Hello everyone.
No i'm not new, and yes i am new again. Didn't race for quite a few years and now i'm back again. And boy does it feel like i'm new.
In race i'm called Racer X and most of the time you can find me on a blackwood GP server.
I really enjoy it most of the time, because most of the people are really into racing, instead of bumping into another player.
a few people have been so kind to give me their setup's where they are doing a 1.33 laptime with, but i can't seem to get mine faster than mid 1.35.
I've been reading the tips of all you people how to go faster, and i can't seem to manage it. Ah well, more practising time on the servers i guess.
If there are faster players than myself, i go to the side and lett them pass.
They do not need to be held up by a n00b like me

If there i someone who wants to help me improve, just send me a pm, and if you want i can upload a movie that i can make during one of my practise sessions.
It's just a thought.
Bye for now