on braking.
Nicholander took out Rony in T1 and did not even post a sorry. I'm speechless. After watching replay, i think the guy is the most dangerous one I have seen in Rony's events. Edit: the sorry came later, ok, better. Still very dangerous driving.
I've missed the brakingpoint for T1 in R1. Glad to see that this didn't cause much problems. Sorry for that (special sorry to Rony).

Was a bit undecided but in the end I'm sharing my race.
Thank you Rony for organising the series.
Round 1 official results

All-wheel-drive Winter Series spreadsheets

(browse for various championships and single round results)

The season of 2019 practically started where 2018 was left off - the winner of last year's final round V.Laguckas started a streak and won the race by leading all laps,starting the race from pole position. It was already his 2nd NewYear City Challenge race win. The defending series champion Fast could not deliver any arguments for race win and finished 2nd,but he at least he stole the point for fastest lap of the race. The 2018 vice-champion Dzidoris completed the all lithuanian podium with 3rd place finish. The rookie Unite was the only non-lithuanian in top5 with 4th place finish,but 2018 FXR Master Sobis started his title defence with 5th position in 1st of the 3 FXR rounds.

Round 1 of course does not decide anything,but already shows the tendencies for the remaining season. V.Laguckas currently has 2 points gap over Fast with Dzidoris 5 points away from lead,everyone else follows in race finish order with 1 point less than driver ahead.

Only 3 teams have more than 1 driver currently in signups list,2 of them leading the teams standings after round 1 - LLM has 10 points gap over RGA with B2R in 3rd. After 1st round it seems like no other nations will be able to challenge defending champions Lithuania again - clean sweep of points in this race,just like last year in 5 of 6 rounds. The battle for best of the rest honor is led by Finland,followed by Bulgaria in 3rd overall position.

As usually there is a change of cars between rounds - round 2 will feature RB4 race in a partially permanent and partially public roads circuit named Westhill North. A track where bravery in the fast support roads section will be rewarded with fast laptime,mistake there - with wrecked car. Track might be familiar for those racing in 129th RTFR,which featured a race with other TBO car FXO. Signups of course are still open,everyone can still jump into AWS action and theoretically take the championship too.
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Round 2 info
All-wheel-drive Winter Series 2019
Round 2

Sunday,20th January
19:00 UTC / 20:00 CET / 21:00 EET

The sunday featuring the round 2 of 2019 AWS season is near and it will be a scary one! Part of the track for this round is quite simple and familiar - both back straights of Westhill circuit,one tricky uphill S-turn section and the "far end chicane". Then the ride starts to get wild as the race course leads off the permanent racetrack towards support roads. Already 1st section features a very tricky left hand turn combination culminating with a tight 90° turn after a crest. Going left continues with variety of fast turns,first righthander is further down the road and it is the one who will send every uncareful driver into the woods. After that a looping and a concrete bridge will lead back to the start finish straight on permanent racetrack. 16 laps will require a good amount of concentration in the fast section for the 40 minute race and on top of that the usual tyre heating problems of RB4 will make things even trickier.

After round 1 the defending champion is not leading the standings and that is something new for him in AWS. But having a strong opponent can boost one's performance,so the fight for title has a great potential this year. Also everyone can still jump aboard for position fights,as just 1 of 6 rounds are complete,plenty of chances even if starting just now - signups ofcourse still open!

Round info:
Track: Westhill North RGE (WE3X)
Laps: 16 (99km)
Car: RB4
Previous winners : B2マ FasT (2018), LLM.V Laguckas (2017)

Server info and password will be PM'ed during saturday (european time) to all entrants,until then server remains publically accessible:
AWD Winter Series
Server is now passworded and password has been sent to all entrants via PM.

The user erko987 still has not enabled receiving messages in this website!

If someone hasn't received it due some mistake,please give a notification!

New entries will receive PM eventually at some point during saturday/sunday.
LFSW name: gu3st
In-game name: UKCT.Gu3st
Full team name: UKCT Canada
Nation: Canada
lfsw name: steve13
ingame name: steve13
team name:
nation: Italia
Seeing few possibilities to cut the track,I would like to remind about rules:
Quote :> Shortcuts - 2 wheels on track at all times. Track is mostly marked by white lines,rumble strips or at least defined by paved surface,while also curbs count towards track. Overtaking outside track counts as illegal and will be penalized in case of protest.

In qualifying this means lap counts invalid if outside wheels of the car in turn touch the grass. Pole position laptime will be checked,if deemed to be invalid - driver will lose the point normally awarded for pole position,next best valid lap owner will receive this point.
In race it will be judged how often and how much track has been cut to determine penalty (10/30/60s).

Main focus will be on the "far side chicane" in the end of 1st sector an the turns before the loop in final sector. The braking area underneath the loop-bridge and tribunes counts as legal track extension until the tribune pillars,use at your own risk due possibility of hitting the pillars. The posts are just track markings for better track orientation,they will not be used to judge cutting,but it is advised not to hit them - you would not like if driver ahead clear a good orientation points away too,right?

In case track cut happens by mistake,driver can slow down - if it's obvious the cutting has not given any advantage,penalty will not be issued.
Round 2 unofficial results


If you want to make a protest,please include all neccesary information.
Quote :Session:
Lap/MPR time:
Involved drivers:
Description of incident:

Deadline for protests - monday,20:00 UTC
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AWS2019-2r.mpr - 7.8 MB - 376 views
AWS2019-2q.mpr - 3.6 MB - 257 views
I messed something in the grid while starting incar video recording, and got spectated because of "jump start". Still was worth to rejoin track. Watched shortly the MPR...second lap was really hard luck for WCL team!

So much fun things in the GenR uNite at 18:08 Rofl
Yeah this round was quite a mess. I wish best of luck to Rony doing the write-up Big grin
Round 2 official results

All-wheel-drive Winter Series spreadsheets

(browse for various championships and single round results)

If we look at the top,there is no change - V.Laguckas winning 3rd race in row and that again from pole position. But due to defending champion retiring early after few rather minor contacts,there were quite few arguments who will take 2nd place on the scoresheet. Sobis was a part in all of those and at the was able to get 2nd place and keep it. Mishu was the 2nd candidate for best of the rest position,but could not find the best line to defend the honor,3rd place in finish for him. The bid for 2nd place for Dzidoris was ended after hitting a trackside object,he finished 4th,Michal returned to AWS after a break with 5th place finish. There were few incidents that are rather unusual for LFS racers,including hiiting trees or rolling off track,which required to search re-entry of track.

After round 2 the picture suddenly looks somewhat different - if before the race it was anybody's championship,V.Laguckas has made 2 big steps towards the title by winning both races,he enjoys 11 points gap towards closest follower and his teammate Sobis. Dzidoris completes the all-lithuanian top3 in standings,he's just 1 point behind Sobis. Still within strike distance is Mishu,rest need more than just excellent performance in remaining 4 rounds. There seems to be 2 top candidates for Rookie of the Year award - Unite leads Mensafest by 3 points,with other rookies having bigger gap.

After scoring all possible 30 points in round 2,LLM starts to ease away from competition,they're currently 22 points ahead of 4-time teams champions RGA. NF leads the single driver teams while being 3rd overall,already 36 points off leaders. Another 30 points for Lithuania and there are little doubts about them becoming 3-time Nations Cup winners. Bulgaria is 2nd and massive 41 points behind,followed by struggling Finland with 2 points gap.

If the 2nd round was fast,then 3rd will be even faster - LFS currently doesn't even offer faster AWD combo than FXR at Kyoto Oval. The 200 kilometer race Winter 200 is known for being cruel to individualists - alone noone has a chance for high position. This is a round which will require a bit different set of skills,so this might spice up the championship a little.
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Round 3 info
All-wheel-drive Winter Series 2019
Round 3

Sunday,3rd February
19:00 UTC / 20:00 CET / 21:00 EET

The Winter 200 is next on the AWS this year's menu - the fastest possible AWD car/track combo,also the fastest way to complete 200 kilometer distance. In year 2014 S.Jurvansuu completed the distance in 43 minutes and 28.85 seconds which is still unbeaten performance. Of course he did not do this alone,that is the trait of this round - you're slower when driving alone,cooperation with competition is needed to finish this race in high position. As usually the qualifying system is different from other rounds,as in oval only hotlap qualifying shows truly the fastest driver. The running order of qualifying will be decided from Drivers Championship standings - lowest placed drivers will start qualifying while standings leader will take his run last. Everyone will have to run 3 laps - outlap and 2 timed hotlaps,after which driver should spectate,only fastest lap counts of course. 2nd timed lap is optional - theoretically cars are faster in 2nd lap,but in case of a mistake,driver can spectate without finishing 2nd timed lap.

As usual,to avoid many questions,Race Green Events' statement about bumpdrafting:
"With closed wheels cars it is not forbidden,but in case of any reported incidents it will be treated as intentional contact,so everyone has to make sure that he knows what he is doing!"

Current standings shows a trend in favour of one specific driver,but the question is if the top drivers from other rounds can perform as good in different racing? If someone wants to step up and take over the race for AWS championship,this round is where you want to start the chase! Also this will be the first from 2 back-to-back oval rounds for Oval Trophy - any oval junkies ready for challenge?

Round info:
Track: Kyoto Oval (KY1)
Laps: 67 (201km)
Car: FXR
Previous winners : B2マ FasT (2018), MTDZX-UM21 (2017), nsys|MareX (2016), RGˆM.Velikov (2015), 22 S.Jurvansuu (2014), S M.Kapal (2013), spdoReno (2012)

Server info and password will be PM'ed during saturday (european time) to all entrants,until then server remains publically accessible:
AWD Winter Series
LFSW name: FalconBridge
In-game name: RG^Falcon
Full team name: Race Green Autosports
Nation: Canada
#45 - EzA
LFSW name: eza
In-game name: [WCL] Eza
Full team name: World Class Lions
Nation: finland
Server is now passworded and password has been sent to all entrants via PM.

The user erko987 still has not enabled receiving messages in this website!

If someone hasn't received it due some mistake,please give a notification!

New entries will receive PM eventually at some point during saturday/sunday.
LFSW name: spiiiky
In-game name: B2R spiky
Full team name: Born 2 Race
Nation: Slovakia
LFSW name: rayman95
In-game name: B2r Rayman
Full team name:B2r
Nation: Spain
LFSW name: -cas-
In-game name: cas
Full team name:
Nation: Serbia
Round 3 unofficial results


If you want to make a protest,please include all neccesary information.
Quote :Session:
Lap/MPR time:
Involved drivers:
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Deadline for protests - monday,20:00 UTC
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AWS2019-3r.mpr - 7.1 MB - 217 views
AWS2019-3q.mpr - 594 KB - 229 views
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