The online racing simulator
Test Patch T7: View/Controller/VR/AI updates



EDIT: The official update is now available! Thanks for the testing!

Hello Racers,

Here is a new test patch: 0.6T7

It contains updates to allow the use of Samsung Odyssey+ and Pimax VR headsets.
There is a new option to lock the view to the horizon.
Some updates for AI are also included.
Various updates and fixes listed below.

0.6T7 is compatible with 0.6T

- You CAN connect online with 0.6T
- You CAN play replays from 0.6T

You cannot upload hotlaps made with this test patch because it is only a test patch, not an official patch.

Please back up or rename your LFS.exe from version T so you can revert to it if necessary.

Changes from 0.6T6 to 0.6T7:


View filter time minimum value reduced to 0.05 sec


Gearshift debounce code changed to help with the button release


More translations updated - Thank you translators!

Changes from 0.6T to 0.6T6:


New setting "View lock" can be set to car / filter / horizon
FIX: Offset mirror was not drawn offset in forces draw (F)


Updated to the latest version of OpenVR (1.2.10)
Pimax headsets can now be used in native mode (rotated eye views)
Minimum value for manual FOV setting reduced from 80 to 75 degrees
FIX: An error in OpenVR caused Samsung Odyssey+ wrong eye levels
FIX: A loss of accuracy in the automatic FOV calculation


Server side improvement to speed up recovery when there is lag
FIX: Timing bug that allowed damage repair to be done in zero time


You can now set the skill level of individual AI drivers
Single player race limit increased to 32 drivers (AI + real)
You can now change AI live settings / pit instructions (F11 / F12)
Command /aiskill X to set skill level 1 to 5 (for adding new AI)
Command /aiset name X to set AI driver 'name' to skill level X
Command /aiset_all X to set all local AI drivers to skill X
FIX: In overtaking lesson all AI drivers had PRO skill level
FIX: Non-qualifying race restart affected the overtaking lessons
FIX: Spam "This car does not have a handbrake" when hit parked AI


Increased resolution of dashboard texture
Faster saving of screenshots when you press CTRL+S
Driver name and AI skill level are now shown in F11 / F12 windows
Entry screen shows "Unlock Live for Speed" instead of "Demo racer"
New key CTRL+P to copy the LFS window to clipboard excluding border
FIX: Some narrow unicode characters corrupted by an incorrect width
FIX: Host options could state "no bans" before clicking "edit bans"
FIX: Character dialog could be messed up when selecting languages


SHIFT+F2/F3 can adjust time in single player mode (not hotlapping)
FIX: Attributes no longer copied when opening file by command line
FIX: Crash at startup when loading a corrupted car model file


A FULL version of LFS 0.6T must already be installed

To install the PATCH using the SELF EXTRACTING ARCHIVE:

1) Move or save the patch into your main LFS folder
2) Double click the patch to extract it to that folder
3) When you see "Confirm File Replace" select "Yes to All"
4) Now you can start LFS in the normal way

NOTE: You can see if the patch is correctly installed when you run
the program (LFS.exe). At the bottom of the entry screen: 0.6T7



DEDICATED HOST 0.6T7 (non-graphical version for hosting only): (1.8 MB)
Sorry if I missed something, but after installing this new version and opening LFS, I get a message:

DI : DirectInput8Create - DIERR_GENERIC

However, this only happens when I launch LFS first time after updating. If I restart LFS after that, this message is no longer displayed.

Just curious, because I've never seen that message before.
I didn't change anything to do with controllers, and haven't seen that error, so I don't know what that could be. Maybe just a coincidence?
Installed fine here, no error messages.
Same, no error message.
Quote from Scawen :I didn't change anything to do with controllers, and haven't seen that error, so I don't know what that could be. Maybe just a coincidence?

Maybe it's just my computer, but I've installed this patch now for five different LFS instances and that same (error) message is always displayed once. And it's always displayed during that moment, when I launch LFS first time after updating.

I attached deb.txt and also in-game screenshot. Ignore those three error messages related to skins, I certainly know they're displayed because I myself have attached some incorrect files to skins-folders.

For some weird reason, LFS itself says that it's on version 0.6T2, but deb.txt-file mentions that version is still 0.6T.

Little off-topic, but could it be also possible to fix this minor, but still quite annoying bug which has been around in LFS for 3 years (I assume ever since you disabled handbrake from single-seater-cars)?
Attached images
Attached files
deb.txt - 1.4 KB - 407 views
OK, I've fixed the handbrake message bug so that will be in T3.

About the DirectInput message when you first install, that is strange and it seems there is something unusual about the way you have it set up, maybe in the way LFS is launched on your computer?

It seems to be somehow starting a copy of LFS 0.6T at the same time, because of the deb.log you posted, as you pointed out it should say 0.6T2 at the start of the text file. T2 doesn't start the file with "LFS : 0.6T" so something funny is going on there. And the second clue to that is the DirectInput message, maybe there is a conflict between two LFS instances starting up at the same time.

I don't know really but I think it's something to do with the way it's set up on your computer, not actually an LFS bug as so little has changed.
#8 - nacim
Hello Scawen,

I just updated, no errors on my side either. Wink

I was wondering if it would be easily doable to do a unlock verification of the licence when you start the game. I think it would help newcomers when they buy a license. I'm seeing a lot of people not understanding why their game is saying "DEMO license" when they just bought S2/S3.
Test Patch 0.6T3:


You can now set "View lock" to car / filter / horizon


Server side improvement that should run smoother when there is lag


You can now select the skill level of individual AI drivers
Single player race limit increased to 32 drivers (AI + real)
FIX: In overtaking lesson all AI drivers had PRO skill level
FIX: Spam "This car does not have a handbrake" when hit parked AI
Command /aiskill X to set skill level 1 to 5 (for adding new AI)
Command /aiset name X to set AI driver 'name' to skill level X
Command /aiset_all X to set all local AI drivers to skill X


SHIFT+F2/F3 can adjust time in single player mode (not hotlapping)

great !!
I remembered something about the Overtaking lesson in Training.

When the Non-qualifying race restart is set to random, you can simply restart the training lesson and sometimes end up at the front. So you can simply drive away and complete the lesson.
Stupid question:
Can I update the host to version 0.6T3 without updating the clients, too?
If I understand this (host) test patch correctly, "Server side improvement that should run smoother when there is lag" is a improvment of the host not of the client, right?
Quote from nacim :I was wondering if it would be easily doable to do a unlock verification of the licence when you start the game. I think it would help newcomers when they buy a license. I'm seeing a lot of people not understanding why their game is saying "DEMO license" when they just bought S2/S3.

I don't really want it to connect to the internet unless people ask it to.

Maybe it can just say "Unlock Live for Speed" instead of "Demo Racer". I'll have a look.

Quote from redbot_ :I remembered something about the Overtaking lesson in Training.

When the Non-qualifying race restart is set to random, you can simply restart the training lesson and sometimes end up at the front. So you can simply drive away and complete the lesson.

Thanks, I'll have a look at this small bug.

Quote from Pasci :Stupid question:
Can I update the host to version 0.6T3 without updating the clients, too?
If I understand this (host) test patch correctly, "Server side improvement that should run smoother when there is lag" is a improvment of the host not of the client, right?

Yes it is fully compatible so you can update it safely.

You only need to change the DCon.exe (that is the only changed file).
I hope the AI skill level settings look easy enough to understand in the game setup screen (lobby).

The commands /aiset and /aiset_all are supposed to allow you to change an AI's skill level while they are driving.
It's really just a quick update to fix these very serious issues with some new VR headsets. I found a few other things to fix and some quick updates. I won't be getting into improving the AI drivers in this version of Live for Speed. I'm getting right back to the lighting code in the development version next week.
Installed T3, got same (error) message.

However I think the reason why I've gotten that error message is because Avast is informing that this new patch is potentially dangerous. If somebody else has an Avast and has experienced the same issue when installing, could you tell did you also get this message?

Avast thinks both the patch/7-zip-file and LFS.exe (when updated) are potentially dangerous. That scanning which it does must've done something, especially because after Avast reports that this new LFS.exe is not dangerous, it forces LFS to restart again and this time, that (error) message is no longer displayed.

Quote from Scawen :I hope the AI skill level settings look easy enough to understand in the game setup screen (lobby).

Yes they are Smile

However, command /help does not display any of those new AI-commands. I know that they're not Admin-commands, but could they be typed in docs/Commands.txt-file instead (I didn't find them there either)? Therefore they would be found at least in somewhere instead user having to manually navigate to this forum (or alternatively, read that ReadMe-file telling about the new patch)

Quote from Scawen :It's really just a quick update to fix these very serious issues with some new VR headsets. I found a few other things to fix and some quick updates. I won't be getting into improving the AI drivers in this version of Live for Speed. I'm getting right back to the lighting code in the development version next week.

Sorry for one little suggestion, but since we're at the moment doing some minor AI-updates during this week, could it be possible to add this one more AI-update? It's not related to improving AI-drivers at all, it is just one minor change that could be really useful in at least some cases.

It is that we could change our local AI's F11- and F12-settings displayed in those windows at any time. AI's could still use those default settings they use at the moment, but the ability to change those settings whenever you want in single/multiplayer race would be really useful feature.

More information about this can be found from here:
I have launched 32 AI to race, some were blocked in the sand and did not finish (no problem, usual Smile ), but the latest AI to cross the line has a "?" as position as shown on the screenshot attached ... what was wrong with it ? it seems it has parked in the pits like if it has ended the race ... I will look the replay but anyway, strange to not have a position.

edit : understood : this AI has finished the race but has completed less lap than some others blocked in the sand that did not cross the finish line Wink
Attached images
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :i asked if anyone on T3 lagged

The update is on the server side, you would have to join a heavily populated server that is running T3. It is not related to T3 guests.

I hope some heavily used hosts will try the T3 DCon.exe so the changes do get properly tested.
One small thing while you are looking at AI : would it be possible ('easily') to implement again (I tend to believe it was the case earlier) throttle blip when downshifting ? It is rude to see them engaging gears 'dry', locking slightly the wheels while braking ...

edit : btw, my AI were having a strange 'S' line in Deene (Rockingham), that is fixed now Thumbs up


You can now change AI live settings / pit instructions (F11 / F12)
FIX: Non-qualifying race restart affected the overtaking lessons


Driver name (and AI skill level) are now shown in F11 / F12 windows
Now "Unlock Live for Speed" instead of "Demo racer" on entry screen


Updated Commands.txt and /help command
Many translations updated - Thank you translators

For some weird reason, when I installed LFS, it worked correctly, albeit having the same error message. However, when I started single player race on Kyoto Ring GP Long, Avast blocked LFS by thinking that it was a serious threat and it froze that LFS by force. I had to create exception via Avast so that LFS could continue (I didn't need to quit LFS at least).

I'm gonna install it to another instance so I could hopefully show a screenshot what happened.

I've never experienced anything similar to that freezing before that in LFS.
@%!&?# antivirus! Frown
I don't really need screenshots of the effects of antivirus. I can't fix overzealous antivirus software.

Wizard, I don't think I can spend time thinking about strobe. I think it would be best to talk to its developer.

Let's just test and please report if you find any problems with the new test patch, or if you have some comments about one of the new features.

It would be cool if TC would try out the new DCon, so we'll know if there are any problems with the new lag recovery system.
Hey Wizard, please can you post a bit less often?

It seems like I can't make a post anywhere without you following it up with several more posts.

I really can't think there are so many bugs with the test patch. That's what I want to hear about here. Can we just have a calmer approach please?

LFS doesn't interact with antivirus or strobe in any different way from normal. That is nothing to do with the new patch.

There really shouldn't be any posts here at all since I posted the T4 update. People who would like to participate should be testing and letting me know when they have relevant comments. All the posts since the T4 update are irrelevant to me.
This thread is closed