You can do that with this:
### Create a text file on the desktop for debugging purposes ###
$FileName = "Filename";
$NameofDirectory = "C:\Users\Sjoerd\Desktop";
$FileExistOption = 1;
### End ###
And this:
### Write results to created text file, for debugging purposes ###
$Filename = "Filename";
$Folder = "C:\Users\Sjoerd\Desktop";
$NewText = "key = " . $licence_name . " | userName = " . $list[$j,"UserName"] . " | strval = " . $licence_type . "" );
$LineToEdit = -1; # -1 to create a extra line
$Extension = ".txt";
### End ###
The first piece of code could go in a start-event of Lapper, while the other part can go where ever you want it.
You do have to think about the fact that you might not want to have everyone's names in there multiple times (like, adding the name to the file on every connect), but it will depend on your purpose with such file.