The online racing simulator
[Solved] How to update out of date Trackinfo.cfg?
I was looking at the Trackinfo.cfg file, and found that it's way out of date.

It predates Rockingham and the Westhill and Blackwood updates.

The existing file looks like the times must have come from WR hotlap times and splits, then there's a bit of coding to give various times for maximum lap times, range of splits, etc.

Modified the original file by editing tracks and lengths, and removing all times from the cars.

I thought if this file was on my server when driving on my server that the car times would self populate, but that didn't happen. Maybe I wasn't on server long enough? Or maybe because I'm using an autocross layout?

How should this file be updated?

The attached file is just my modified cfg file changed to txt.
Attached files
trackInfo.txt - 110 KB - 267 views
That file can be generated with a separate program called Trackinfo.
I've attached what I believe is the latest version that came out, but if I remember well, the program is no longer working.

It can be started with these command lines:

ConvWr.exe -l licenseName -p pass -c coef -mlc maxLapCoef -o outputFile
ConvWr.exe -i idk -c coef -mlc maxLapCoef -o outputFile

I've tested it on my W10 computer with the following command line:

ConvWr.exe -i [My PubStat key] -o trackInfo.cfg -c 100.5:102 -mlc 200

And it is throwing an error and then crashes.
When running it on my VPS which is Server 2008 R2, the program is working and has generated a file, which I have also attached (I've renamed the file to: trackInfo.txt).

Maybe someone with programming skills would be so kind to revive this little program so that it can be used again?
Attached files - 14.8 KB - 256 views
trackInfo.txt - 144.5 KB - 244 views
Tried running the ConWR.exe file on Win10 after putting details into the main.cs file, but nothing happened when I ran it.

So happy to use your txt file (converted to cfg).

Had quick look, and it seems it's taking the correct records (eg World Record @ 100.5% / 102%). It's also including Rockingham and other new track layouts.

Many thanks Smile
Quote from Yisc[NL] :That file can be generated with a separate program called Trackinfo.
I've attached what I believe is the latest version that came out, but if I remember well, the program is no longer working.

Beacuse you need to have NET Framework 2.0 installed in your system.

I converted it to NET Framework 4.0.
Attached files - 6.3 KB - 252 views
Using Draggo's file and Yisc[NL]'s script, got this working.

Using Gai-Luron's sample lines, I got failures.

My steps;

Saved unzipped files into temp folder on my desktop.

Ran command prompt as administrator.

Changed directory till I was in my temp folder (C:\Users\Sinanju\Desktop\temp>), then input following into cmd window -
ConvWr.exe -l sinanju -p [my pass here] -c coef -mlc maxLapCoef -o trackInfo.cfg

This came back with error message -
TrackInfo maker version 1.3 by Gai-Luron
Small change by FreeScirocco: RO / WE 2.0 / BL 2.0 support
Retreiving infos
Identification is required -
.The following error occurred:
Identification is required -
at conv.Program.conv(String user, String pass, String idk, String scoef, String smlcoef, String outputFile)
at conv.Program.Main(String[] args)
Void conv(System.String, System.String, System.String, System.String, System.String, System.String)

Then tried various other scripts -
ConvWr.exe -l sinanju -p [my pubstat here] -c coef -mlc maxLapCoef -o trackInfo.cfg

ConvWr.exe -l [my pubstat here] -c coef -mlc maxLapCoef -o trackInfo.cfg

ConvWr.exe [my pubstat here] -c coef -mlc maxLapCoef -o trackInfo.cfg

ConvWr.exe -l [my pubstat here] -p [my pass here] -c coef -mlc maxLapCoef -o trackInfo.cfg

These all failed.

Then used Yisc[NL]'s script (changed with my pubstat)

ConvWr.exe -i [my pubstat here] -o trackInfo.cfg -c 100.5:102 -mlc 200


Message -
TrackInfo maker version 1.3 by Gai-Luron
Small change by FreeScirocco: RO / WE 2.0 / BL 2.0 support
Retreiving infos
1 150 FBM 30950 0 0 64870 513 sl10

etc, etc

This saved all info in trackInfo.cfg file

track = BL1
len = 3.3
car = XRT
MaxLapTime = 2.46.60
split1 = 0.27.10:0.27.50
split2 = 0.59.70:1.00.59
lapTime = 1.23.71:1.24.96

Tried different criteria -
ConvWr.exe -i [my pubstat here] -o trackInfo.cfg -c 100.5:101:101.5 -mlc 180

This worked too, and output trackInfo.cfg file

track = BL1
len = 3.3
car = XRT
MaxLapTime = 2.29.94
split1 = 0.27.10:0.27.23:0.27.37
split2 = 0.59.70:1.00.00:1.00.30
lapTime = 1.23.71:1.24.13:1.24.54

Many thanks to you both Smile

My output file using 2nd criteria (WR x 180%) attached. Change .txt to .cfg to use.
Attached files
trackInfo.txt - 171.7 KB - 232 views
Hi Guys, trying to tighten up my Good, Great & Awesome Lapping Points. I need a newbies guide to using ConvWR.exe like..

1) Where do I place ConvWR.exe file?
2) Do I add "ConvWr.exe -i [My PubStat key] -o trackInfo.cfg -c 100.5:102 -mlc 200" to shortcut
3) At the moment I am getting "Could not find file 'D:\AKM Racing UK\LFS Lapper\bin\default\header.txt'" error


1) Download the zip file attached to this message
2) Unzip the file to any directory
3) Open file 'ConvWr.bat' with any editor
4) Replace "[pubstat ID]" by your own pubstat ID
5) Save the file
6) Double click 'ConvWr.bat' to run the file
7) When it says "Done!" , press a key to end the batchfile
8) In the same folder where you have the batchfile, you will now find a file named 'trackInfo.cfg'
9) Copy/Paste that file into your Lapper directory
Attached files - 15.4 KB - 217 views
Hi Yisc,
Absolutely AMAZING Yisc so easy to use now you set it up and posted Dummies Guide thank you.

Next question lol..
My Points System uses 3 times for Good Great Awesome like...
car = FXR
MaxLapTime = 3.21.02
split1 = 0.44.60:0.45.27:0.45.94
lapTime = 1.40.81:1.42.31:1.43.81
I have to add one timing so is it possible to add this as just tried this in header.txt...
Split1Action = TRI_split1_0:TRI_split1_1:TRI_split1_2
But didn't produce the extra timing.

I don't think that the script can produce an extra timing, but I also think that you already have what you need.

When you separate this value "0.44.60:0.45.27:0.45.94" by using : as a separator, you are left with 3 values:


A time below 0.45.94 will qualify it as "Good"
If the time is also below 0.45.27, it will qualify it as "Great"
If the time is also below 0.44.60, it will qualify it as "Awesome"

You can always try to debug this by setting some easy to get values and then drive to split1 and see what happens
Hi Yisc, I manually added the :0.45.94 to my TrackInfo.cfg for AS3 and did the same for RO11 but I wondered if ConvWR.exe could write them for ALL Tracks rather than it being a manual operation for extra timing.

When I first came across the script for my Splitting Points it had a TrackInfo.cfg with it that had the extra timing in for every track/car combination but thats outdated so what trying to update it.

(Andy King) DELETED by Andy King : Wrong Info
Hi Yisc, this is the line that has made me ask this question....

Split1=XX.XX.XX:XX.XX.XX:... ( one or more split, less is first and so on )

That makes it look like you can add as many timings as you want.

I have just read ConvWr.bat again and in the comment it says this:

coef = multiple coef possibility separated by ':'
rem ex : 100.5
rem : 100.5:101:101.5

So for multiple coefficients the line should look like this:

ConvWr.exe -i [pubstat ID] -o trackInfo.cfg -c 100.5:101:102 -mlc 200
Yisc I've done it lol 100.5:102:105 you can ADD as many as you want lol

LOL we both got the answer at EXACTLY the SAME TIME lol

(Andy King) DELETED by Andy King
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