The online racing simulator
Quote from Andy King :Hi Guys, can someone help me with how to add u username to a text.txt file with each added on a separate line as tried for hours with no joy.


You can do that with this:

### Create a text file on the desktop for debugging purposes ###
$FileName = "Filename";
$NameofDirectory = "C:\Users\Sjoerd\Desktop";
$FileExistOption = 1;
### End ###

And this:

### Write results to created text file, for debugging purposes ###
$Filename = "Filename";
$Folder = "C:\Users\Sjoerd\Desktop";
$NewText = "key = " . $licence_name . " | userName = " . $list[$j,"UserName"] . " | strval = " . $licence_type . "" );
$LineToEdit = -1; # -1 to create a extra line
$Extension = ".txt";
### End ###

The first piece of code could go in a start-event of Lapper, while the other part can go where ever you want it.
You do have to think about the fact that you might not want to have everyone's names in there multiple times (like, adding the name to the file on every connect), but it will depend on your purpose with such file.
Hi Yisc, thanks for your help again, getting this error:

Function: 'EditFile', File doesnt exist

Even though it does exist

What version of Lapper are you running?
LFSLapper, Version= by Danny Stessen ( Bass-Driver )
That is the latest version and certainly has that function.
Could you send me the script or maybe your whole Lapper directory?
Hi, is it possible to use Reload() to restart Lapper on another one of my servers I'm not on without closing console totally. If I edit a script while on server 2 and want to reload lapper on server 4 or all of my servers?

Can anyone tell me what the Function of setlicense() is please as can't find any info on it?

Quote from Andy King :Hi, is it possible to use Reload() to restart Lapper on another one of my servers I'm not on without closing console totally. If I edit a script while on server 2 and want to reload lapper on server 4 or all of my servers?

Can anyone tell me what the Function of setlicense() is please as can't find any info on it?


The reload command is always executed for all instanced of Lapper that are running at that moment.
If you want to stop/start a single instance, you need to do that using the lapper console, with a command like this: stop 15-AB-TST
Followed by: start 15-AB-TST

To see which instances of Lapper are running, type this in the Lapper console: list
Cheers Yisc