Well, i'd say yes, a 'simulator' like LFS can really give you a feel for driving. It can help you coordinate steering, gas, brake, and possibly shifting (if you have shifter and clutch).
One of the hardest things to do when you begin driving is coordinating all these things WHILE being aware of your surroundings and following the driving codes.
Like people posted above me, LFS can't do much for that last part.
Nonetheless, LFS is great for learning vehicle dynamics. Developing reflexes in cases of emergency can also save your life and LFS can really help training those reflexes.
What to do when you are over/understeering, locking up wheels or recovering from a slide. I always say the best way to learn how not to lose control is to learn
to lose control and recover. You have to know where your car's limits are for you to avoid them. A snow covered parking lot is great for that. When it's not snowing,
LFS can be a usefull alternative.
So yes......and no. You should still do all the driving classes you can, LFS will just give you a small edge when driving on the road. Just remember the blue flag when on the fast lane...lol
One of the hardest things to do when you begin driving is coordinating all these things WHILE being aware of your surroundings and following the driving codes.
Like people posted above me, LFS can't do much for that last part.
Nonetheless, LFS is great for learning vehicle dynamics. Developing reflexes in cases of emergency can also save your life and LFS can really help training those reflexes.
What to do when you are over/understeering, locking up wheels or recovering from a slide. I always say the best way to learn how not to lose control is to learn
to lose control and recover. You have to know where your car's limits are for you to avoid them. A snow covered parking lot is great for that. When it's not snowing,
LFS can be a usefull alternative.
So yes......and no. You should still do all the driving classes you can, LFS will just give you a small edge when driving on the road. Just remember the blue flag when on the fast lane...lol