The online racing simulator
Momo Force, loses centering/calibration while driving.
Right, system specs:

AMD Athlon XP 3800+
Nvidia Geforce 7600GT
Logitech Momo Force (black)
Win XP Pro, SP3.
Logitech Drivers ver5.02.

My Momo Force (black) loses calibration while driving. For example, after turning a corner, the center position in the game no longer matches the center position of the wheel, i have to hold the wheel 30deg to the right to make the car drive straight, and after a few more corners, it might have slipped calibration back to normal, or maybe now i have to hold the wheel 60deg to the left to drive the car straight... Basically any time you move the wheel fast, or fight the force feedback. This is not unique to LFS, happens in GTR2, GT Legends, The windows game controller calibration util etc... So i assume its hardware related.

I assumed it would be something slipping inside, so i cracked it open and had a look... Really, there is nothing to slip, as its all geared in there. Then i noticed that these beasties use an optical sensor to detect wheel motion, not a variable resistor, so i assumed it would just be dust causing the optical sensor to miss movements... After a dissassemble and clean, still no dice! Problem is still there...

Then I thought the gear on the back of the motor that runs the optical sensor disc *must* be slipping, even though it has no load on it to make it slip... I marked it with some twink, played a bit to experience the problem, and checked its position relative to the motor spindle... It hasent budged...

I've tried the Logitech clear calibration utility, it tells me there is no calibration information to clear. I've tried the MOMORACINGCenterFix that has been suggested, and it just stuffs up the signals, wheel does basically nothing, and pressing the pedals makes the wheel turn erratically in-game...

One interesting theory I did read is the EMF caused by the force feedback motor brushes arcing on the spindle interferes with the optical sensor circuit... This sort of makes sense, and matches the symptoms, as after further investigation it is only when the FF motor kicks in that the wheel loses calibration. Apparently one gentleman solved this by grounding the case of the motor and wrapping the motor case in aluminium-foil. This is my next step, should be interesting.

Anyway, apart from this last idea, can anyone please shed some light for me? Ive been hunting this inter-web thingee for the last 4 hours and have found alot of people complaining of the same symptoms, but no solid answers...

[edit] - I should mention that for the first 2 years of ownership the wheel was awesome, no problems whatsoever , this is a recent occurrance.

Chur, Zac.
Isn't that wheel the Momo Racing? Anyways Momo Racing had the same problem. It was cured using a "centering" patch. Are you sure you're using the latest drivers, not just the drivers that came with the wheel?

Check the fix from here ... r%20Adjustment%20Utility:

Edit: I just read the rest of your post.. and the fix didn't fudge my controls, they worked really well. Then again, when I was using the centering fix I probably had older drivers than the current one.
Ahhh, your right, it is the Momo Racing.

That particular patch you've linked to is for a different problem, its if you cant get your wheel's center position to line up to the game's center position to start with... Not for the wheel losing calibration mid-play :/. I can get my center position back if i pause the race, turn the wheel lock to lock and continue playing, but its a little inconvenient to do that after every corner, and unfeasable for multiplayer play .

[edit] Hmmmm, the plot thickens.... It cant be the optical sensor unit itself, as playing with the force feedback motor unplugged from the PCB causes the problem to vanish, so the optical sensor is working fine... Alas, this isnt a fix as i like my force-feedback to much...

[edit 2] Right, after grounding the motor case, and wrapping it in aluminium foil the effect is definately lessened, but not gone completely. My method of grounding the motor is not great however, i really need to solder the ground lead to the motor case, but my little 50W electrical soldering iron is not up to the task. Still, its a step in the right direction.

Quote from Starion83 :
That particular patch you've linked to is for a different problem, its if you cant get your wheel's center position to line up to the game's center position to start with...

Actually the centering fix was specifically desingned to solve the problem of "wandering center" during gameplay. Without the patch I had to move the steering wheel to its extremes to recenter. This can a be a little difficult to do in a middle of a race Within five minutes of making many small steering inputs the center started to go of centerline and the small utility helped to fix it.

Your problem may have anouther cause since it has started after a few years. My wandering center problem was right there from the beginning.
Ahhh, yes the patch they release specifically for the problem is the one I tried, that stuffed up the controls. Thats not available from the wingman team page you linked to however, it took a bit more searching to find. Also, found with it were many reports of it stuffing up the controls with later drivers : /.
Digging an old thread here if anyone's still interested to fix their momo logitech wheel:
Quote from Starion83 :One interesting theory I did read is the EMF caused by the force feedback motor brushes arcing on the spindle interferes with the optical sensor circuit... This sort of makes sense, and matches the symptoms, as after further investigation it is only when the FF motor kicks in that the wheel loses calibration. Apparently one gentleman solved this by grounding the case of the motor and wrapping the motor case in aluminium-foil. This is my next step, should be interesting.

Yeah this gentleman was absolutely right. Successfully connecting the greyish metallic case of the motor found just left of the steering wheel bar, with any ground, solves the problem Starion83 describes. I connected mine on the pedal board connector underneath the board by unscrewing the board first (has lots of solder already there). ... d90rqoDUc_7SVpV8jRTYZ17it

Aluminum foil didn't make any difference, so I just removed it.
Also do NOT connect it on the small board that comes with the motor, even if you figure out that the black cable actually is a ground!!
Surprised that the case wasn't grounded tbh, considering logitechs never found out it might interfere with the sensor circuit. A random guy on the net found it tho... GJ Logitech...
Do somebody have this utility link from where I can download software?

I have this file for MOMO Racing Force (black)

I also have DXTweak 2

Once downloaded from the WINGMANTEAM website
Attached files - 7.3 KB - 1238 views