A question about buying the licenses
I have a question about buying the licenses since while I've searched the FAQ and the forums to an extent, I want to be absolutely sure about a few things before I buy one.

That being this - as much as I want to buy an S2 or S3 license right now, my budget dosen't allow it. I would like to purchase an S1 license now, and an S2 and S3 at a later time.

My key question is this - I'm aware S1 is £12, S2 is £24 and S3 is £36.

Say I buy S1 for the price listed (or whatever it ends up being far as being in America goes and anything else I may have to pay for), is S2 still 24 to update to S2?

And if so, would I be better off to buy all 3 stages at once?

It may be obvious what the answer is but I want to be very sure before I make any decision. I apologize if this has been asked ad infinitum and I simply was too inept to find the answer(s) I'm looking for.
you subtract what you paid from the other licenses.

e.g. you buy S1

S2 now costs 12£, S3 24£

Little suggestion, buy the S2, don't bother with S3 unless you want to support the devs
I see, and well, thanks for answering my question.
David 96 is right.
Think about it like this: every license upgrade "step" costs £12. It doesn't matter if you take all three steps and pay £36 at once or you pay £12 for every license upgrade separately and sequentially (Demo -> S1 -> S2 -> S3). At the end, say if you want an S3 license, it will cost you £36 whichever license upgrade path you took before. I hope this helps Smile

/offtopic: wow, you have a really old account, how come you decided to upgrade after 16 years? That's a reaaaaalllly long time Smile
Well, to answer your question as for why long, me and my brother both had/have accounts, and since we had lived in the same house, it felt redundant for both of us to have a license.

That's changed although that being said, I had been playing other games, and I'm giving this one a go again since I can do both racing and practice driving when possible.

Hope that's a good answer.
Hi I know I may be late to ask this question too but I want to know if I buy the S3 license would that automatically give all 3 licenses at once? I want to be sure about that too
Hi, yes, it is exactly as you say. Any license includes all cars & tracks in the lower license levels as well.

It is explained on the Shop page in the "Buy an LFS license" box:

When you click More info, there is a detailed comparison of what each license contains:

As you can see, the S3 license contains demo cars & tracks, S1 cars & tracks, S2 cars & tracks and S3 cars and tracks.

By the way, there seems to be quite many people being confused about this and keep asking to clarify. I wonder how the UI could be improved to be cleared for new users? Any ideas?
Quote from Flame CZE :By the way, there seems to be quite many people being confused about this and keep asking to clarify. I wonder how the UI could be improved to be cleared for new users? Any ideas?

I don't think it can be improved. I think the trouble is it seems too good to be true. For most businesses there is some kind of penalty for not buying everything at once. People think "where's the catch" and they find it hard to believe there is no catch.
#9 - Gunn
Well, I purchased two vouchers recently and found them impossible to give away. So there's the other side of the coin.
(Vitorr_Lopess41) DELETED by Scawen : license begging