The online racing simulator
atm I haven't older odyssey at my home. May be I will take back it tomorrow.
Thanks for the log.

My initial calculations show the matrix is consistent with the Tan values, according to the calculation in the GetProjectionRaw documentation, so I don't know what's up there. I'll have another look in LFS tomorrow to see if the interpretation of those values is correct.

No rush with the older Odyssey if your friend is having fun with it. Smile

For now I just thought of one more test you can try if you want to. As I read in some old posts about people who found that UpTan and DownTan seemed to be reversed. So I've just done that here without any real basis for this decision, but it would be an interesting (and strange) result if it did seem to cure the problem.

No need to post the logs from this one.

Old post:
Attached files - 64.9 KB - 427 views
Wow. Top offset now fixed.
I think I still feel some discomfort. May be still have some right offset? Will test more tomorrow.
Scawen, sorry for offtopic. Taking this opportunity, I would like to ask you about something else. We are drifting in real life, and we train in the LFS. We really miss a few things.
1) The most important. We need a big autocross. 5x bigger than now. We make layouts based on real tracks where competitions are held in which we participate. But they just too large for autocross. We just need a large flat autocross - 1000x1000 meters.
2) - here post about special drift car. Rly need it.

I don't know, may be it's hard to do, but It will help us a lot.

Anyway thanks for your help with this offset bug.

Here some photos of my E36 and S13 Smile ... 880/3edda/l8sXZ76ulGI.jpg ... 699/39c86/fMseZFr6BOk.jpg ... 872/2dc8e/EdCpIWN0T6M.jpg ... 076/19604/WIo4s9CoQIs.jpg ... 880/1e72e/g1ZoxE8HFtc.jpg ... 699/39c86/fMseZFr6BOk.jpg
Nice cars and drifting! Smile We are interested in providing a much larger flat area at some point. Of course it is a lower priority than getting to a release with the new lighting and new physics.

Here is a new version of LFSOpenVR.dll which is cleaned up and does no logging.

This one works differently and should be future proof even if the bug in OpenVR is fixed (I raised an issue on GitHub but it shouldn't affect us).

It now calls GetProjectionMatrix instead of GetProjectionRaw, then works out the raw values from the matrix, reversing some steps of the ComposeProjection function in the GetProjectionRaw documentation.
Works perfect. Now my eyes are ok. Thank you Scawen!
Was this patch ever released? I think I'm having the same problem on a Reverb G2.

On both 6U and 6U12-TEST I can see my vision jumping up and down if I rapidly close the left and right eye.

It seems way better with the linked patch.
The same fix should be in 6U and any patch since. The LFSOpenVR.dll in 6U has a file date of 8 March 2019 which is only shortly after the one linked 3 posts up. It should give the same results. There shouldn't be any relevant changes in the U12 version that would affect this.

I don't think anyone else has mentioned the HP Reverb except for Ross Burton in this post on the Test Patch thread:

In his case it seems to work well (although his post was before the latest version of the dll). I'd be interested to have a look in the openvr.log file if you attach it here. Sometimes there can be a clue in there. It appears in the LFS folder when you use an OpenVR headset.

EDIT: I see Ross Burton was using the old HP Reverb, not the G2 so it seems you are the first to comment about this headset.
I'll post the log file tomorrow.

I also have another question: the Reverb G2 gets an automatic FOV setting of 93deg which is just wrong and the world scale is off.

It should be 90deg (maybe 91 as the HMD should report 90.8xdeg). LFS is not the only sim where things are off though.

I'm curious where those magic 93deg come from. Maybe that's a hint to another WMR/OpenVR bug? FOV is perfectly set ob my other HMDs (Pimax 8kx, Rift CV1 and Quest 2).

I have opened an issue here as I didn't want to derail this thread):